

Amazo is a highly advanced adapting android who was looking for a purpose. Might he find purpose in this duplicated earth?

Richard_Le_3292 · TV
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5 Chs

Getting introduced

It has been a couple of days since Amazo, or his new fake name, Andrew, was able to get an apartment after the White House incident. It was actually quite easy thanks to his large structure, and the landowner was more than willing to hand him a key to his room. The room's purpose was to be a temporary place for him to live and hide from those who were suspicious of him. He sat on the couch, flipping through channels, until he stopped when he came upon the news. The reporter was a young woman who stood straight, but Amazo could tell that she was holding back something. She let out a deep exhale before speaking.

'It is..., with a grieving heart that I must say that, last night, the guardians of the globe, have been killed in action by a unknown enemy within their own base, leaving only Omni-man still breathing'

This caught Andrew's interest; yes, the knockoff superheroes weren't as powerful as his own superheroes, which was strange given that these humans label them as the world's most powerful heroes. However, who had the strength to put an end to them all, and leaving only one survivor? Amazo had to find out for himself, so he got up from the couch and moved over to the door. As soon as he changed appearances, he still had the same build and clothes. He then took a look at a mirror nearby. He was now a black man, looked to be in his early 20s or late 30s, and had a pencil-shaped moustache.

After his new morph, he opened the door and went to find Omni-Man. Finding Omni-Man wasn't hard; there was a large group of people gathered together, some looking like heroes, so in invisibility mode, he flew down and waited to see what happened. The wait was finally over when Omni-Man flew down towards the podium.

'I've fought the unimaginable in defense of this world' Omni man started.

'I've battled alien tyrants, defeated nightmares from the deep, Gone toe to toe with ancient gods...but no matter what threat I faced, I knew I wasn't facing it alone' As he continued his speech, it was broadcast around the world.

'Darkwing, Aquarus, War Woman, Green Ghost, Red Rush, Martian Man, Immortal, The Guardians of the the Globe, we have lost titans, protectors, heroes, and left to wonder...who will save us?' Omni-Man pauses for a moment before continuing.

'I will, and so will others like me' Omni-man looked towards someone; Andrew followed Omni-man's eye trail towards a young man and what he looked like around 17 years old. Andrew then turn around towards Omni-Man as he continued his speech.

'New hero's answering the call, new champions ready to risk everything to keep this planet safe all inspire by these great souls who came before us, you will have moments of doubt, of fear, of uncertainty, but in those, have faith...' Omni-Man began to fly.

'And look up to the sky' Then Omni-Man flew straight up, disappearing. After the speech, Andrew followed Omni-Man with a group of people. He made sure to keep his distance, trying not to get caught. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

They stop at a graveyard, Andrew landed a few feet away from them. As the rain continued pour heavily, Andrew use his super hearing and listen into there conversation.

'We seriously have to put everyone through this again?' The young man was talking to someone beside him; she was a woman with bright orange hair. She looked around and looked to be 19 years old.

'The big one's for show, but the public can't know where the actual bodies are buried' The young man looked at the woman in shock.

'Souvenir hunters' The young man look at the casket with pity.

'Jesus' Then Omni-Man began his other speech.

'I was never a Guardian of the Globe' Omni-Man began.

'But it was the Guardians who welcome me when I first arrive on this planet, they were my mentors, my comrades, my friends, they knew the reality of this life, Martian Man was exiled from his own people, War Woman was from a different age, Darkwing...' Omni-Man let out a small chuckle before clearing his throat.

'Well, Darkwing made his own kind of solitude, it was a rare, luck few of us who found someone who understood our path, even rarer if they accepted it, I hope they rest in peace, but at least they will rest together' A woman sobs as the casket starts to lower.

'Get your hands off me!' Andrew zooms in on the woman who fell to the ground, getting mud all over her clothes, and face.

'Olga, please, calm down' The man next to her try to reassure her.

'You wouldn't even let me see him, Josef is finally standing still, and I still can't see him!'

The woman slammed her hand to the ground. She spoke with the same Russian accent as Red Rush; maybe they are related somehow. A woman rushed up to Olga and helped her up. Andrew thought that maybe these people weren't actually...



After the funeral, Andrew noticed an android like himself; he was orange with green lenses. The android was approached by a man; he was old with a big scar on his right cheek.

'Robot' The man called out to him, Robot, what an ironic name.

'You know, for a bunch of computer code, you run a mean superhero team, you really saved our bacon with those Flaxans'

'Thank you, Cecil that means a lot coming from you' Robot response.

'I know you've always been independent, but I want you to come work for the GDA, and build me a new Guardians of the Globe' Cecil then sweeten the pot.

'Now, you'll pick the team, you'll be in charge, the only person that you will answer to is me'

'Forgive me, but would not Omni-Man not be the natural choice? Robot ask.

'Sure, except its never going to happen' Cecil glances towards Omni-man.

'I've tried for a decade to make him an official Guardian, he helps out, yeah, but he's never taken orders, not from me anyway'

'Then I don't know what to say...' Robot respond

'Easy, say you'll do it'

Andrew flew back to his apartment. As he entered his room, he approached the TV. He then stuck his hand out, and a small tentacle began to pierce the TV. He then began to hack into the satellites. He then went through emails one by one until he stopped at one that was addressed to a hero named Demi-God. Apparently, the trials were supposed to happen in the pentagon, so after fixing his TV, he left his apartment and flew towards the pentagon. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Inside the pentagon, Invincible, or Nolan Grayson or Mark, was walking alongside Robot, and right before them were a bunch of heroes who wanted to try out for the new guardians of the globe.

'Is that Demi-god?' Mark then recognize another hero.

'Oh, Sharphel!'

'And Burly, Pangea, Bug-eye...' Robot also listed off other heroes.

'It's the crowning achievement of any crusader's career to be selected for the new guardians the globe' Robot then look over towards Mark.

'Which makes me wonder again why won't try out?' Robot ask.

'I know, I talked it over with my dad he wants to train me himself' Mark said.

'Plus, my mom would kill me if I miss any more school' Mark added on.

'Then why are you here?' Robot ask.

'Are you kidding?' Mark said surprise.

'Like I'd miss this? Oh my god there's Fight Force, why'd they even come here?'

'Despite your name, I believe you underestimate yourself, Invincible' Robot said.

'I'll still be around, helping, when does this all get started?' ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The hero's stop what they were doing and look towards Robot.

'Thank you all for coming here today' Robot began.

'Ladies and gentleman...The guardians of the globe, were more than a group of heroes'

Inside the arena stood two people: on the left side stood a tall, large man whose body was covered in muscle; he had blonde hair and looked around 18 to 30 (This guy looked like a character in Baki); on the right was a black man who was equally tall but shorter than his opponent; he had a long black trench coat with a white shirt and a black tie; a black wide-brim hat on top of his head; black round sunglasses covered his eyes; and he also had a pencil-shaped mustache.

'They were icons...' Robot continue.

Back at the arena, Andrew could feel the guy's ego from here.

'Those of you who pass our trials will be among the elite...The best of the best' Robot said.

As the fight began, the big lunk charged forwards when suddenly his movement became slow, then slower, until he moved like a snail. Slowly, Andrew walked towards the giant man, circling around him. He then launched a barrage of attacks using half of Superman strength. After he was done, he went back to his original spot and let it resume. As he resumed it the giant fell to the ground, his face and body all bruised up.

'Not all of you will be up to the challenge' Robot warned.

'But those of you who are up the challenge will succeed not just by the uniqueness of your abilities, but by the uniqueness of your tactics...'

Back at the arena, two new opponents face each other. One was a young woman who wore glasses, and the other was a mutated man gorilla. Every part of his body was gorilla except for his face and chest. The man rolls towards the woman and roars, beating his chest. The man tried to throw a punch, but she shrank down and then again. When she was a few feet away, she grew back and whistled to the gorilla. When he tried to throw another punch, the girl shrank, but this time the gorilla couldn't see her. Little did he know the woman was climbing on his back. As the group continued to observe, the gorilla began to sneeze, and then he sneezed violently. He then felt a pain in his head and hit his head, trying to get out. The gorilla suddenly threw up and fell to the ground in his throw-up. The woman exited out of the gorilla ear and regrew back to her original size.

'And perhaps most importantly, the strength of your character and spirit, that is what truly makes a hero' ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

After the trials the hero's group together awaited for the resulted.

'It is my pleasure to introduced the new Guardians of the Globe' Robot began to listed out the hero's

'Black Samson, Shrinking Rae, Dupli-Kate, Amazo, Monster girl...' As monster girl step forward a hero beside her burst out laughing, the guy knelt down.

'Aw, look at her, she's adorable!' The guy continue to insult her.

'But isn't there, like, an age requirement for this ride, am I wrong? Cause this seems weird, Right?' The others didn't say anything.

'Rex...' Robot tried to explain but was interrupted by the little girl, who threw back her own insult.

'I dunno, you're here isn't there a dick size requirement?'

'I'm sorry' Rex yell.

'For what, you tiny dick?' She then stick out her pinky finger.

'I mean, the way you've been strutting around here, you must be compensating for something' The others laugh except for Rex, who is pissed off and pulls out a tablet, ignites it, and walks towards the girl.

'Someone ought teach some mother-fucking...' Rex wasn't able to finish his sentence when he was suddenly punch across the room, the impact caused Rex to go through the glass falling inside the arena. Rex look up to see the girl landed and begin to transform.

'Guess you missed my try-out' Monster girl transform into a large troll-like monster.

'Still think I'm adorable?' Her voice now into a deep man.

As Rex got up, Monster girl punch him again launching back a few feet, Rex spit out a broken tooth which made him more piss off he then ignites his broken teeth.

'You little bitch' Rex threw his broken teeth at the monster girl, which exploded on her chest but didn't do much damage.

'Aw...Now, that's adorable' Rex then pulled out a rod from his belt.

'I'm gonna blast that smile off your stupid, green face' Rex again ignited the rod.

'Please, stop, this is hardly constructive' Robot said out of the broken window. neither of them listen as rex threw a rod which explode on her chest, again doing little damage, Monster girl started to beat the ever loving shit out of Rex.

'Un...is this okay?' Mark ask.

'He asked for it' The woman next to said some what finding joy in this.

'I'll deal with her' A voice from behind them said.

The three looked behind them, and it was Andrew. He walked past them and jumped towards the Monster girl and Rex. As Monster girl continue the beat down, she felt her arm being stop she turn to see Andrew grabbing her hand.

'Stop this at once' Andrew said.

'Get lost' Monster girl said she was trying to throw him away, which he did, but very slowly, Andrew let out a deep sigh.

'They always do it the hard way' Andrew said as he walked around Monster Girl, then threw a barrage of punches, making sure he didn't use his full strength. Once he was back in pace and time resumed, Monster Girl was sent a few feet back and reverted her back into human form.

'Oh my god Amazo just a hit a kid' One of the group hero's said.

Andrew ignore the comment and look towards to Monster girl.

'Are you done?' Andrew ask.

Monster girl got up and walk towards them.

'Nah, my bad the "kid" thing set me off every time, and then it's like "Rah!" beast mode, sorry about the dick joke, I'm sure your junk is awesome' She offers her hand to Rex but he deny it getting up on his own.

'It's fine' He groan.

'I'm good, you're good you can...punch hard' Rex look towards Andrew.

'Didn't need your help asshole' Rex said groaning

'Really?' Andrew ask raising an eyebrow.

'Well from my perspective she was kicking your ass' Andrew said.

Rex groan as he got up and walk towards the exit flipping Andrew off.

'Aw, christ...' Rex said groaning. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Once the three return Robot continue.

'As I was saying, welcome to the guardians of the globe, Monster girl...'

'I'm gonna shit blood' Rex said holding his stomach.

'Along with Rex splode' Robot pauses.

'Once he recovered'

Robot then listed the final member.

'Atom eve' Atom eve raise an eyebrow.

'Thank you all for coming today, we'll be making a public announcement shortly' Robot said.

As the group leaf the pentagon leaving only Robot, Rex, Atom eve, and Invincible.

'Robot' Eve call out to him, Robot turn to face her.

'No need to thank me, I obviously needed to remain impartial, but I'm still delighted so many members of the Team Team made cut' Robot said cutting her off.

'I can't be on the same team as Rex & Kate' Eve left.

'What? Why? Hey, wait!' Invincible said following her, Robot turn to Rex.

'Rex what did you do?' Robot ask.

'Thanks for the help Robot, can't wait to be on your team' Rex said leaving avoiding the question.

Once Rex left it leaves Robot to be alone inside the pentagon. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Word count 2566

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