
A weekend in Eden

As the Airbus settled in the air Adah came on him in her usual way. She sat fully on him and relaxed fully on him. He encircled his arms around her and kissed the back of her neck. He played with her hair and for the first time forgot that they were airborne. Adah simply relaxed on him saying nothing but he knows he owes her a great explanation.

What do you think of her request?" Munah asked as he allowed her to seat down opposite him. She simply smiled and turned to him.

Nothing my love. I just want to play a game. I want to make use of her to get what I want." Adah said while Munah got the message at that instant.

"I will not be a party to vengeance..." munah said as he reached for the box that housed the pizza. He took a slice and took a bite while he offered it to Adah who took it from him and took a big bite, he gave her a can of tonic and watched as she took a long drink through the straw.

It will not be vengeance. I want to fight back because of you and because Bami still hates me.," Adah said A she went for another slice. Munah said nothing as he continued eating the pizza. The journey after every estimation and approximation will take a total of three hours. He hates to fly but he is not scared of flying nor is he afraid of heights.

"I do not like it when you get the inclination that I am evil," Adah continued as she wiped her lips.

"No, I am not. I quite understand what you went through but you have moved on and if you feel like helping her then do not attach any strings to such goodwill." Munah said looking at her as she relaxed on her seat watching him as he ate.

"Okay, I have heard you, and I will do as you say but I do not want to regret it," Adah said still focused on him with love in her heart for him.

"I will personally ensure that any form of regrets does not come into this matter, you have me and you know definitely that I have got your back. I want to see you reach the highest pinnacle of joy so I accept this as my responsibility." Munah said and finished his drink. He kissed her lightly and stood up to trash the remains of the pizza that they have eaten. He came back and sat down beside her, she moved closer and clasped her body on him as she closed her eyes and allowed his sweet aroma to envelope her. Munah gently worked the seat into a flat position so that they will be comfortable. He wondered about the journey and got to observe that Adah for no reason seemed to have attached some importance to it. The site manager from palm springs is already on her way as well. He could not believe how his life has just changed at the snap of one's fingers, He knows that Adah is wealthy but falling helplessly for someone like him is what he cannot fathom. He has counted himself fortunate not for the money but for the sincerity of their love for each other. Adah remains the only one that he has fallen for and the one he will keep if all things indeed work together perfectly.

Munah allowed her to hold him tenderly as she snuggled closer to him. She wants to concentrate solely on him and give him all her attention, care, and love. She thought of her parents and their reaction when they will get to hear the news. She has long assured herself that she does not need their consent and permission, in case of any rejection which she doubts, will be a disappointment but her will is entirely for her to protect and as the only child, she will go to every length to protect her interest. Their coming back will strain her movement around the mansion because she will back to the mansion. She knows that she is a full-grown woman who is quite independent in making her decision for, with Munah, there is nothing to hide. She has every right she will not hesitate to enforce if it is abused. She held him tenderly and yearned to be loved as her body rubbed on him passionately. Many times she has desired to carry his baby in her, this is one big thing she cannot wait to achieve, and knowing him, he will want it the right way but who cares! She knows that she will give him lots of children both boys and girls that will make them happy. She desires children and it will be as much as the creator will grant to her. This is one fact Lady Denson has enshrined into her since she turned ten. She came on him fully on the seat and pressed herself to him, Munah looked at her intently, knowing what she wants he held her tightly to himself and kissed her. They kissed for some time before she refrained and sat up. He dragged her back to the seat with her laughing softly as she leaned on him. They talked passionately to each other and gave each other a strong direction towards the way they want their love life to go. Adah never hid anything from him, she told him all likewise him, he told her everything she needs to know about him and his mother. Adah confessed her affection to him, making him understand that it is either him or nothing. She begged him not to break her heart because it is too soft and delicate to withstand any other pressure.

As the plane landed, they came down with their luggage. Wasting no time, they hired a cab and headed to the three-star hotel that has already been booked. They entered with the driver helping with the luggage and in no time, the driver turned and left the massive airport. As the driver drove, Adah could not help herself as she decided to lay down on the seat of the car while her head rested on Munah's thighs. The driver seeing them was quick to recognize Adah Denson and in the car, he started a conversation with them.

"I am sorry to intrude into your privacy, forgive my manners for being nosy. I know you are the new chief of the renowned Denson empire." He said looking at his rear mirror to catch a glimpse of Adah who sat up at that instant to look at him. Their eyes met and the man smiled knowingly. Adah relaxed and turned to stare at Munah who said nothing and also may be surprised.

"Yes, I am... Good to meet you sir" Adah said surprising herself to speak any further.

"Thank you and may this my eyes that have seen you in flesh and blood bring me good fortune." He said with a smile as Adah smiled.

"May it be as you have wished..." Adah said quite touched by his words.

"You look amazing. Please permit me to tell you that you are one of those that were excellently created. You are beautiful in real life." He continued with sincerity in his words

"Thank you. I appreciate your kind words." Adah said quite moved by his words to her. As they reached the hotel, the driver entered the complex after being interrogated by the security men on duty. The stewards came out to welcome them and Munah followed them to the receptionist. Adah paid the driver and gave him her card insisting that he should call her unfailingly any time he pleases. He departed after telling her that he will be at her service to take her anywhere she wants to visit at any time. He also gave her his number

Adah after finishing with the driver walked to the reception to see Munah waiting for her, she held her hands to him to hold while he beckoned to the steward to lead them to their suite. She was about to slump into the waiting couch before her phone started ringing. Seeing that the call was from Palm Springs, she answered the call. It was the site manager who is to take them on a tour of the property where the project was to be carried out. They spoke for about three minutes. The call was for him to take them around that same day and jet out after that which had made Adah infuriated a little. Adah had to call back the driver that brought them and good a thing he was very understanding. The driver had not gone very far and quickly made it to the hotel where Adah and Munah is already waiting. They entered and Adah told him to take them to Palmer Island. She instructed that the driver should take them to the open field. The driver seems to know the way very well as in no time they arrived at the field to see a chopper waiting already for them. Munah instructed the driver to wait for them so to take them back to the hotel. The kind driver accepted and watched as the chopper lifted into the air from his car.

Munah started a conversation with the site manager in Spanish, Adah listened without interest as the manager spread the plan, and below them, they could see the exact map out of the place. Munah was stunned at the view that met his and in his mind he started making some adjustments which he will pencil down. The chopper gave them a view of the whole expanse of the property and the link roads. The highway was about twenty minutes drive to the property, from there the first access point road will be built into the property before any other thing would be done. Munah discovered that fencing is important because apart from the road from the highway, an access road will be created which will link to every spot within the huge estate. The manager from Palm springs showed them the landmarks and boundaries. He also showed them the access road out of the property as well as all they need to know before handing over the entire documents to Adah. He wished them luck and ordered the chopper back to base.