
Chapter147: king

I looked at Alex expecting an answer from him. I raised a brow when he parted his lips and he didn't say anything."baby, I have not told anyone even if I'm itching to tell someone but I didn't tell anyone."he said and I looked at him suspiciously.

"Not even your Friends?"I asked him narrowing my eyes at him and he nodded.

"Not even my friends. I swear baby."he said and I smiled. 

"Great."I said and he looked at me smiling too. I love when he looks at me like this.

"Okay, sorry to break your whatever, you are pregnant Kimberly? God!! That's the best news I have heard."Sheebalie said and we looked at her.

"It's okay Sheebalie. Let's talk about this later."Anderson said.

"Are you kidding me right now? This is big news. Liam need to know this. Wait... does he knows about this?"Sheebalie said and I frowned. Liam? Who's Liam?

"We are leaving. My wife needs her rest."Alex said and he held my wrist and we started walking to the door. Once we were out, I breathed a relief. Damn, Anderson and Sheebalie are making me feel kind of weird.

"You are okay baby?"Alex asked and I looked at him smiling.

"Yeah. Let's go home now."I said and he nodded. He took me to his car and Jaden opened the door for us. Oh my God, I have missed Jaden. We sat at the backseats and I smiled at Jaden.

"How are you Jaden?" I greeted him smiling at him.

"I'm great Mrs Scott. How are you?"he asked back.

"I'm great too. It's nice to see you again."I told him and he bowed then he closed the door and went to the driver's seat and he started the car.

We drove and I think I dozed off at some point because I was woken up by Alex kissing my head and I was on his laps leaning my head on his hard chest. I opened my eyes and then I looked up at him to see him smiling at me.

"You are awake now baby?"he asked and I looked at the driver's seat and saw Jaden still driving.

"How long have I slept?"I asked Alex who chuckled.

"You can sleep all you want baby. You should even go back to sleep. We have some time before we reach."Alex said and I looked away.

"I have been sleeping too much lately. I just can't help myself. God!! Do you think I'm sleeping too much? I think it's too much."I told him still looking away from him.

He held my cheeks and turned me to him then I looked at him." It's okay if you sleep too much. You are the boss's wife and you can sleep all you want baby. There is nothing wrong with you sleeping too much. Furthermore, you love sleeping too so I don't think you are sleeping too much."he said chuckling.

"Are you perhaps saying I am lazy?"I asked him pouting.

"No... My God baby. You are the most hardworking person I have met it's just that you love sleeping and there is nothing wrong with that. I like it when you sleep because at least you are taking your rest."Alex told me flicking my forehead and I smiled.

"I want to sleep again Alex. I've missed this chest and this sweet scent of yours. I love them so much."I said snuggling to his chest. He smells so sweet and that hard chest of his is the best pillow in the world.

He held me tight and within minutes I was asleep again. The next time I woke up was in an unfamiliar room alone in bed. I immediately sat on the bed and looked at the dark themed room and my heart started racing. I got out of the bed and I looked at the black sheets on the bed and the black curtains. Almost everything here is black and what the hell is this place. The important question is where is Alex. I looked around for a door and I immediately run to it then I turned the knob. I got out of the room maybe I could figure out where I was.

I looked at the empty corridor and started to panic. Where the hell I'm I? I looked around some more and I was about to take a step when I heard a familiar voice.

"Mrs Scott, are you lost?"Bella asked and I turned to look at her. 

"Oh my God Bella, how have you been? Damn, I feel like I was gone for ages."I told her walking to her to and I hugged her. I don't know why I did that but it's good that I can see a familiar face around this place I don't know.

"I have been good ma'am. What about you?"she asked when I pulled away from the hug.

"I've been good too."I told him then I looked around and then at her again." Bella, do you know where Alex is? I don't know where I am. Do you think he knows I'm here? This place is kinda off. Do you think so?"I asked Bella who just smiled. Why is she smiling at me? Isn't she supposed to be panicking too or something." Bella, you are freaking me out." I told her looking scared.

" There is no need to look scared. This is boss's mansion ma'am. Its safe and boss just sent me to check on you."she said and I looked around unbelievably.

"Mansion? I thought he was taking me home? I want to see him. Please take me to him."I told Bella and I saw her hesitate." What is it?"I asked.

"Boss is in the middle of the meeting right now." She said and I looked at her questioningly. Meeting in a mansion?

"I want to see him now Bella. Take me to him."I insisted and Bella just sighed.

"Okay ma'am. Follow me please."she told me and I followed behind her and she led me to this door which she was about to open but she hesitated.

"Why are you stopping? Is Alex in there or not?"I asked her.

"He is in there but......."I didn't let her finish because I opened the door and I got in but what met my eyes was unbelievable. What the hell did I just walk into. I looked around and I didn't know what to do. Should I go back now that people have not seen me yet. I wish I listened to Bella. I just didn't think the meeting she was talking about Alex to be having was this one. These are lot hell of people. Who are they anyway.

I started turning back but then I hadn't even fully turned when I saw eyes on me. I cursed inwardly not knowing if I should just continue turning or look at them. Why the hell did I find myself in such a situation. I have not seen Alex in the faces but it's hard to even see him with all these faces in the hall. 

I had stopped without me realising and looking back at everyone though I couldn't see anyone and that kind of situation is really not so good. The way my heart was beating right now, I'm sure some blood vessels are about to burst due to the pressure of blood being pumped. 

Fuck!! This is so embarrassing. I said inwardly. I started looking around nervously and then I saw him and I stiffened. How the hell had I not seen him. He's at the far end chair that's designed only for him and he's sitting there like a king that he is looking all handsome and gorgeous but the problem is I don't know if I should go there or not.