
A Thousand and One Miles

The past few years have been rough for Harlow. Following a series of life changing events, she finds herself running away from sunny Southern California to the rolling fields and small town of St. Dalton Montana. Plagued by night terrors and anxiety, she considered it a perfect hide away. Unfortunately, she soon learns that St. Dalton has greater secrets then just hiding her away; and not all fairy tales remain within the boundaries of a story book. Tossed into a world she never believed in, she quickly learns of the secrets of the world that was always there. There she is forced to come to terms with her past, and what her future was always meant to be.

ATJudge · Fantasía
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13 Chs


The two women had been in St. Dalton for almost a full week. All their stuff that had been moved by truck filling up and waiting in Anne and Ben's garage for almost three whole days. The two started job and house hunting the day after they arrived. Though they were both grateful for Anne and Ben's help- they wanted their own space and cash.

"So this is a colonial, three bedroom, two and a half bath, with a formal dining room." The two girls walked into the small foyer, their realtor following in after them. To their right were the straight stairs leading upstairs. Next to them was a doorway leading into the living room. To their left was the formal dining room and straight down in front of them was the opening to the kitchen. The two girls slowly walked through the first floor, before moving to the second. Meeting up in the master suite, their realtor waited downstairs for them. It was cozy, bigger than their apartment in California but smaller than the home they were currently staying in.

"So?" Harlow crossed her hands over her chest, looking out to the small fenced front yard. It was cute. The house was settled in an older area of the town, where the lots were much smaller and closer together. Unlike the great vastness of Kurt Pines where Anne lived. However, the home was much closer to the hub of the small town; which she liked.

Viviana stepped up next to her. "I like it." Harlow smiled. "So do I, I love this room- this house- the whole town. It's so" Harlow paused to find the right words, "normal... so...perfect."

Viviana grabbed her shoulder and shook her gently. "Let's go tell Dave then!" The two girls headed down stairs, and in the kitchen made their offer. It was later that afternoon as the two girls got lunch that they got the call- the house was theirs. Luckily the owner knew Viviana's family and trusted the two women.


Two days after signing their lease, Harlow stood in their new kitchen. She was in the middle of unwrapping a plate when her phone rang. Grabbing it with one hand, she struggled to click the answer. When she did, Harlow let out a small sigh.


"Hello, is this Harlow Write?" The female voice on the other end was soft and friendly. "Yes, this is her. How can I help?"

"Hi, this is Jackie with Old Dalton Village. I wanted to reach out to extend the position of Villager to you." Harlow set the plate in her hand down onto the counter and switched the phone to her other hand. "Really?"

"Yes! If you have a few minutes I would love to figure out a start date." Running her free hand through her hair, Harlow leaned against the counter as she worked out the details with Jackie.

Once they were done; Harlow continued to work on the kitchen as she was coming to terms with her new job. It was as she placed a stack of bowls in a cabinet when Viviana walked into the kitchen.

"Guess who is the newest vet tech of St. Dalton's Pet!" With her arms wide, Viviana spun around. Stopping in front of Harlow, she gently hugged her. "That's awesome Viv! Guess who is the latest villager to emigrate to Old Dalton Villager!" Viviana forced Harlow to hop as her grip tightened and she jumped. "Look. At. Us!"

Once she calmed down, Viviana released Harlow just enough to face her. "We should go out to dinner and celebrate!" Nodding, Harlow looked around their messy kitchen. "I couldn't agree more."

The two women loaded up into Viviana's white Jetta and took the short drive into town. They parked and began the short walk from the parking lot to a local Italian restaurant. As they did, Harlow's eyes caught a small advertisement. Not only was there a local theater, but there would be auditions for the spring play in the coming months.

"Viv look! Oh I wanna try out!" Viviana said something in response, but Harlow didn't hear it. Instead the hairs on the back of her neck stood up. Looking around, she couldn't see anyone out of the ordinary. When the feeling didn't go away, she tightened her grip on Viviana's arm.

"Low, you okay?" Harlow shook her head, and Viviana quickly pulled her into the restaurant.

Dinner passed in a blur, Harlow barely touching her meal. She didn't hide the fact that she was on edge. Her eyes were constantly moving and when a buzzer dropped a mug Harlow jumped in her seat. When the two women left the restaurant, left overs in hand, Harlow couldn't stop herself from checking her surroundings. It was only once they were home that Harlow appeared to relax. She double checked each door and window's lock; and carefully closed all the blinds.