
Academy Undercover Professor

How surprised I was when I died in an accident in my previous life and came to my senses to find out that I was born as a baby in this world. That was already 27 years ago. I feel like the years have passed so quickly. This world is a unique world in which magic dwells in the world commonly referred to as the Victorian era and Belle Époque, and sub-species and monsters are added. Wouldn't it be better if I entered the world of a game I used to enjoy or a novel I liked... This is a different world that doesn't even exist in my memory, literally without even an ointment. then I Became a teacher at the most prestigious magic academy in the empire. … Because I was mistaken for someone else.

Mongrel99 · Fantasía
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18 Chs

The Great Train Raid Case (1)

The haze of dust from the explosion settled.


I passed.

I got up from crouching, brushing off the broken debris that covered my body.

Fortunately, there were no injuries. Even the shattered fragments couldn't penetrate the coat that I was wearing.

'It was good to wear something sturdy just in case.'

Corridors and walls of vehicles that were fine just a moment ago were completely blown away.

The cold wind that was running over the snow field blew through the open gap, and the cold wind raked their face like a blade.

"... I thought you were an ordinary robber."

To detonate a bomb wrapped around one's body while being subdued by being electrocuted by electric current magic.

This is absolutely not the behavior of a train robber.

it's close to what a fanatic would do.

The mindset to die together even though you know you will die in the process.

'The remnants of the Prince faction who fled from the Kingdom of Utah? No. They're busy hiding now. These are different guys.' I thought

As I wiped my face with my hand in frustration, and let out a sigh as I felt my skin dangling.

For some reason, it felt like the cold wind was coming straight into their face.

"It's expensive, but it's a pity."


I took off the battered mask I was wearing on my face.

There was no need to continue writing it in a yard torn by the impact of the blast

The face of a man in his 40s with wrinkles and beard could no longer do its job, so I threw the battered face mask out of the train.

they wanted to go safely, but they thought an unexpected incident would happen.

'Come to think of it, where is that man?'

Rudger, who was said to be appointed as a teacher at Seorn Academy, was nowhere to be seen.

Right after that I realized

When the explosion happened, the man couldn't react and was swept away.

A desolate wall that was half blown away and shattered. Rudger was blown with no trace.

I poked my head out and looked down, and saw a far-off cliff.

A blizzard was still raging under the cliff, and it was covered with misty snow clouds.

'... .. He must have died.'

If a guy you thought was a robber wrapped himself in a bomb and self-destructed, anyone would have met the same fate.

If they had known in advance, they could have prepared for it with magic, but unexpected situations always happen.

A pitiful person

Of course, he died on the day he was appointed as a teacher at the famous Seorn Academy. I meditated lightly and prayed for Rudger's rest.

'This isn't the time for me to relax either.'

Knowing that they weren't ordinary robbers, the level of danger had risen a few steps.

If they go wrong and attack all of them with self-destruct attacks, no matter how strong this magic engineering train is protected by magic, it might derail.

'Seeing them do something so radical, that might be their real goal.'

I decided to escape.

Having made that decision, I headed for the car behind me.


At that moment, the door of car #5 opened and the conductor with a very nervous face appeared.

"What customer? Are you okay? Gee, what the hell is this now...?"

They looked at the blown bulkhead and me standing alone in the hallway, a little taken aback, then stuttered.

I answered calmly.

"I was attacked by robbers. They were armed with dangerous explosives."

"Yeah, that's right."

"Anyway, they seem to be targeting the number 1 vehicle, so I think it would be better for us to evacuate the back cars."

"That's good."

I approached the conductor with a relieved face.

And the moment the distance narrowed to the point where I could touch them with an outstretched arm, I grabbed the conductor's collar and pinned them to the ground.

The conductor looked up at me with a puzzled expression.

If it had been someone else, I would have erased my doubts by looking at their sad expression, but not me.

"I found something strange. To think that the magic engineering train, which was protected by magic stones and strong defensive magic, could be penetrated so easily. Also, it was moving at high speed through the rugged Aret Mountains, and the attacker appeared as if they had been waiting for it."

"Uh, what...?"

"It is virtually impossible without someone working from the inside. Unless someone turns off the magic that should work."

"... ..."

At that moment, the conductor's face changed in an instant.

They moved their hand and tried to pull out something, but I already knew that and had prepared for it.

I thrust a sharp knife under their chin.

"Stay still."


"You move fast. You weren't an ordinary robber either. Talk. Where do you guys come from?"


"Are you going to keep your mouth shut? Well, that's good too."

I wasn't too curious anyway. I raised them up with the knife pointed at their throat.

If my prediction was correct, something might have happened to the 5th car that this person passed over.

"In action,"

With the knife held in my right hand, I grabbed the person's neck, and with my left hand, I held down both arms as if bending them backwards, then kicked the person's foot.


he gritted his teeth and tried not to follow, but as soon as I twisted his bent arm a little more, he moved.

It will be soon.

"How many colleagues are over there?"


"Are you not going to tell me? Then I will have to make you talk."

At that moment.

I heard something from the 5th car that the conductor had passed over.

It was a small sound that couldn't have been heard in car No.4, where the bulkhead had blown away and the sound of the cold wind blowing outside the train.

Their ears, extremely alert, correctly picked up the sound.


It's a familiar, metal-to-metal contact.

...It was the sound of pulling iron.

Having figured out that far, I threw the conductor forward as if pushing him forward and fell flat on the seat.


Right after that, countless bullets pierced through the door and passed over my head.
