
Acnologia Tempest: The Middle Brother

After his defeat on the hands of Fairy tail and it's friends, Acnologia find himself alone with his thoughts, finally he is free from the constant destructive thoughts. He regrets how his actions made him like he was. "If there is another chance, I would make sure to experience everything that I have wasted away in hatred." Follow Acnologia as he finds himself in a cave alone. As he tries to find the way out, Acnologia finds himself meeting a couple of people that will forever change his life.

Doragon · Cómic
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76 Chs

The Apocalypse and the Scarlet Despair

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The roads leading to Tempest were busy today, Orc guards were patrolling the roads and making sure carriages were safe, while Chaos Wolves riders were driving monsters away. Fancy carriages were making their way to the city, from merchant carriages to royal parades, such sight can only signify that there is an important event taking place, an event so important that moved kings and queens with merchant lords alike.

Indeed, the marriage of the Scarlet Wings of dispair and the Elder Dragon of infinity is much more than just important. It was historical.

Coming Ruberios, the Parade of the holy kingdom escorted by the holy knights, in her own royal carriage, Valentine was sitting gracefully, accompanied by Hinata and her butler. While they could have just flown to Tempest instantly, there was a need to put a show for the Elder Dragon and the rest of the world, showing that Ruberios and Tempest are in a good relationship, much to Hinata's displeasure.

Up in the sky, Milim was leading a horde of sky eagles, a Majestic creatures from Grey's kingdom together. Each eagle was as large as mansion.

Dwarf king was no exception, he was the first ally of Tempest and he too was required to show the depths of their relationship as he led a parade of Pegasus followed by a carriages filled with gift and tributes.

Many, many more people were flocking towards Tempest.

And the people of the show themselves were busy to the last of them. Servants were running around the city to do their jobs perfectly. Shuna was with Irene, doing her wedding dress. She has been working on the design for a whole day, Master Rimuru helped her greatly.

Irene, the Woman of the day was looking at the mirror, it honestly baffled her, she knows she was beautiful, but with the way her make up was done and her wedding dress, she was honestly impressed.

Her reflection in the mirror showed her wearing a very long Kimono-like dress in Red and Gold. It seems the theme of the dress was inspired by Tempest's cultural clothes and Rimuru's ideas that he introduces from time to time. In all honesty, Irene preferred this dress on any boring white dress. She was full of life and energy, the little make up she had on did nothing but enhance her looks a thousand fold, better than a face covered in make up.

For the first time in a while, Irene was excited about something.

Meanwhile, on the grooms side. Acnologia was laying on the couch lazily in his usual clothing. He was looking at his older brother Veldora practicing his speech, a cheesy one at that.

If he was physically able to sleep, he would have fallen asleep by now.

"What the hell?!!!" An ear shattering roar came from the door that made Veldora flinch.

Acnologia rolled his eyes to see his female brother standing there in fire "Why?" Rimuru asked "Why are you still in your casual clothes?!"

"We still have time, the wedding is still untill sunset." Acnologia said.

"That's right, the wedding, but who is gonna greet all the guest that are coming to the city?" Rimuru quickly grabbed his brother's clothes for the wedding and rushed towards him. He turned into his slime body and throw the clothes in his mouth and swiftly splashed himself on Acnologia.

In a second, Acnologia was in his wedding clothes, a Blue Kimono with black Dragon markings.

"What the hell?!" Even Acnologia was amazed at how he got dressed.

"Pull yourself together, these guests won't great themselves!!" Rimuru shouted "And Veldora, there won't be any speech!!"

"What?!" Veldora got his heart broken and Acnologia was dragged to greet the guests.

Well, it was his job. His is the King, and he needs to present himself. Standing at the north of the city where the wedding will take the place, at the Storm Gardens, a vast land dedicated to growing all sorts of plants by the Orcs, Goblins and Dryads, a beautiful sight, any event held in this Garden will be beautiful by default.

Acnologia was greeting all sorts of people together with Rimuru and Benimaru. A boring activity for Acnologia, but the job must be done.

The most annoying part was dealing with Milim's arrival with all sorts of gifts she brought. Mainly food stuff, rare meat from creatures all over her domain. Acnologia have no energy to deal with her so he sent he with Rimuru to take a look at the food.

Next came The Dwarf king. As expected, he was a wise man, he didn't talk much and only exchanged greetings and congratulated Acnologia, even though he had a lot of concern about this marriage, he wasn't an idiot yo bring it up. Later he presented his gifts, a rate set of jewelry made by his best smiths.

After him came many merchants who presented their products as gifts, a hidden agenda of course, all hoping that Acnologia will like their stuff and ask for more. Typically, that's how most royals behave when they like something, they want more of it.

Sometime later, the Elves from the sorcerer's dynasty arrived, led by blonde haired elf man. His eyes flashed with intelligence and carefulness.

"Elder Dragon Acnologia, I hope that you do not mind us joining this great event!" The Chief spoke with a polite smile.

Acnologia sighed "Welcome, your presence makes us happy today." Acnologia repeated the words he practiced and said to many before him.

"Our two nations has never interacted before, I hope this very first one will be the start of a good relationship. As a token of friendship, please accept our humble gift." The Elf said.

Acnologia looked at what was presented to him, a sphere of white light that glowed intensely in the Elf's hand "This is an Element Sphere, Light Sphere, in my nation, we use this to light up the streets in the night."

Acnologia looked at it and spoke "We have our lights too." He said.

The Elf chief smiled "This sphere stores the day's light and reflects it in the night, it requires no maintenance and it very environmental friendly."

Acnologia gestured for Benimaru as the latter took the sphere in his hands and stored it in it's box.

"Your gift is very thoughtful and generous. I will keep this in mind. Enjoy the party." Acnologia said with a light smile. Well, that was the closest to it as his lips barely moved an inch upwards.

The guests kept coming, and finally, the people that Acnologia took noticed of the most. Demon Lord Valentine with her fancy parade of carriages and holy knights, she drew a lot of attention to herself.

She walked towards Acnologia once she noticed him when she walked out of her carriage.

"Good day. Elder Dragon of Infinity!" Valentine greeted Acnologia like a noble lady "We came to attend your grand wedding, and we have brought many gifts with us, I hope they suit your taste." She said.

Acnologia chuckled "There is only one gift that I care about from you." He said. "You brought it?"

"But if course. It will all be presented to you as soon as the wedding ends and the we are free of company." Valentine said.

Acnologia frowned, to him. It seemed like Valentine is delaying giving him the feather as much as possible. But in truth, she just doesn't any wandering eyes see her giving the symbol of her faith to an Elder Dragon.

"And this, I have also brought the knight we talked about. This is Hinata." Valentine presented Hinata who stood behind her with eyes gazing at Acnologia intensely. "She deeply regrets her mistake and wishes to apologize to you and your brother."

Valentine put some force on Hinata's shoulder making her bend in front of Acnologia, much to the displeasure of Hinata. Valentine glared at Hinata and spoke "I told you what you should do." She said.

Hinata grunted and put her hand on her heart "I deeply apologize for my past actions, Elder Dragon of Infinity. My rashness caused much unwanted conflict between our nations. I have received my lady punishment, and I only hope that you forgive my ignorance."

In the middle of her little apology, Hinata felt something on her forehead. When she opened her eyes to see what it was. She saw Acnologia out his index in the middle of her forehead, his eyes glaring death at her "I should just blow your head off." He mumbled.

"Infinity Dragon. You have promised me." Valentine spoke in hurry, reminding Acnologia of their promise, the promise of no harm shall fall on any of her subjects from Acnologia's side.

But, Acnologia only sighed. He removed his finger and spoke "I gave my word, indeed. But try that shit again." He said to Hinata who was glaring daggers at him. For a moment, he wished to drive his two fingers in her eyes and take them out.

"Enjoy the party." Acnologia said as he pointed inside.

Taking their cue. Valentine entered with her escorts.

Much time later, the sun was turning red and it was time.

Regurdo was responsible for the event schedule so he was announcing the start of the ceremony. On his cue, Dragons filled the sky as they circled like hawks, a mesmerizing sight. Wolves took on the rooftops with their majestic black fur and blue markings. Everything was ready.

Acnologia was dragged by Rimuru to his place in front of the podium where Veldora was standing in all seriousness holding a his "holy book".

"What are you doing?" Rimuru glared at Veldora and questioned him.

Veldora smirked "You said there is no speech, so I knocked out the officiant and took his clothes."

Rimuru had veins on his neck, he wanted nothing but to strangle his wild brother, but there is no time. Later then.

Acnologia smiled at the stupidity of Veldora and just shook his head.

Suddenly, the Garden started to get loud as a group of girls appeared led by Shuna.

In the center of that group was Irene, the focus of the voices. Everyone was mesmerized, Belsar who was waiting for his queen to appear and walk her down the path was stunned, couldn't find words to speak. He knew his queen was beautiful beyond comprehension, but today, especially today and at this very moment, Irene was the peak of beauty, no one was more beautiful than her and no one will ever be more beautiful than her. Her brown eyes reflected an earthen outlook, Jewels of the beauty of the earth only for her, the sun reflected on her scarlet hair like fair on wood. Her light smile was more dazzling than any star.

Acnologia had his eyes wide open, even for his unmoving and non-existing heart, he couldn't help but be stunned at the beautiful woman that is soon to be his wife. The sight of her walking towards him, leaving Shuna and Shion and joining Belsar who walked her towards him, his green eyes only had her in his vision.

Soon, Irene was in front of him, in all her glory, her Long Red and Gold Kimono complimented her mad enhanced her aura.

Finally, Irene's eyes gazed shifted towards Acnologia's as the two shared a moment to gaze at each other.

"Alright, let's get to business." Only for Veldora's to break them for their little moment.

"Oh! Yes, yes." Acnologia took his eyes off Irene and looked at Veldora "Do the thing." He said.

Irene only sighed, she was kinda disappointed, she enjoyed the little moment, she felt as if she was linked with Acnologia briefly, tsk, but the Storm Lizard has no social IQ.

Rimuru on the other side was holding himself from launching a bullet hell on Veldora as his face glitched between a sweet smile and an evil frown.

"And now, this is a very special moment in history." Veldora said seriously, like a holy man with a book in his hand, a book of a manga of course. "I will ask you to confirm. Irene Belserion, Queen of Dragons, Ruler of Dragnof, do you accept Acnologia Tempest as your husband and king?"

This was the moment everyone was waiting for, so paid attention to the max.

"Yes." No hesitation, Irene spoke out proudly.

"Then, I ask you to confirm, Acnologia Tempest, Elder Dragon of Infinity, King of the monster, Ruler of Tempest and the Jura Forest, Do you accept Irene Belserion as you Wife and queen?"

"Yes." If Irene didn't hesitation, why should Acnologia.

"Yes." He said.

"Then, by the power I have bestowed upon myself, I declare you both husband and wife, king and queen." Veldora put each of his hands behind Acnologia and Irene as he said "Now Kiss!"

"That's it!!" Not bearing to witness another meme from his brother, Rimuru blinked and punched Veldora to the clouds to the shock of everyone present.

"Ahem! Before the kiss, you must exchange the rings!" Rimuru took Veldora's place and snapped his finger.

The Dwarves and Kurobe walked from the side with 2 black boxes, they gave one each to Acnologia and Irene.

"Please give your rings to your spouse!" Rimuru spoke.

Irene and Acnologia opened the box to take a look at their rings, at a moment of glance, the ring gave a majestic feeling, it was a ring made of Diamond in the shape of coaling dragons with a sphere in their jaws, the sphere was radiating a mysterious energy that both found strange.

However, they proceeded to put the rings on each other's finger, and they immediately found why the strange feeling came from the rings. As soon as they put the ring, they felt something like a heartbeat in their very essence, Irene felt Acnologia and he in returns felt her presence.

Both looked at each other in surprised, the rings linked them, on a level further than physical, they got linked spiritually.

"And with this, Acnologia Tempest and Irene Bleserion are officially a husband and wife." Rimuru said, and with a meaningful glare at the audience, the Garden erupted in cheering, dragons roared in the sky with all their breaths piercing tye sky, the chaos wolves howled as finally the sun went down and the moon was peeking out.

Acnologia and Irene went for their first kiss together, the first of many as husband and wife, king and queen.