
Still a weekend in Eden.

As the driver turned and started making his way out of the hotel, Adah turned to look at Munah. He shrugged his shoulders with a smile as he collected them from her the documents and they walked towards the entrance of the hotel. Adah had promised to be of help to his daughter, the daughter works as a contract staff in one of the upcoming publication companies. Munah had said nothing throughout that conversation but had given Adah his support of her intentions to help by giving her the eye. They entered their room and Adah quickly prepared herself for a good bath. Munah unpacked the luggage after which he went for his computer. After seeing the site, he believed that he must make some adjustments to the drawings, the spaces in-between the buildings need to be increased. Also, the road network needs to be expanded so that there will be no traffic issues. The Local ministry for housing affairs will be contacted so that there will be a thorough inspection and license to go ahead with the project. Already he has contacted a quantity surveyor who is presently working on the drawings so to give the correct estimate of materials for the project. Adah finished and came out of the bathroom to see him glued to the computer. She came close and looked at the whole drawing and what he was working on and bothered not herself. He sure knows what he is doing and it should be for the best. She changed into evening wear and did light make-up before relaxing her hair into a chignon. Munah finished his adjustment on the drawing and sighed deeply.

"What next?" Adah asked looking at the wall screen that she had just turned on.

"We await the report of the quantity surveyors as well as the reply from the local ministry," Munah said turning to look at her.

"Please can all this wait till we meet with the head of operations?" Adah said

"Certainly, I am just trying to tie up every loose end from my corner," Munah explained with a smile. Adah knows that once the drawing is accepted and endorsed, Munah needs to be paid for it. Though he said it will be given free Adah wants the group to pay for it and this Munah must not know.

As he finished his bath and came out, Adah could not take her eyes off him. He sat down and noticed her eyes on him and smiled knowing that her mind is in turmoil.

"We will be leaving next week so I want us to do away with anything work. please let's use this opportunity to celebrate our togetherness and engagement." Adah said looking at him dearly and fearing he might object. Munah simply stood up and walked up to her, raising her to her feet, he embraced her and kissed her. Adah refrained and smiled as she looked at him with affection.

"If that is what will make my queen happy," Munah said and kissed her again. Adah smiled again as her heart became filled with an untold amount of joy. She thought at some point he will begin to get bored or irritated about her constant presence. As she responded to his kiss, she counted herself grateful for having him. He understands her and her wants and emotions. She thought that he will get tired of her especially now that she has given him her body. She was wrong and his response tells her so.

"You are my now my responsibility and I owe you anything that you need. I am here for you and will ever be for you so get your mind relaxed. I also want to be with you more than you know and can think of." Munah said and allowed her to hold him to herself. Munah has come to understand her and her frailty. Loving her is a whole new responsibility, Adah is special, and the way that she has built herself alongside her nature If not understood may arouse a lot of confusion but he has come to know her and despite this weakness in her, her strength still lies in this wonderful attribute of her. As he sensed the rising of her passion, he kissed her knowing that the whole week will be eventful with her. For Adah, she knows that there is no more mortification, her life is now lifted and blessed with nothing but joy. The thought of him gives her strength and keeps her going. He is her real love and the last because she will never fall for another. As she allowed herself to be enveloped in the sweetness of his hold. He held her tenderly and with enough care. He walked her to the bed and they laid down as she came upon him, wrapping herself and body around him enduring that her sensitive parts rest on him. He knows that she wants to be with him and after this nothing else matters. They kissed and she humped him passionately as his member came alive. She stopped and laughed at her naughtiness while he held her and laughed but never wanted her to stop. He pressed her to himself and she moaned with pleasure as they pleasured their bodies to no return.

The only time she stood up was when she ordered room service, she came back and clasped herself to him. He began again to make her feel like nothing else mattered except their togetherness until they stood up to dine but Adah could see that Munah did not like the food. She suggested they eat out and booked for a cab. She allowed him to get ready and when the cab arrived, they went out and hunted for a good restaurant. They found one with help of the cab driver. It was a huge place with a foreign touch. They both ordered the popular quiche Lorraine and enjoyed the meal with white wine. Adah who ordered the food ate a little while Munah ate more until he was satisfied. After their meal, they paid the bill and left with the cab driver that brought them.

They got back to their room in good time with Munah thinking about the future of their relationship and his ambition to own a building firm. He knows that it will take only the help of divinity to divide them from each other. Adah may just commit suicide even at the thought of it with the way she is building her world around him. With the finances which he has saved coupled up with the ones Adah weekly sends to him through her direct account, he can start something and gradually build his way up so that it might not be assumed by many that he is feeding fat from the unending wealth of the Denson family. He does not need their wealth, he only needs Adah, the lady he has fallen in love with. He sat down on the bed and looked at her as she went to the convenience to clean up and prepare for the night.

Adah came out and noticed that he is in a pool of thoughts and could not help but wonder what he was thinking about. She has come to understand him in so many ways. In dealing with him, she has come to understand that you leave him to deal with certain things except he brings it up to her but he hardly does since all his life he has taken major decisions except some which his mother had strongly interfered into and as a result of how he adores his mother, he has always obeyed her instructions. He tells her a lot of things and he makes sure it is said at the right time. She knows that he does not want to hurt her most time but with him, there is always no hurt. She came on the bed and inwardly yearned for him to come to her and touch her the way she has always loved. which only he can give to her.

"What's the matter? You seem to be in thoughts" She inquired trying not to sound worried herself.

"I want to start my building firm with the little that I have gathered. Though I do not know if I am to get my office." Munah said looking at Adah who looked away at that instant to properly digest what she just heard from him.

"I feel I need to be a little independent to sell my designs to bigger construction companies. I need to take care of you and our family and I don't want to disappoint you in any way." Munah explained further while she came close to him and held his hands in hers.

"Do you want to leave me now? She asked tenderly with her voice trembling a little.

" No, I just want to explore every possibility. It will be a skeletal activity almost a side hustle so that I can gently build my reputation." Munah clarified looking at her as she warmed up her body to him.

"You have the office at Creek Island. Please this is our project also, I want to be part of it. Remember that the house is yours as well as mine. Start from there and do not count me out of your business, it hurts me when you do that." Adah said looking at him pleadingly.

"I am sorry for making you feel this way and thank you for you have just helped me to start a dream that I think is impossible," Munah said holding her fully.

"Don't think that I do not understand your fears, we are in this together. if all things work out well, we will one day become husband and wife with a family of our own. it is my project and you can count on my support. When we get back we can equip that office underground so that you can start as soon as you finish your paperwork with the authorities since you don't want to come under the empire." Adah said looking at him tenderly as she kissed him. Munah kissed her back not knowing how to thank her. He only embraced her and as words were no more enough for both of them and as their kisses became prolonged, urgent, and passionate, they made love to each other as if it was their very first time.