
Action: The YouTube Adventures of the Ironfam

Peter stepping into the limelight, as seen through videos.

Emily_Weaslette · Película
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51 Chs

Lost my Memory Prank on MJ

The video opens to Peter sitting in his bedroom. 

"Why hello there, Ironfam," he says. "Today, I have decided to make very stupid decisions; I'm going to prank MJ." 


Peter is sitting closer to the camera now. "Also I'm sorry about the video that was posted earlier, I was really high and also had lost a lot of blood. Don't worry, that was filmed a few days ago and I'm fine now." he whispers. 


Peter has returned to his original position. "Anyway," he continues, as though the interlude had never happened. "I've seen this video floating around YouTube, where one person in a couple pretends to lose their memory. So I thought I'd try it on MJ. I think I could be really convincing… sometimes after patrol, I'll come back and be really out of it, and forget things, so basically I'll just be acting like that happened but worse. I'll pretend to have gone back a few years. I'll probably mention May a lot, ask if 'Mr. Stark' can help me, stuff that I would be talking about a year or two ago, before MJ and I started going out, even before we were friends. I'll act like I have no idea who Harley is… actually, this could be a prank on Harley, too, if he decides to show up." 


"So basically what I'm going to do," Peter explains. "Is cover myself in this fake blood I found. I'm then going to kind of crash into the window? MJ is going to be in the living room, waiting for me to get back from patrol, because we're hanging out tonight, Ned and Harley are supposed to come too, but who knows. So I'm gonna crash into the window, and then when MJ undoubtedly freaks out and lets me in, I'll act all out of it, keep talking like I'm fourteen and just got my powers and stuff. Then I'm gonna just… keep going until I feel like it's about to go too far? Then I'll stop, let her know it's fake and that I'm fine and stuff." 


Peter is now in the bathroom, his Spider-Man suit on, without the mask. 

"So, I'm just going to… pour this all over me?" he shrugs. "You'd think I'd be better at this, considering the amount of times I've crashed into the window covered in blood…"


There's a time lapse of Peter pouring the blood down his front, smearing it around a bit, then putting his mask on and rubbing some of the blood around it. Finally, he seems satisfied. 


Peter is leaning down to whisper to the camera. "So, MJ thinks I've been out on patrol this whole time," he says. "I've already got a camera set up in the living room with her…" 


There is a brief clip of MJ sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone. 


"So now I've just got to go around the back, sneak out, and go crash into the window. I hope I don't alarm any civilians…" 


The camera once again shows MJ sitting on the couch, scrolling through her phone. Suddenly, there's a loud crash, and Peter appears in the window behind her. 

"Oh my god!" MJ exclaims, leaping up. 

Peter weakly lifts a hand to knock on the window, smearing blood all over it. 

"Oh my god, Peter!" MJ very nearly shrieks, running to the window. "Friday, open the window! Now!" 

The window opens, and Peter falls through, face planting into the floor. MJ drops to her knees beside him, resting a hand on his shoulder. 

"Oh my god, Peter, what happened?" she asks. "Where is all the blood coming from?" 

"Huh?" Peter asks, squinting up at her. "I need, uh… can you get May please?" 

MJ visibly pauses at that. "Get… who?" 

"May, I need May…" Peter mumbles, his words slurring. "I need… I was trying to help Mr. Stark, and I, uh… I need May?" 

"Peter, May's… May isn't here," MJ says stiffly. "Do you… do you want me to go get Tony for you?" 

"Tony?" Peter asks. "Tony who? Who… who are you?" 

"Who am I?" MJ looks startled. "Peter, it's me, it's MJ, are you okay?" 

"MJ?" Peter looks thoroughly confused. "As in… as in Michelle from Decathlon? What are… what are you doing here?" 

"Michelle from Decathlon?" MJ asks. "What are you - " 

The elevator dings, and Ned and Harley come into frame. 

"Hey, what's going on?" Harley asks. "Is Peter here?" 

"Physically? Yes," MJ says. 

"Oh, hey Ned," Peter waves, trying to stand up and immediately falling over. "And, uh… who are you?" 

Harley stops dead in his tracks. "Excuse me?" 

MJ hurries over to them. "He keeps asking for May, and he referred to me as 'Michelle from Decathlon.' I don't think he's… all there, at the moment." 

Ned looks deeply concerned. "He's asking about May?" 

"Hey, hey Ned!" Peter calls. "Did you see on the news yesterday? Mr. Stark saved those kids from the subway!" 

"Mr. Stark?" Harley asks, as Ned looks even more troubled. 

"Yeah, I saw," he calls back, before turning back to MJ and Harley. "That happened almost three years ago, right after Tony recruited him. There's definitely something seriously wrong." 

MJ walks back over to Peter. 

"Hey, Peter, it's me, it's MJ," she says, sitting down on the floor next to him. 

"Yeah, hi, MJ," Peter shrugs. "Hey, where's May? I think… I think I need her help with something? She'll be really mad if I get blood in the carpet." 

"Peter, May isn't…" MJ glances behind her at Ned and Harley, who both sigh, but step forward. 

"Listen, Peter," Harley says. "May can't come right now, but if you'd like, we could go get Tony for you." 

"I'm sorry, who are you?" Peter asks, sounding like he's trying to be polite but is also confused. 

Harley gives Ned and MJ a weird look. "Um, I'm Harley? The other random kid that Tony Stark adopted? We were almost kidnapped together? I pretended to be you so you could catch a criminal? I literally dug a bullet out of your shoulder three weeks ago so that Tony wouldn't know you'd gotten shot-"


"Peter, listen, it's me," Harley says, reaching out to touch Peter's arm, but Peter jerks violently back. 

"I don't know who you are, don't touch me!" he snaps venomously. 

Harley holds his hands up in surrender, backing away. "Alright, alright," he says, before turning to Ned. "Go get Bruce, something's seriously wrong with him." 

Ned nods, and starts hurrying away. Peter looks up, and notices him leaving. 

"Where's he going?" he asks. 

"He's just going to get May," MJ says soothingly. "We're gonna make sure you don't get blood on the carpet." 

"****, is he getting Bruce?" Peter asks, starting to laugh. "Ned, NED! Come back, I was just kidding, I'm fine, don't bother Bruce!" 

Ned slowly comes back into frame, as MJ stands up and backs away. 

"Parker, what the **** is going on?" she demands. 

"I'm just, uh… I'm pranking you guys?" 


"Peter Benjamin Parker Stark, I was so worried about you!" MJ snaps. "I thought you were dying!" 

"I know, that was, um, sort of the point?" Peter says sheepishly. "That would be why… it was a prank…" 

"Oh my god, Peter," Harley rolls his eyes. "What was with the whole, 'asking for May, who the **** are you' bull****?" 

"It was the 'I lost my memory' prank," Peter explains. "Technically, it was supposed to be on MJ, but you guys showed up, so… you got pulled into it." 

"I hate you," MJ declares. "I hate you so much. I hate YouTube, too." 



All four teenagers are sitting on the couch. 

"Don't worry, guys, MJ doesn't actually hate YouTube," he says. "She was just stressed out. Anyway, there's that… I finally posted for you guys! Clint took Lady and Chloe with him to this little farm he was visiting, so don't worry about them, either, I realized they haven't actually been in a whole bunch of videos. Don't worry, I do pay attention to them, I just tend to remove them from the area when I'm filming because Chloe has a history of knocking over cameras and Lady just wants to be the center of attention all the time." 


"Anyway! Thank you guys for watching this video!" Peter exclaims. 

"We learned that Peter has decided he wants to do pranks on this channel," Harley adds. "Just not between him and Tony, because they're both way too stressed out about Tony's wellbeing, you know, since Tony has heart conditions and Peter's a reckless teenage superhero." 

"Shut up." 


"If you liked this video, like and subscribe to join the Ironfam if you want to see more of… this," Peter says. "I'll see you all next week! Bye!" 
