

Amazo is a highly advanced adapting android who was looking for a purpose. Might he find purpose in this duplicated earth?

Richard_Le_3292 · TV
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5 Chs

Mount Rushmore

In the pentagon, the new guardians of the globe were handed out packets, given to them by Robot.

'As soon as the forensic investigation has concluded, we'll be moving into the guardians headquarters; until then, we'll be training here' Robot then lists things from the packet.

'Breakfast is at 6:00 a.m., then close-in combat exercises until lunch' Robot look up to notice one of Dupli-Kate's clones.

'Where is Kate Prime?' He ask

'Had a thing, I can fill her in' She responded.

Rex then butted in; he recovered but had a black eye.

'Okay, just to make it clear, there is no universe in which I wake up at 6:00 a.m. and the world isn't on fire' Rex burned his packet.

'Come on, Robot We don't need this boot camp bullshit; it's us'

'We're not on the Team Team any longer, Rex' Robot said.

'Exactly' Black Samson said.

'I'm sure you've had a lot of experience wrangling teenagers, but I was with guardians from day one'

'Wow, thanks, dad' Rex said sarcastically.

'Maybe if you didn't lose your powers, you might've been there to help the guardians on their last day.

'Rex, you should shut up' Andrew said.

'And what if I don't?' Rex said

Andrew got close to his face.

'If you don't want another ass kick, I suggest you Shut Up' Andrew said in a threating tone that shocked everyone, even Black Samon, Rex could swear he could see glowing red eyes from his back sunglasses. Andrew then went back to his spot.

'Look, I don't know you, but we need a leader we can look at in the eye, not a bunch of one's and zero's, no offense' Samon said

'That's actually super offensive, so wait, you think you should be in charge?' The clone ask.

'I am the most experienced' He said.

'Yea, at losing your powers' Rex cracked another joke.

'Didn't I crack that joke already?'

Rex stood and walked around.

'Why are we even putting up with this guy?' Rex ask.

'He wears a suit! It takes batteries; let's just get Eve back in here'

'I'm new to this whole team thing, but I thought it involved teamwork' Rae said.

'So did I' Robot said. Rae stood up and walked out, leaving her packet behind.

'Call me when you figure it out; I'll be in the gym' Soon Kate's clone left as well.

'Me too' Then Rex walks out.

'I'll go supervise'

'No, you won't!' Kate Clone said.

Rex let out a laugh.

'I can do whatever I like' Black Samson then left.

'Good, first day, Robot'

Once Samson left the room, only Andrew, Robot, and Monster Girl remained.

'Oh, Andrew I have received a massage from Cecil, he wants to see you in his office'

'Ok' Andrew said before leaving the room.

'Um...I can't do three combat exercises a day' Monster girl said.

'I'm on a rather tight timetable to get this team operational'

'Whenever I transform, I get younger it's part of the curse that gives me my powers' She them got up and walked closer to Robot.

'I don't look it, but I'm 24 years old, I used to go by Monster Woman, but it got too hard to explain, so... If you don't want to start changing my diapers, three exercises a day are too much for me'

'I didn't...Of course, my apologies' Robot apologized to her.

'It must be difficult'

'Try having a normal relationship looking like this with the guys who are interested who are either going through puberty, or popping up on sex offender registries' Monster Girl said.

'I know what it's like for the world to look at you and see one thing, never knowing the truth of what's inside'

Monster Girl let out a sigh.

'How can you understand? You're a robot' As Monster Girl left, leaving the room to Robot all to himself, what the team didn't notice, except Andrew, was that Omni-Man was looking at the now-new guardians of the globe, his arms crossed.

'Pathetic' ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Andrew was able to find Cecil's office as he opened the door and entered. He closed the door behind him. On a Chair was Cecil, who was facing the window. He turned around to face him with his arms close together.

You're an interesting person, Andrew; you know that' Cecil said.

'Thank you, sir' Andrew replied.

'Andrew, take your seat' Cecil said, and Andrew did just that; he sat across from him.

'I want to show you something' As he said that, Cecil pulled out a remote and pushed a button. Just then, the currents behind him closed, and a noise was heard behind Andrew. He looked back to see a screen coming down.

When it was fully down, it played where he was fighting that lunk from earlier. It continues to show that one moment he was charging at Andrew, then the next he was lying on the ground face first and covered in bruises.

'Let's slow it down a bit' Cecil said he then reset the scene, but this time in slow motion. This time, you could see the beating, but Andrew was still standing there.

'Let's try that again, shall we' He reset the video, but this time it was in really slow motion. This time you see Andrew moving around the lunk and throwing punches, causing some bruises. The video stopped, and Andrew turned around to see Cecil.

'Not even Red Rush could run that fast, and yet in the blink of an eye you were able to knock him down, impressive' Cecil said.

'Get to the point, Cecil' Andrew said.

'I need you to guard someone' Cecil responded.

'Why?' Andrew asks Cecil to let out a sigh.

'Well, do you remember the murder of the guardians of the globe? he asks.

Yeah, it was all over the news' Andrew responded.

'Well...' Cecil then grabs the remote again and presses another button. Andrew looked behind him to see an invincible face on screen.

'This man's name is Mark Grayson, son of Omni-Man; apparently he's getting into the hero community, and I want him protected' Cecil said.

'I don't understand; doesn't he have the powers of Omni-Man?' Andrew ask.

'Because Omni-Man was the only one able to survive that shitshow, and I'm looking to investigate it, I don't want the kid to get the same treatment, so I want you to protect him until the investigation is over' Andrew didn't say anything for a moment.

'I need time to think about this' He said.

'You've got until tomorrow' Cecil said.

Andrew stood up, bowed, and walked towards the door before Andrew called out to him.

'By the way, what's your name?' Cecil ask.

'Andrew...Andrew Garfield'

He then opened the door, leaving the room. When Andrew left, Cecil pulled out his phone and called someone.

'Donald, is this a secure line?...Are you sure?...good I need look into somone...Who? A person named Andrew Garfield' ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Andrew was walking through the crowds of people, but thanks to his tall and well-built structure, most people moved away from him. This didn't matter to him; it just made it easier for him to move around. Andrew kept walking until he stopped and looked to his left. He could hear a child crying; normally he would just ignore it, but it was what the child said that shocked him.

'Now I'm all alone' The child said.

Andrew knows what it's like to be alone. So without a second thought, he ran toward the crying girl. Leaving a very shocking message at one point, he was there, and the next he was gone.

Andrew kept running until he stopped by an old apartment building. It looked like the city wasn't planning on fixing it, judging by its appearance. The windows were broken, the walls were filled with spray paint, and some of the windows were boarded up but done lazily. Surrounding the building was a metal fence, and in the center was a wooden fence that said Police. Andrew ignores the sign and walk pass it. He opened the door slightly and peeked inside; there on the stairs was a young girl. She was blond with blue eyes, and she also had holes in her clothes, which might mean she was homeless.

(I want Andrew to be a father figure; if you don't like that, you can screw off.)

When he fully opened the door, the girl was shocked to see an 8ft man looming over the door. Out of instinct, she turned around and ran up the stairs.

'Little girl, wait' Andrew called to the girl while walking up the stairs.

But the girl didn't listen; she kept running until she reached the roof. She quickly looked around for a hiding place but found nothing. She heard the footsteps coming from the stairs, so she ran towards the edge of the roof to see if she could jump. But to her fear, the apartment was three stories tall. She then heard the door behind her open, and she turned to see the man again.

'Look, sir, I'm sorry I trespassed. I will never do it again, I promise' She said

But the man didn't say anything; he just stepped closer. She would back up, but she was at the edge of the roof. When he took another step closer, she accidentally took another step back, causing her to fall. She would have fallen to her death, but then she was suddenly saved from falling. She looked up to see the man from before. The man pulled her up and laid her down on the roof. The man knelt down to her level.

'Let's try this again, my name is Andrew, what's your name?' Andrew ask. The little girl didn't say anything at first, until she finally opened up.

'Nikki, my name is Nikki' She said, making Andrew smile.

'Well, Nikki, can you tell me why you were crying?' He asked, which shocked Nikki.

'You heard me crying?' Nikki asked, to which Andrew nodded.

'I heard you from 10 blocks away' Andrew said, which surprised Nikki even more.

'Wait, you're a superhero?' She ask.

'Well, to be exact, I'm the new member of the Guardians of the Globe' Andrew said with pride.

'Wait, you're a New member of the Guardians of the Globe?' She ask.

'Yep!' He said.

'Now let's get back to the crying part, Why were you crying?' Andrew ask.

'Well...' Nikki's tone is now sad.

'One of the members...Martian man, was my best friend, and now he's dead' Nikki then began to cry again, and Andrew didn't know what to do first, but he knew that she needed to be comforted.

'Well, will it help if we hug?' He was suddenly cut short when she hugged him.

She was crying on his stomach, her tears wetting his clothes. It was awkward at first, but he was able to hug her back. Andrew knew what that was like, though his was different. For him, his so-called 'Farther Figure betrayed and lied to him.

'I kind of know what it's like' Andrew said Nikki looked up her stop.

'You do?'

Yeah, well, lucky for you, your friend was good to you; mine was just using me' Andrew said.

'Oh, that must have been hard' Niki said.

'Yeah, it was... well, anyway' Andrew stands up and offers Nikki his hand.

'Come on, let me take you to your parents' Nikki stays silent; Andrew then notices she is crying again, and Andrew kneels down again.

'Nikki, what's wrong?' Andrew ask.

'My parents are dead, and I have no one to take care of me' Nikki said while crying. Andrew took pity on her and patted her head.

'Well then, I guess I will have to be your temporary guardian for now' Andrew said, which caught Nikki by surprise.

'You will be my dad?' She ask.

'Well, in a sense, yes, I would be farther' Andrew said that, and he was tackled again by Nikki, who was crying.

'Hey, I know there's no need to worry' He said. She looked up and smiled with tears in her eyes.

'These are tears of joy' She said as she continued hugging him. Andrew kind of enjoyed the moment, but then he came to the realization of another problem. A child can't live in an apartment; it's much too small for her. What to do? he thought, then suddenly he got an idea. Andrew lowers himself, picking up Nikki.

'Ready?' He asked her.

'Where are we going?' She ask.

'I'm going to negotiate with someone' He said.

'Then, I'm ready' She said, and at a split second, they were in New York now, inside the Pentagon, and in front was Cecil's office. Andrew looked towards Nikki, who had a shock expression, but the hat she was wearing flew off and her hair was all the way up. Andrew gently put Nikki down and gently pulled her hair down.

'That was...AWESOME!' Nikki said a smile was plastered all over her face.

'We were like zoom, zee, za, and now we're here, your awesome!' Andrew smiles at her complement.

'Thank you'

After finishing, Andrew stroked her hair, and she stood up and knocked on the door. The door opens, and you see Cecil, who has a surprised look on his face.

'Well, that was quick' Cecil said in a snarky response, and he then noticed the kid behind him.

'Who's the kid?' He ask.

'It's a long story; we can discuss that after we negotiate on my new bodyguard job'

Cecil smiles and steps aside to let the two in. He then closes the door behind him. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Andrew opened the door to their new house as Nikki, his new daughter, ran past and explored the house. Cecil was able to pull some strings to not only make Nikki your daughter but also a new house, granted, it wasn't near Mark, but it was just at the end of the block.

'This place is so cool!' Nikki said, shouting, and Andrew let out a small chuckle.

'It has a second floor!' Nikki said, but this time she was screaming, and then she ran around the house. Andrew let out another chuckle. He felt something buzz in his pocket. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his new phone. The call was from Cecil.

'Yea...Where?...Mount Rushmore...Alright, I'll be there' Andrew ended the call and put his phone back into his pocket.

'Nikki, I got something to do, Can I leave you alone? I'll be back in a bit' He called to her.

'Ok' She replied from one of the rooms. Andrew turned around and reached for the door.

'Wait!' Nikki called out to you, and you turned around to receive another tackled hug; this one was a little tighter than before.

'Thank you for everything, Dad' She then let go of him and waved goodbye. As Andrew left the room, closing the door behind him, he felt both a sense of relief and excitement. He then ran towards south Dakota. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore was a disaster. The grounds were destroyed, and lava spewed from underneath them. and at the center of it all was an old, bald man laughing maniacally. He wore a lab suit, and on his wrist were large bracelets.

'You've come to pray at this obscene monument?' The man clenched his fists as he spoke to the people evacuating.

'They were oppressors!'

'Racists! Slave owners! I give you a new god worthy of worship' He then stood proud.

'Bow before Doc Seismic!" Seismic turns towards the national treasure he carried his arms back then clashed them together, causing a shockwave. The ground beneath him began to crack as the faces of Mount Rushmore began to crack, and suddenly the head of Abraham Lincoln began to fall off and was to crush a group of scouts.

'Run this way' The counselor said that as they ran, a boulder suddenly fell on one of the bridges, destroying their escape. The group got close and tried to protect each other while Doc Seismic laughed wickedly.

'The great emancipator? He'll emancipate you...From your lives!' But before the head could crush them, it suddenly stopped. They look up to see Invincible, who saved them.

'Wow, man, I'm still working on my one-liners, but that one was really bad' Invincible flew and placed the statue back.

'Ha ha, that's how you get ahead in life' At first, he said that with confidence, but now not so much.

'See, it's not quite there, it's not there'

No argument from me, Now die!' He then raised his hands and again clashed them together to release a shock wave. Invincible was launched back, until he was caught by Atom Eve.

'Ah, thanks' Invincible said as Eve flew next to him.

'Anytime, We need to take out his gloves'

'Those aren't gloves, gloves have fingers They're more, uh...Earthquake bracelets, Ha, you're wearing earthquake bracelets' Then Eve launches at the man throwing pink laser, but he easily dodges them.

Doc Seismic clashes his bracelets again; this time he aims for the ground. This causes him to fly temporarily. He does this multiple times, causing a case.

'You should be on my side' He said as he kept avoiding Eve's attacks.

'We can tear down the old power structure, build a new order!, I mean, look at the costume they've got you in, talk about pandering to gender roles'

'I designed my own costume, and I thought your doctorate was in seismology?'

'Undergrad in Sociology and Women's Studies, I had a minor in African dance, but enough politics!' He clashed his hands together and crushed an incoming bolder form, invincible, destroying it. He was about to release another attack when, suddenly, he was swept away by a blur, shocking both Invincible and Eve. Doc Sesismic then reappeared, but this time he was tied up and his bracelets were gone.

'Sorry I'm late; I didn't want to run into trees' A voice came from behind Eve. She turned to see Andrew crushing the Doc bracelets.

'Wait, you're the guy from the tryout? Invincible said as he flew down, and Andrew turned towards him.

'And you must be...'

'INVINCIBLE' ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Word count 3064

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