
Chapter146:the truth 4.

"what the fuck are you talking about?"Anderson asked confused about what Alex said.

"Let's leave it from here my dear father in law. I need to check on my wife and see if she's awake and take her home. I need to study everything about pregnant women too now that I have a pregnant wife. I need to understand how this this works because clearly, I don't know anything at all. I need to know what she needs now she's pregnant and what I can do and not what to do with her."Alex said sighing.

"Stop avoiding the fucking question Alex. So you know the Grayson's? You need to tell me everything you know Alex. I only know of the son, what do you know about the father?"Anderson asked curiously.

"I don't have time to talk about it anymore. I'm leaving with my wife and I expect no problem at all."Alex said standing up and Anderson pursed his lips tightly.

"Fuck!! Why do you always do that? Leave something hanging?"Anderson said and Alex just shrugged and he went upstairs.

I woke up just as I heard the door being opened and I saw Alex getting in. I smiled at the hazy figure of Alex that was walking towards me.

"Baby, you are awake?"he asked sitting on the bed and caressing my cheeks. I wanted to lift myself up but damn, I couldn't. I felt like my body wasn't mine anymore. I felt really tired.

"What time is it? I'm hungry."I said and Alex chuckled. He then lifted me up and made me sit on his laps.

"I want to take you home, are you happy?"he asked me instead and I my eyes went wide when I heard what he said. Home? I've missed home.

"Yes Alex, I want to go home please. I can't stay here with Anderson. I don't want to stay with him Alex. I miss home and Shawn and Andy. I miss them so much."I told him. I can't stay here knowing Anderson is the person who has hurt me the most in the world. I don't want to see him and get reminded of what Alex told me. I don't want to even think about that. I just want things to be normal. Just like how they used to be and though I know that's not possible, I want to pretend everything is normal.

"What are you thinking about baby?"Alex asked flicking my forehead and I came back to my present.

"Just some things. Are we leaving now? I want to go now Alex."I told him and he chuckled.

"Yeah, after you have some food."he said and then he called someone. After he was done with the call he carried me to the bathroom and helped me take a shower. He helped me wear my clothes too and when we got out of the bathroom, there were trays of food on the coffee table and my eyes shone. God! I was so hungry.

I immediately went to sit and I think I heard Alex chuckle from behind me. I started eating but then when I tasted the food, I frowned then I looked at Alex. He came and sat next to me and looked at me worriedly.

"What is wrong baby?"he asked me and I pointed at the food because I couldn't talk due to the food I had in my mouth. He looked at the food then at me again frowning." I don't understand baby. Chew and swallow first sweetheart."he said and I chewed then I swallowed the food.

"I want spiced food Alex. I don't want this kind of food."I said and he smiled.

"I thought you hated spiced food baby, what changed?"Alex asked me and I frowned.

"I didn't hate spicy food Alex. I just didn't like the extra spiced one's but now I want the extra spiced food."I told him.

"It's okay baby. I will be cooking for you what you want just bear with this for now mmmmh?  When we reach home, I'll cook for you whatever you want."he told me and I smiled. God!! I love this man. He's the best. 

I ate with Alex feeding me until I had my fill then he packed whatever I needed and we got out of the room ready to leave. We went downstairs and I prayed that I don't meet with Anderson. I tightened my grip on Alex's arm as we went downstairs.

We reached downstairs and Alex looked at me his face worried." Are you okay baby?"he asked me and I nodded.


"You have been restless since we got out of the room. What are you afraid of? I told you that we will go through this together didn't I? So if you feel like you ain't comfortable enough, just tell me okay?"he told me and I nodded looking at him. We stared at each for a while and Alex bent down to kiss my forehead but a voice stopped him midway and we looked at the direction of where the voice came from.

"Hello love birds?" Sheebalie said and I frowned.

"What are you doing here?"Alex asked her the exact same question I wanted to ask. Yes, what's she doing here?

"Sheebalie here just thought of visiting."Anderson chipped in and I tightened my grip on Alex's arm. I started hiding behind him slowly. I didn't want to see Anderson at all.

"Whatever, you are making my wife really uncomfortable so guys, we are leaving. Until next time."Alex said and I bet he noticed how nervous I was. He took my hand in his and we set to leave.

"You didn't tell her who I am Alex?"Sheebalie asked from behind us and Alex stopped and so did I. 

"Let's talk about this another day."Alex replied and I frowned. Fuck!! How many times have I frowned today. Now this is making me frown too. Whatever it is that Alex is supposed to tell me about Sheebalie, is making me frown and my heart race too.

"So you are stalling this for what? Mmh Alex. She needs to know the truth since she already knows the most of it."Sheebalie continued.

"Sheebalie honey, that's enough."Anderson said. Honey? He just called Sheebalie honey and his voice is so gentle and really patient. He can call his neice with so much gentleness while me his real daughter he's never called me honey. Yes, he's been good to me but him calling Sheebalie honey really is making me feel really bad.

"Why would I be quiet? You get the luxury of her calling....."

"Shut the fuck up Sheebalie!!"Alex roared angrily in the room and there was dead silence and I the look he had on his face right now was really scary.

"I'll tell her what she needs to know when she's ready. When she can't handle some things, I stop. And like I have said, no one of you are going to tell me anything regarding what I'm supposed to tell my wife. I'm her husband and I know what she can handle and what she can't. So all of you, shut the fuck up. For hell's sake she's pregnant."Alex said looking at Sheebalie and Anderson angrily. Wait did he just say I'm pregnant? The fuck? I  told him not to tell people about my pregnancy for now. 

I glared at him and I guess he noticed my glare and he raised a brow at me."I told you not to tell people about it. How many have you told since I told you I'm pregnant Alex?"I asked him angrily.