
Action: The YouTube Adventures of the Ironfam

Peter stepping into the limelight, as seen through videos.

Emily_Weaslette · Película
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51 Chs

Apparently I'm worthy??? *Tony tries to prank Peter and fails*

The video opens to Tony, sitting on his bed. He's a little too close to the camera, and is speaking very quietly. 

"Okay," he whispers. "So, uh, welcome to the Ironfam, I guess. Today I'm going to be pranking Peter. I know we said that we weren't going to do pranks on this channel, because that has turned out very poorly in the past, but I thought… this one is relatively harmless, and it will be funny, so… yeah. So, if you guys saw our last video, you'll know that Peter wants to know if he'd be able to lift Thor's hammer. And Thor actually just came back to our world for a visit, so… we're gonna mess with Peter. I've made a perfect replica of Thor's hammer; well, perfect except for the fact that anyone can pick it up. So I've put this fake hammer on the table, on top of Peter's homework. He's about to get up to get ready for school, and he's going to have to get his homework, and so I assume he'll try to lift the hammer. When he does, the hammer will move, obviously, and he'll be all excited and think he's worthy.  I've already got a camera set up, to catch his reaction without looking suspicious. Then, when he gets back, from school, I'll have Thor's real hammer on, like, Peter's favorite blanket or something, and when Peter tries to move that one, it won't move. And then, I dunno, he'll be confused and I'll tell him the hammer from this morning was fake, and I dunno what he'll do then, but it'll probably be funny! Anyway, let's get on with it." 


Peter sprints into the kitchen and skids to a stop, muttering under his breath. 

"Where's my homework, where's my homework…" he breathes. His eyes fall on the table, and the hammer sitting on top of several papers. "Ah, ****, Thor," he mutters, walking towards the table. 

Peter glances around the room, before he hesitantly reaches out and pushes gently on the hammer. It moves. Peter's face betrays his complete and utter surprise, and he glances around again, looking a mixture of excited and confused. Slowly, he wraps his hand around the handle, and lifts the hammer up. Quickly, he scoops his homework out from under it, then sets the hammer back down exactly where it was before, and leaves the room. 


Tony is in the kitchen now. 

"Peter didn't say anything about the hammer before he left for school," he says, frustrated. "He just… left. He just left, without a word. He looked a little weirded out, but he said nothing. This is way less entertaining than I thought it would be." 

Pepper enters the frame in the background, Morgan in her arms. 

"What did you do?" she immediately asks. "What's way less entertaining than you thought it would be?" 

"Nothing!" Tony immediately exclaims. 

Pepper gives him a look. 

"What, nothing, I did nothing!" Tony repeats. "I just… I'm just messing with the kid a little, that's all." 

"Oh yeah?" Pepper says, smiling slightly. "Which kid? Harley? Peter? I know it wasn't Morgan, so…" 

"Alright, alright, it's Peter," Tony rolls his eyes at the camera. "I'm just messing with Peter a little bit, that's all. Completely harmless. Just for laughs. Everything's fine." 

"Anthony Edward Stark, if Peter is even mildly upset after whatever you've pulled, you will be sleeping on the couch for a week," Pepper says, leaving the room. 

Tony makes a face after her. 


Tony is standing in the bathroom, holding the camera just a little too close to his face. 

"Alright," he whispers. "So, we just had dinner, and we're about to go settle down for a movie and probably some, like, ice cream or something. I had to come in here because Peter's doing the dishes right now, so he wouldn't be able to hear me. I had Thor put his actual hammer on Peter's favorite blanket, just on the floor, so… we'll get to see what happens! And it'll be totally realistic because Thor just sort of leaves his hammer lying around wherever when he comes over, so Peter won't even question why it's on the floor." 


Peter enters the living room. Popcorn can be heard in the background. 

"What movie are we watching?" Tony calls from off frame. 

"I dunno," Peter calls back. "I was just going to go through Netflix and see what I could find." 

"Alright," Tony says. 

Peter's eyes fall on the hammer and the blanket. 

"****," he whispers. He glances over his shoulder, presumably checking to make sure that nobody's there, before he gently picks up the hammer, sweeps the blanket out from under it, and puts the hammer back. He settles onto the couch, picks up the remote, and turns on the television. 

Tony enters the room, holding two bowls of popcorn. When he sees Peter sitting on the couch, wrapped in the blanket, and the hammer now sitting on empty carpet, he drops both bowls. 

"Dad?" Peter asks. "Are you… are you okay?" 

"How'd you get the blanket?" Tony asks. 

"What do you mean?" Peter asks, looking uncomfortable. "It was… it was just sitting on the couch, I just picked it up." 

"It was not," Tony objected. "It was on the floor under the hammer, I had Thor put it there earlier!" 

"What?" Peter asks. "Was… was it your fault it was on my homework this morning, too?" 

"It wasn't on your homework this morning!" Tony exclaims. "I made a fake one and put it on your homework, I was trying to prank you! What, did you have Thor come move it and I didn't notice?" 

"No, I just moved it!" Peter says. "So it's fake?" 

"No, it's not fake!" Tony kneels down and picks up the bowls, before standing back up. "The one this morning was fake, that is Thor's actual hammer!" 

Peter looks lost. "I am so confused. So, what, I moved the hammer?" 

"Yeah, I guess you did!" Tony looks shell-shocked. "This was… not how this was supposed to go!" 

Tony walks over and picks up the camera. Peter whirls around, and makes a face.

"You were filming that?" he asks. 

"Yeah, I filmed you this morning, too," Tony says. "I just… this is not what I thought was going to happen!" 


Peter and Tony are both sitting on the couch. 

"So…" Peter says. "Apparently I'm worthy? I don't really know how it works, Thor says I could rule Aasgard now, but… I'm not really in the mood to deal with that, so I think I'll let Thor keep doing that. We learned that Mr. Dad can't prank me, so that's fun." 

"It would have been hilarious if you weren't worthy," Tony grumbles. 

"Yeah, whatever," Peter rolls his eyes. "I guess it's time for the outro. Wait," he turns to Tony. "Did you even do an intro?"

"Of course I did an intro," Tony rolls his eyes. "Peter, I've been doing this for over a year, I know how to film a video." 


"So, thank you for watching this video!" Peter says brightly. "Like and subscribe to join the Ironfam if you want to see more of… this. See you guys next time! Bye!" 
