

animefan_112 · Ciudad
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4 Chs

Chapter Two: A Lowly Dog

Mount Pouzu...

'Damn it, sparing my life. Kakarot cannot truly think that we stand any chance against Vegeta and Nappa!' he hissed. His brother's naivete was either a huge benefit or a curse, he could not deduce which.

The battle had been only two hours ago but Raditz thought it was an eternity. The low-class Saiyan hated sitting worthless on the ground. The alien warrior was so used to cleansing worlds that were beneath him in power level that he barely knew what it was like to lose.

'What odds do we truly have? Vegeta is a Saiyan Elite,' he internally said. His cool onyx eyes showing his emotion. He looked at his feet the boots that were his shackles for many years sitting next to him on the grassy mountain side.' I've been weak since day one. I'm a low-class dog I shouldn't strive for anything especially when we are going to die anyway. My goal should be leaving this mud ball no matter what Kakarot says,' his thoughts continued. The maned warrior was strong by most standards but to the higher ups in the world trade he was weak, most among the elites and the super-elites believed him unfathomably low in the power range.

"Raditz," the kind voice of his brother's wife came from the doorway." Raditz, come on dinner is finished," Chi-Chi yelled from her position at the door frame.

"I'll be in woman," he barked.

"Woman? Raditz you have a minute until I give your food to Goku!" she shouted angrily back at him.

'Blasted woman thinks she could boss me around,' the third class warrior thought. His scouter suddenly came to life. Numbers rained down leveling off at nine hundred and it came from the north.' Who is this? They have an energy level of over nine hundred units? Could they be of assistance but still Vegeta dwarfs him by quite a wide margin,' he grinned the thought that Goku and Piccolo were among many talented warriors on the planet made him slightly more optimistic

The tailed warrior stood up placing his boots back on. Slowly, the maned fighter entered the subtle mountain hut, his brother and nephew had been feasting on the massive cut of meat that was on the table.

"Come on *nom* the food is really *nom* good," Goku swallowed before eating more.

The Saiyan removed his armor's chest piece revealing a black jumpsuit type shirt. Raditz's face was one of distaste, his arms were crossing his chest.

"This is it? This is what you call a meal for a Saiyan?" the Saiyan growled." I ate better slop eating after the dogs," the Saiyan began to huff.

"You will not disgrace my cooking!" Chi-Chi slapped the Saiyan across the cheek causing the maned fighter to grin slightly.

"You shouldn't have done that," he grinned sickly. He grabbed her wrist causing his nephew to run away in fear." Woman do you know what happens to women that slap a soldier of the planet trade?" he intimidated the woman.

"N-n-no," Chi-Chi gulped a tear brimming in her eye. The raven haired woman was shaking in fear the grip nearly broke her wrist and he was not even trying.

"WE EXECUTE THEM!" he went to punch the puny Earth woman.

"Eep," she grimaced, averting her eyes from the doom that was coming her way. His guarded wrist was grabbed a hand that had a blue wristband holding it back.

"If you hurt her Raditz you are going to regret it. Do you understand me? No matter how much of a help you would be against Vegeta," Goku's eyes narrowed as he let go.

'Bastard,' the long haired Saiyan thought his hand glowing with ki.

After dinner...

Goku was stretching on the lawn, his legs leaning to one side. The Earth's champion was only wearing the weighted shirt he had received from Kami many years before hand and his orange dogi pants.

Raditz was defiantly standing, a snarl escaping his mouth. The older of the two siblings looked more stressed than angry but he would not let anyone know that. He cracked his knuckles and rolled his wrist.

"This training session is worthless even if this 'Bulma' could help us," Raditz chuckled blasting off.

"Maybe, but what if she can help us and this training is going to get us ready for what she is planning," Goku smiled blocking the charge like he had at their fight earlier that day. Raditz fired off several punches all missing their mark by varying degrees of inches." While we're fighting how about you tell me what it is like to fight with this Vegeta guy," Goku stated calmly sending his knee between the elder Saiyan's armor.

"Why bother? I never fought against him, I can only tell you that he makes all of us look like gnats!" Raditz shouted trying to continue his offense. The maned warrior went for a jab but missed his mark.

"Raditz you don't realize how strong I can grow in a short time. With a strong sparring partner like you even Vegeta might not be that far away," Goku laughed as Raditz connected with a powerful right hand.

"Double Sunday!" the blast connected with his brother's guard. The palm haired Saiyan growled, his feet digging into the soil before a sudden surge of power sent him away uncontrollably. Goku was flung from the ground crashing onto his back.

"Saturday Crash!" the purple sphere launched forward blasting the younger Saiyan into the air once more. Goku righted and flipped forward, hius body shimmering to the ground as the remnants of Raditz's attack trailed away in the sky.

"Not bad. You caught me there," Goku laughed returning to his Turtle Stance.

"Big deal you idiot," Raditz chided realizing his younger brother was not getting it.

"You don't seem to get it Kakarot. You would need to increase your energy level by ten times if you want to stand a chance against Vegeta. And just about three times your energy would put you just at Nappa his body guard. Our efforts would have to be many times more than anything the Earth can provide alone," Raditz stated as he blocked a short kick from his brother.

"You might think that Raditz, and you may be right!" Goku smiled entered a crouching stance, feet digging into the soft earth." But you haven't even seen me go all out yet! And you don't know about my newest technique," a blue aura enveloped him as his fist illuminated with energy.

"Technique? You think a mere technique will put you on a level with Vegeta of all people!" Raditz's leg shot in. The force of it meeting Goku's hastily raised left forearm shaking the mountain.

"If you think like that then I guess I have no choice but to hit you back. You know what I'm gettin' kinda excited all this talk of strong guys is making my heart beat," Goku smiled as the blue danced around his fist as he charged forward." Now let me show you what I have up my sleeve!" he shouted frame vanishing.

"Dragon Fist!" he thrust his fist forward unfortunately the younger Saiyan's hand was blocked by his brother. That block however seemed ineffective, a blue light beginning to radiate off of Son Goku. This blue ki radiation went inside Raditz's gauntlet before exploding out with massive force, a roar like that of a great beast coming through the detonation.

"What the hell was that?!" the long-haired warrior coughed his arm tingling.' That shook every fiber of my being is that even possible? That attack, was blocked and it did that much damage'

"An attack that I've been developing since the World Tournament. It still isn't formed well enough to work in regular combat but when desperation comes in anything is usable," the orange clad warrior laughed falling to his back.

"You'll need it Kakarot, Vegeta is ten times stronger than you and holding back is far from his forte," Raditz stated calmly as he looked up at the stars." Don't think for a minute a low-class warrior such as yourself or I could even dent that bastard," he dryly spoke his onyx eyes reaching toward the sky." Vegeta's just the tip of the iceberg Frieza terrifies him. Kakarot don't even think of combating that tyrant," Raditz informed.

"I think I can take this Frieza guy with the right training. After all any warrior can become an Elite if they try hard enough," the palm haired warrior said sitting up.

"You beating Frieza not in a million years," the cruel warrior stated rather truthfully." Beating Vegeta is a long shot not to mention I won't be much of a help," the Saiyan elaborated with a gloomy tone." I'm the lowest of the low, only the weakest Saibamen are weaker than me so it'll take a while," the warrior groaned closing his eyes.

"Piccolo and I can't be the only ones to defend this planet. Tien and Yamcha aren't quite there yet but that's what we are going to work on getting everyone to fighting shape. Whether you want to or not that means you as well," the ruffled Saiyan grinned at his elder brother," Kami has always told me about a God of Worlds that lives in the Other World and he could train me if I was ready," he smiled the thoughts of his later years of a teenager running through his brain.

"You never took that training while you could, a shame really something like a God's help would be effective about now. Afterwards, you might have been a match for Vegeta not that it was likely," Raditz frowned somewhat, he never even had tried his own training always cowering to the superiors." Kakarot you will probably die against Vegeta but that doesn't matter to you does it? You just want to have a decent fight, maybe a lucky break or two. I can't say that your optimism isn't appreciated in these times," the long haired warrior talked but he had no response. He looked over his brother was asleep.' Fool.'

"Uncle Raditz?" Gohan spoke from behind a boulder.

"What runt?" the Saiyan warrior grunted getting ready to stand up.

"Please stay and help us," the long haired boy mumbled." You know the Saiyans better than we do and my daddy needs a strong training partner," Gohan came and plopped beside the low-class Saiyan, the boy was shaking fearing for his safety.

"Boy, if this Bulma woman can help us get ready for them I'll stay," the hardened warrior growled." If she can't this rock is of no use to me," Raditz shot a glare at the four year old.

"O-okay Uncle Raditz," the boy stuttered as he stood up." My mom would be upset if I wasn't in bed so I'll talk to you later," he ran toward his home.

'Humph he is so calm about the coming threat,' the maned warrior thought.' Too bad he doesn't even have the ability to comprehend the power that flows with in Vegeta's veins,' Raditz drifted off sleep finally reaching his tired eyes.

Inside his dream...

Raditz was alone a ghost overlooking the events inside his mind. His onyx eyes turned to the left and right the memory appearing as if it was reality once more.

His eyes settled on a long-haired boy sitting on a stump. The ground around him was a dusty grey the sky above a harsh red. The boy's monkey-like tail swished behind his blue jumpsuit. His white gloved hands were removed from his eyes wet spots from his tears staining the palm.

'Oh look it's weakling Raditz,' a brown-haired Saiyan yelled from behind the crying boy. The child approached his white boots leaving footprints as he stepped forward.' Come on you low-class.'

"Damn you Colli!" the spiritual representation of the present Raditz yelled but it had no effect on the scenario.

'Colli look at the rodent he's crying,' a fatter black haired Saiyan said from beside the mid-classed Saiyan.

'You're right Oli,' Colli smiled.' Saiyans don't cry but Weakling Raditz does,' the bully taunted his spiky black hair whistling in Planet Vegeta's wind.

'Weakling Raditz,' Oli threw a swift punch. Raditz's younger self fell forward landing face first in the dirt, gagging from the winding punch to his stomach. His gloved hands were quickly planted in the soil as he tried to push himself up. Before he could reach a vertical base Raditz's ribs were kicked sending him falling to the ground once more the massinve gravity pushing him down.' Come on insect where is that lash out of power that you are always talking about?' even for a child Oli was cruel he would make for a great mid-class warrior.

'Ah!' the young Raditz flung himself forward. The young low-class's gloved hand smashed into the spiky haired child's left cheek. Oli fell to the ground dazed and confused.

Raditz went for another blow but he was hit on several sides by the others in the group mainly Colli. His left cheek was swelling as blood flowed down from his busted lip. A spinning kick smacked against his arm as another swept out both of the Saiyan's legs. Colli's hand glowed with ki as it smashed into his stomach exploding in a brilliant light. The young Saiyan was nearly unconscious on his back.

'Kill him!' the group yelled a recovered Oli leading the pack.

"Bastards look where it got you!" the adult incantation of Raditz yelled from his ethereal form.

'Stop leave the runt alone,' the demanding voice of the Saiyan Army General roared from the side wall.

'But General Nappa he is too weak to be much of anything, he's a low-class,' the leader of the bullying group complained as he lifted his foot above Raditz's chest.

'Is he? The last time I checked his power level is higher than yours making you a low-class as well. He is still a weakling by my standards but compared to you he might as well be an Elite,' the balding giant growled staring forward

'Nappa said stop, so stop,' a scarred warrior yelled from his post on the other side of the courtyard.' Pardon their behavior General they are just energetic,' the man said his long ponytail of spiky hair blowing.

'But Mister Reis,' the children in the pack complained.

'No buts get to building before King Vegeta gets all of our heads,' Reis yelled in a deep demanding boom. The children scattered running toward the makeshift base that served as their school building.

'Haven't lost that touch of yours Reis have you?' the giant questioned the slightly shorter Saiyan, colleagues in another era perhaps.

'Humph, I'm still not you Nappa,' he responded adjusting a loose bang of hair.

'I know, but keep saving low-class warriors and they'll start calling you soft.'

'So be it. With enough time even a low-class can rise out of rank.'

'Sure they can. A weakling's a weakling,' Nappa shrugged continuing on his path.

'Come on Raditz why didn't you fight back my scouter has you fifteen units above Colli,' the kind warrior said reanalyzing the data that rang across his scouter.

"You know why Reis I had told you dozens of times before then," the maned Saiyan warrior said but his former teacher didn't respond to his present plea." I was too low-class and they were all Elites. You never listened telling me that class didn't matter but you were an elite too I wouldn't expect you to understand," the black haired fighter from the present mumbled.

The scene changed into the future...

'Father where are you?' the six year old boy yelled down the long corridor of the hospital. His black low-class armor glistening in the sterile lights of the sole Planet Vegeta hospital.

'What? Did your mother give birth?' the nonchalant tone of his father echoed down the hallway. The green on the man's armor was the only thing visible.

'Yeah twins,' the youthful warrior cheered.' Both boys they look so cool.'

'Well I have a mission to get to but tell me their names,' the warrior's footsteps could be heard coming nearer.' Maybe I'll have a minute or two to visit,' the warrior looked exactly like Goku did with the exception of an 'x' shaped scar on his left cheek.

'The first one was named Kakarotto and the second was named Tullece,' Raditz yelled his father walking past him.

'Don't use the native language for the names I don't care what Tarni thinks,' Bardock growled lowly.' Kakarot and Turles work fine,' the father barked as he entered the room that contained his twin sons and his wife.

'Bardock aren't they beautiful?' the tan complexioned Saiyaness asked politely her long black hair dampened with sweat.

'Lovely,' Bardock pressed the yellow button on his scouter.' One for Turles and two for Kakarot and I thought they'd be special with how touting you just were,' he stated coldly. The armored Saiyan took a moment to look at the twins their glistening onyx eyes meeting his own.' Not that Raditz was.'

'Scouters weren't on planet yet so how do you know what your power level was mister? You could have had a power level like Tullece over there,' Tarni shot at her loving husband.' Of course, you could also have been weaker. Couldn't you grumpy?' the former Tuffle slave laughed having regained some strength.

'We'll never know now will we. I better get going, Frieza's been giving my squadron some serious missions as of late' the scarred Saiyan barked as he headed for his squad Kannasa wasn't that far away but it wouldn't be easy.' Hopefully you'll pull yourself together by the time I get back. '

"You bastard how dare you say that," the adult Raditz ran forward his fist passing through his father's torso harmlessly.

'And Raditz, you need to get stronger too,' he turned to his son with a snicker before leaving.

The next memory was the worst...

He had recently found his brother on planet Au. Turles was fine physically but the youth's power level was not quite there yet he had a base level of only three hundred but he still seemed strong compared to the weaker members of the Planet Trade Organization.

'So this is all you have to offer?' Prince Vegeta asked analyzing the palm-haired warrior.

'Yes I'm sorry if he isn't up to power standards but I promise that he'll be of assistance,' the teenage Raditz feigned a smile while his stomach turned.' I mean he's a Saiyan so he'll get stronger.'

'Very well,' the flame-haired Saiyan laughed a little.' Turles your first mission is Planet Might,' Vegeta stated his eyes narrowing.

'Alright Prince Vegeta,' the second born twin bowed before heading to the launch bay.

Days passed and finally the scouter's transmission cut out. Raditz teared up, his brother who he had searched for years had been killed on the planet of strong warriors. His Saiyan comrades only groaned at the loss of yet another weakling.

The next scene was in the mess hall not too long before his trip to Earth. He was standing at the back of the line like most of the low-class soldiers. But the main sight was that he was the last one in the line a trained Saibamen standing in front of him.

Raditz walked behind the rest. He heard jokes upon jokes from those seated including the ones he imagined as allies were pointing and laughing. The Saiyan knew even then that his face had a red blush on the cheeks from the embarrassment. He pushed forward knocking the Saibamen down and proceeding.

"Why the hell did I do that?" the present Raditz groaned at his hotheadedness at that moment." However, to be fair it probably tastes better than Kakarot's wife's food.'

He walked slowly and got the last spoonful of slop and a picked bone that the server had grabbed it from the trash. The Saiyan low-class sat and ate it quickly the lack of nourishment disturbing him. The last spoonful was slapped out of his hand falling to the ground.

'Gehgeegege,' the grunts from the green bio-creation radiating from behind him.

'You want to fight then let's fight,' the Saiyan charged his face getting punched by the green fighter. The low-class coughed as he was kicked across the room the tables flipping in the wake. He was flung through a window hitting the ground in a heap the air bubble around the base shaking.

Raditz stood up but he was knocked around his face smashed around with rights and lefts. His chin was knocked left and he fell knocked out on the ground. The Saibamen lumbered off back into the building like nothing had happened.

"Damn it I'm weaker than I thought" he said in his mind as the dream faded away.

The next morning...

The maned fighter sat up his black under shorts touching the comfortable sheet that were on the bed. The Saiyan warrior looked around for his scouter which was sitting on the bed stand beside him.' Who brought me in here?' he questioned memory of the previous night rather fuzzy.

The top of his armor laid on an embroidered chair in the corner. His gauntlets laid on the hardwood floor. His boots rightfully sat at the foot of the bed polished and shiny.' Whoever it was knew what they were doing at least,' Raditz felt the red bands that were wrapped around his left thigh and right arm tighten as he got out of bed.

He stood up his arm stiffened. Rolling it ten times forward and fifteen times back he loosened the muscles and began to walk toward the door. When he reached for the knob the gold sphere turned the door opening. In front of him was a shocked Chi-Chi a platter with food on it in her right hand.

"I-I brought you br-breakfast," the matriarch of the Son family gulped." Here you go," Chi-Chi handed it to the shocked warrior before hurrying down the hallway toward the kitchen.

"Thank yo-" he started to say before he realized that the Earthling was gone.' Well hopefully that wretched woman can cook something better than that meat she served for dinner,' he thought as he sat on the bed's side.

The pancakes were downed quickly as the warrior took a swig of the milk he was provided. The fifteen sausages she had placed on a saucer were eaten just as quickly, vanishing in a matter of seconds. He chugged some more of the milk before taking a sip of the coffee that was set on the coaster on the end of the platter.

Once finished, Raditz dropped the platter to the floor hooking his scouter on first. He stepped over to the old chair looking at his time tested armor, his image distorted by the many scratches. He put it over his long-hair and placed his arms through the guarded shoulder sockets. His long furry tail wrapped around his waist reminding him of the one that was trailing behind his nephew. Raditz grabbed his boots and put them on his feet. He tightened the lace around his gauntlets before heading into the main house.

On his way down the hall a loud motor could be heard racing through the landscape. Being curious the Saiyan decided to open the window to see it better.

The single-wheeled motorcycle was racing along a trail of dirt and the police following closely. The Saiyan warrior decided to exit to investigate the situation. Raditz blasted off his white aura veiling around the warrior as he darted nearer to the cyclist.

'What do we have here? An Earth woman that is actually attractive?' the maned Saiyan thought narrowing eyes as Launch continued to drive on her cycle, unknowing of the Saiyan at first.

He trailed the woman with nothing less than savage intent. His face was formed in a crooked smirk as the police behind the duo began to open fire. He spun around the slow moving projectiles focusing on his quarry.

"Stop following me," she barked drifting down one of the may depressions on the side of the road.

"Oh, I'm disturbing you?" Raditz chuckled darkly." I can fix that!" he grabbed her wrist tightly.

"Hey let go you weirdo!" she pulled out an old Remington revolver. The chambers were filled with the ammunition and she fired all six rounds watching as it bounced off of the warrior's face.

"Ah don't worry you'll be singing a different song soon," his grin grew wider as he took her above the tree line.' There's a spot,' he thought in a sinister manner.

'Achoo,' she sneezed her hair turning from blonde to a deep blue color." Who are you?" Launch asked innocently her blue eyes widening when they landed.

"You poor thing," Raditz sarcastically comforted her." It has been a long time since I had relief from my stress. Maybe you could help me with that Earthling," his grin widened.

"Leave her alone," a heroic tone came from above the canopy, one that Raditz cursed in his mind..