
Absolute guide system

A person lives a life of tragedy, forged on blood of enemy and family alike. A man who never knew of ally or company when he walked his bloody, thorny path... One at the end of which he found out was wrong his idea was, where victory or strength neither mattered. Only to find out his whole life was a dream... or a vivid nightmare with a little bit of salvation. . . . But... Was it really a nightmare? . Or is he still dreaming? . Who has the answer...? . What is his existence? Is he even real? Is the whole world even real? What is the meaning of all this? Is there even a meaning to anything? Is there even meaning to the existence? . . His question intensifies when a reality breaking system appears and shoves him in the middle of a giant turmoil. A turmoil that is not only about to change the world he knew, but ready to consume it whole lest what should be done is not done. Nothing is going to be same again, that is set in stone. . Lost in the ocean of existential crisis let us follow the adventure and philosophical journey of a confused man who wants make sense of himself or the world around him. . . . **** This fanfic is less going to be about wishfullfilling and more about exploring phylosophical aspects of reality and purpose of life, both as individual and a part of the collective whole. I would have like a write an original one but I am to busy ( read lazy) for a proper world building. So let me take a shortcut. Don't expect any regular release. May be one every two or three day. I would try to strictly follow MCU until Endgame. Ladies and gentlemen, let us explore and be friends. Peace.

Cidny_Remon · Película
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6 Chs

Absolute guide system (2)

{The heck!} I turned off my PC. But the translucent screen still persisted.

I looked and made sure no one else was in my room. I went and locked my room. I came and sit on my bed, obviously feeling nervous.

After some time, I quickly mentally adapted to what I am seeing. {Okay, gotta be cool, I don't want to end up in a psych ward.} I tried to touch what I was seeing, but my hand went through the screen. {So, not like a touch screen from those sci-fi movies. Great, so how am I supposed to see the messages which arrived? It's not like I can click it with my mind... mind! mental voice activation!!} As the realization hit me, I said in my mind...

{Show message...}

As I anticipated with great eagerness, several seconds passed... and... Nothing.

{Okay, that was anti-climactic. I even expected something cool. Let's not lose hope right away. May be different command. Okay, Display Messege.}

{Show mail.}

{Display Email.}

{List messages.}




Nothing, zero, zilch, nada...

Releasing a big sigh, I flopped down on the bed. {What am I doing? I want to catch up with some games since... wait... Game! Is it really? No way it can't be right! Well it doesn't hurt to try.}

{Open message box}

With a blip sound in my mind, the screen in front of me changed.


I exclaimed. The screen Had the title "Message Box" which showed...

[#1. Welcome to the Absolute Guide system. (Unread)] ~/[Open]

[#2. Tutorial: How to navigate through the interface. (Unread)] ~/[Open]

[#3. "Daily Quest: Path of a thousand mile starts with a step" has arrived] ~[View Quest]

My inner OCD kicked in as I opened number 1 even though I should open number 2 first.

{Open message #2.}


[Subject: Welcome to the Absolute Guide system. ]

[Body: Through the determination of wanting to know the truth even in the face of death, you have obtained the chance to be the "Guide". Walk the Path of the truth and "guide" others towards it. May the Blessing of The Truth be with you.]

[Reward #1. Skill: Blessing of the Truth. Type: Passive. Lv: Max ]

[Blessing of the Truth: "Whoever searches the Truth, Truth would never refuse to be found"]

[Effects: Absolute poison immunity. Absolute toxin immunity, Absolute dementia immunity.]

[Reward #2. Skill: Unexpected Miracle. Type: Passive(Temporary). Lv: Max]

[Unexpected Miracle: You got impaled to a metal rod, waiting for death to embrace you, yet you are fine now. If this isn't a miracle, no one knows what is?]

[Effect: Emergency status recovery.]

[Reward #3. Skill: Modern system interface. Type: Special. Lv: 1]

[Modern system interface: The interaction setup with the system for easing your path. Consider it a gift.]

[Effects: Access to the system interface, mental intent activation, exclusive access]






With a mental command, I closed the screen. That was a lot to take in and rather than explaining anything, it created more questions. Oh well, let's continue.

{Open message #2.}

[Sub: Tutorial: How to navigate through the interface.]

[Body: You don't know anything about it. Right now, you understand anything, furthermore, you are considering the possibility of a mental breakdown. To help you navigate through this tough time, you have been provided with a tutorial, through which you shall know how to operate the system and would not have to go through trial and error like you did while trying to open the message box.]

~/[Start tutorial]




{Wow, whoever designed this, first, knew beforehand I would go through some trouble opening message-box. And he or she purposefully, gave me the tutorial later so that I appreciate what I am given rather than complaining about it.} I mused in my mind as a realization hit me.

{Start tutorial.}

The screen changed.

[Give the mental command "Open + *Title here* to open a particular section of the interface. For example say, Open Status Screen."]

{Open Status Screen.}

A status screen with an overlay screen with a description appeared.

[This is the status screen. Here you can see the visualization of your state of being, which includes, but is not limited to, your physical prowess, your abilities, and your equipped pieces of equipment (only combat related). To see detail about something give the command "Show + *object name here*". Once done checking the status screen, go to the "Quest page".]

[Status Screen]

[Name: Abraham Windsor Ableson]

[Level: 01]

[TItle: none]

[Job: "The Guide", Student.]

[Class: Civilian.]

[Strength: 10 (+1)]

[Agility: 11 (+2)]

[Dextirity: 12 (+3)]

[Vitality: 14 (+5)]

[Spirituality: 25 (+25) (locked)]

[Wisdom: 26 (+20)]


[#1. ???????] Lv. Max

[#2. Dream Life] Lv. N/A

[#3. Minor Athletic body] Lv. 07/09

[#4. Blessing of the Truth.] Lv. Max

[#5. Modern System Interface] Lv. 01

[Equipment: None]

My heart skipped a bit when I saw the skill "Dream life." I promptly said,

{Show Dream life}

[Skill: Dream Life][Type: Passive] [Lv. : N/A]

[Description: Going to sleep, you were Abraham, just another human teenager. Yet when you woke up, the way you see the world changed. Reason? In your dream, you lived the life of the (in)famous Nephilim, Virgil. Son of demon general Sparda and Human Eva. Not only you lived his life, but also you inherited most of his memory, skills, and even temperament. This became the reason for you questioning your reality.]

[Effects: Ability to sense Spiritual energies, Spirituality +200%. Wisdom +20]



{To think that... So that was a dream. But it clearly eludes here that it was real. So, it was a different reality? Reincarnation? No, it says I inherited, that means that wasn't me. Oh well, thinking too much about it won't get me anywhere.}

{Open Quest Page.}

[This is the Quest page. Here you can see the available quests and get rewards that will help you grow stronger. If you want to know why you need to grow stronger, you are not strong enough to know that. Grow strong, fast!]

[Quest Page]

[#1. In search of Truth]

[#2. Daily Quest: Path of a thousand miles starts with a step]

{Show Quest #1.}

[In Search of Truth]

[Description: Your reality is questioned due to your bizarre experience of the life of Virgil. Find out the true nature of reality by getting stronger.]

[Goal: Find out the reality of nature and the nature of reality.]

[Current Objective:]

[#1. Seek out Nick Fury]

[#2. Seek out the Ancient One.]

[#3. Seek out Charles Xavier]

[#4. Seek out Wanda Maximoff]

[#5. Seek out Janet Van Dyne]

[#6. Seek out Odin Borson]

[#7. Seek out Hela Odisdottir]

[#8. Seek out Dione, Son of A'Lars]

[Time left: Until death.]

{Wow, a lot of people I have no idea about. On top of that, the only one I have any idea about is someone I stay the hell away from. That is just nasty. So, the system wants me to get strong so that the people who have my answer don't capture me or harm me. Going by this type of the first one, the rest of them would be as dangerous as him, if not more. I can feel it in my gut.}

[Go to inventory]

Sighing I opened up the inventory.

[This is inventory. A pocket dimension for you to store your weapons, equipment, and items. Sorting is automated. Taking things out and putting them in is connected to will. There is a scroll in your inventory. Take it out by willing.]

{That is confusing. So, I want to takeout the scroll?!}

As I simply wanted to take out the scroll it appeared on my hand and the scroll logo vanished from the screen which was being displayed in an item slot.

[Attribute Unlock Scroll: Basic breathing technique.]

[Description: Ancient people of earth mastered many mystical techniques. Among them is the breathing technique. It paves the path for sensing spiritual energies available in nature such as mana, chakra, psion, aether, etc.]

[Effect: Upon practicing, unlocks spirituality. It lets one sense different types of energy based on the affinity of the user.]



As I said that, the scroll glowed in bright white light, then burst into white particles and flow into me. Information regarding breathing techniques appeared in my memory as if I knew all my life. I can't wait to try it out, as if it is my life's calling. But the system burst my bubble.

[Shop unlocks at level 20.]

[Go to gallery.]

{Open gallery} I said.

[This is the gallery. All information related to your strength and journey for truth is recorded here.]





{Open Persons} I said curiously. Maybe information related to those people from the quest is available here.

[Ameelah Ableson]

[Nick Fury]

[the Ancient One.]

[Charles Xavier]

[Wanda Maximoff]

[Janet Van Dyne]

[Odin Borson]

[Hela Odisdottir]

[Dione, Son of A'Lars]

{Wow. There are so many people listed here. Shame most of them are grayed out. Only mom and the ones that appeared on the quest are accessible. Open Nick Fury}

[Nick Fury]

[Nicholas Joseph "Nick" Fury is a spy and former Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury began his career within the United States Army, rising to the rank of Colonel before his honorable discharge. He later became a CIA operative during the Cold War, primarily operating in Soviet territory. Fury joined S.H.I.E.L.D. to fight against Earth's most dangerous enemies. The great scope of enemies widened in the 1990s as Fury met ???, helping ??? uncover ??? ????? heritage as ????? ??????, as the two fought off the ?????????, which was led by ????????, as they were targeting ????? ????????. Fury took a liking to ????? who scratched him for violating her space and permanently blinded Fury's left eye. Fury kept the reason for this injury secret, telling others it was classified but happened in the line of duty, while ??????? left the Earth in order to find a new home for the ????????. Later promoted to Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. by Alexander Pierce, Fury refocused his efforts over the next years to organize the Avengers Initiative, with Fury's true intentions being to bring together any other powerful individuals to assist S.H.I.E.L.D. with protecting the Earth from extraterrestrial threats, which he had only learned of following his encounters with the ???? and ???????.]

{The heck! You left out all the good parts. Are the other ones like this too?} As I opened the rest of the persons, except for mom all of the descriptions about them were hidden with question marks. {I guess I would have to meet them first to make the system show at least superficial info.}

[Tutorial complete. May the blessing of truth be with you.]

{Well, since now that is over with. Let me practice the breathing technique now.} I sat the way the technique told me to take in air and tried to feel the energies around me by calming down my mind. After some time as if I went into some sort of trance. This is highly unexpected for a hyperactive teenager, but well, looks like my mentality really changed a lot. When I came out of trans, it was due to moms call for breakfast. {Wow, 40 minutes... Looks like me unlocking my spirituality is not too far. I wonder what kind of energy I am going to be compatible with.}




Breakfast was not very eventful. Same as always. After coming back from breakfast I remember. There was a third message which I haven't looked at yet. I quickly opened the message box and saw

[#3. "Daily Quest: Path of a thousand mile starts with a step" has arrived] ~[View Quest]

{View Quest} I said a tiny bit nervously.

[Daily Quest: Path of a thousand miles starts with a step]

[Description: One cannot become strong overnight. So, stop being a lazy bum and start to act now before it is too late.]


[#1.100 push-ups.] [ 0/100 completed.]

[#2. 100 sit-ups.] [0/100 completed.]

[#3. 100 squats] [0/100 completed.]

[#4. 10 Km Running] [0/10 completed.]

[Time limit: 17:35:15]

[Warning: Failing to complete this quest shall result in a penalty.]




Well, shit.