
A Thousand and One Miles

The past few years have been rough for Harlow. Following a series of life changing events, she finds herself running away from sunny Southern California to the rolling fields and small town of St. Dalton Montana. Plagued by night terrors and anxiety, she considered it a perfect hide away. Unfortunately, she soon learns that St. Dalton has greater secrets then just hiding her away; and not all fairy tales remain within the boundaries of a story book. Tossed into a world she never believed in, she quickly learns of the secrets of the world that was always there. There she is forced to come to terms with her past, and what her future was always meant to be.

ATJudge · Fantasy
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13 Chs

St. Dalton

"Making my down town- walking fast, faces past and I'm homebound! Staring blankly ahead just making my way, making my way through the crowd- DA NANANANA- I need you- DA NANANANA- and I miss you- DA NANANANA- and now I wonder..."

The two voices swirled together with Vanessa as her 2002 hit blared through the speakers. The little red car drove down the old, two lane highway. Harlow- who sat in the passenger seat- could belt a note, and did. Her velvet voice harmonizing with Vanessa. Her best friend, Viviana, couldn't sing to save her life. Viviana beat her fingers to the beat, her voice cracking slightly. Both girls laughed at each other, continuing to go on. Over all, it wasn't about who sang better but who could sing both the lyrics, piano and violins all at the same time.

The song died down and they gave a small argument over who was victorious in their endeavor. Eventually they came to the agreement it was a tie. Viviana began to tap to the next song, humming to herself. Harlow's gaze moved as she leaned her head against the headrest and watched the endless fields pass by her. She had bare toes tapping on the dashboard, taking a sip of water. They were literally in the middle of nowhere. In her lap, Lady Luck meowed softly. Harlow had her fingers along the black cat's back, her eyes floating back to the sea of grass.

Viviana had said that the drive to her hometown would be boring, as was apparently the town. Not that Harlow minded. She was overdue for some peace and quiet. The past few years had been rough for her. She was more than prepared for a quiet, boring life in a middle of nowhere town.


"So if it's just tonight, the animal inside- let it live and DDIIIIIEEEE! This- this it! Oh my gosh, Low, we're entering town!" The little red Hyundai sped past a classic wooden sign with the perfectly cursive 'Welcome to St. Dalton' painted in a dark navy blue. Viviana bounced from where she sat in the passenger seat. Harlow's lips curled into a smile at her friend's child-like excitement. She kept her eyes on the road; the two women switching places at the last bathroom stop.

"Okay, I just texted my aunt, she'll have dinner ready by the time we're there! Oh Low-" Viv grabbed Harlow's hand, curving it to match hers. "You're going to love it here. I just know it..." She gave Hallow's hand small shake, smiling a little. All she wanted was her friend's happiness. Harlow's own smile grew, playfully rolling her eyes. "I know Viv, and I want to thank you again. The fact that I'm actually getting the chance to start over, is great. I mean, moving to a new town all by myself is scary and hard. But moving to where my best friend grew up and I'm not alone is not so scary or hard."

Harlow slowed the car down and took a right turn. "Um, Low, what- where are you going?" Harlow took another right turn. "I don't know, you stopped giving me directions so I just started making right turns. We've been around this block almost four times now." Viviana let out a jingling laugh, as she apologized and got them back on the right road.


As Harlow turned into the neighborhood, she could only gawk at it all. The houses were huge, not to mention the whole place was gated. Harlow had known that Viviana had come from some money; her great-grandfather or something along the line helped create some new type of 'swim fin' in the sixties. Though Viviana came from money; you would never know.

"Damn Viv, I knew you were rich but I didn't know you lived in a freaking mansion." Viviana rolled her eyes. "I didn't grow up in a mansion, it's a modest five bed, four and half bath house with a nice sized yard and basement entertainment space. Nothing fancy- besides, it's not like you didn't have a silver spoon growing up. With two kickass lawyers for parents- I bet you always got the newest Barbie Dream House."

Harlow had a hard time arguing there. Her father's law practice had been in the family for five generations. Once her mother married, she joined in the practice. They had made it clear that at least one of their children would continue the business. Luckily for her, that person was her older brother. Thus giving her the chance to go to college for what she had always dreamed of- acting. Though she knew it wouldn't be something her parents agreed with.

"Okay but still, my family lived in a four bedroom, three bath house with a pool that promptly took up almost the whole backyard because that's how Californians do it."

Harlow turned down the street Viviana pointed to, and pulled into the driveway of the fourth house on the right. The house was beautiful, something from a rustic magazine. With a cover of perfectly balanced wood and stone and nestled on a small slope; the house could pass for a ski resort. Not to forget the landscaping, the grass was still near perfect green despite the cold early October chill that hung in the air. The trees had begun to just change colors and the surrounding shrubs were carefully crafted.

Harlow parked her packed car in front of the three car garage, the girls climbing out into fall air. "Come on, we can get the stuff later- I can't wait to see Aunt Roxanne!" Viviana grabbed Harlow- who had barely any time to grab Lady Luck's carrier-and pulled her away from the car. As she was pulled away, Harlow fumbled with her keys, pressing the lock button until it honked. Looking forward, she silently stared up at the two story home. They marched up the stone steps to the looming front door, warm colors making the glass panels around it glow from within.

Viviana didn't even bother to knock, she knew her aunt would have the door unlocked. Most people knew who her family was and wouldn't even dare to think to steal from them; so the door remain unlocked as long as someone was awake within the house.

"Hello?" Harlow once again found herself gawking as she entered into the foyer. Dark hardwood floors, a spiraling staircase against the left wall and grand wrought iron chandelier greeted them. "Hello, Auntie Anne?" Harlow followed Viviana silently, removing her boots and coat; placing them both in the closet under the stairs.

"Is that my Vivi?!" Suddenly popping into the foyer from what she could assume was the kitchen, came a rather fit, older woman. Her blonde hair was pulled up in a messy bun, and she wore a sweater with plain jeans and slippers. "Auntie Anne!" Viviana flung herself at the woman, wrapping her arms around her. Though the move would have sent Harlow to the ground, Viviana had that kind of power, her aunt remained as a tree; unmoved. "Vivi! I've missed you so much! I'm so happy you're home!"

"Me too. Auntie,if I can, this is my friend Harlow. Low this is the woman who raised me as her own, my Auntie Roxanne" Pulling away from the hug, Viviana motioned to her friend.

Smiling, Roxanne walked over and held her arms out. "It's so nice to meet you Harlow! Please call me Auntie or Anne; none of this Roxanne- that's my mother." Anne pulled Harlow into a hug, and Viviana took Lady Luck's carrier from her friend. Hallow accepted both actions as she got over the shocked factor. "Oh Vivi has told me so much about you- I feel like I already know you!"

Harlow winced inwardly at the thought, but quickly hid her grimace with a small, grateful smile. "Thank you, Viv has told me so much about you too, thank you for letting us stay here until we can get our own place." Harlow smiled to Viviana, taking her cat carrier back.

Anne waved her hand, "It's nothing, now come to the kitchen. I got dinner going and Ben will be home at any moment with TJ." The two girls followed Anne into a beautiful living space.

It was an open air room containing the kitchen, dining and living room space. Its style was rustic, the same hardwood from the foyer flowing into the space and stone serving as the countertop.

The kitchen was one you would see a professional have, which would be common for this family since Viviana took pride in the fact that her aunt was a professional chef. There was a large center island, with both a wrought iron pan holder and drop lights hanging from the wooden rafters.

The dining table, which could easily fit twelve people, was also wood and stone; of course. It was nestled under a chandelier matching the one in the front foyer.

A large rug set the space for the living area, with a large tan L shaped couch centered around a tree-trunk coffee table and a large flat screen resting above the stone fireplace. Harlow was sure if a fire wasn't burning- she could stand straight up in the fire pit.

But what took the cake, the thing she loved the most over everything else, were the windows. Large, fifteen foot windows opened the space to the backyard- the endless, rolling backyard with the deck some could only ever dream of seeing in real life.

The one thing she feared was how dark it was getting out there. Other houses in the neighborhood had large plots that line up behind each other. But Anne and Ben's house sat at the end of a dead end street. Behind their home was forest. Logically, Harlow knew that there were lights placed throughout the property. It was also a forest in a gated community- how deep could it truly go back? But at the same time, she learned a long time ago the hard way that the most evil things can lurk in the innocents of the night.

"Low, you want anything to drink?" Looking back from the window, Harlow nodded. "Um, yeah, water would be good. Thanks" Viviana got a bottle from the large stainless steel fridge and slid it down the island to Harlow. She caught it and took a sip. Viviana stuck her finger into Lady Luck's carrier. "So, Auntie, what's for dinner?"

"Ratatouille with penne and French bread." A rumble came from Viviana's chest as she hummed in satisfaction. "Sounds so good- we're starving." Harlow nodded her head agreeing. "Before we eat, can I take Lady Luck up to my room? I also need to get her litter box stuff." Anne's eyes grew wide. "Oh of course! Vivi, show Harlow to the guest room next to yours."

"Will do Auntie, come on Low." Harlow and Viviana left the kitchen, making a quick stop to the car, before going up to the second floor of the house.

Once Lady Luck was settled in her room, the two women rejoined Anne in the kitchen. As they did, voices filled a hallway off to the side of the kitchen, and the sound of a door opening and closing.

The first to enter into the room was an older man, his black hair slicked back perfectly and long-worn wrinkles creased into his face as he smiled upon seeing the two girls. "Uncle Ben!" Viviana all but jumped over the counter and hugged her uncle, his briefcase falling from his hand at her force. "It's nice to see you too Vi!" He hugged her.

"Ugh- come on! Get out of the doorway!" Pulling away, Ben frowned and Viviana giggled. "Tyler James, your mother and I raised you to have better manner than that! Besides, you haven't seen Viviana since last summer- give her a hug."

Stepping out from behind his father, Tyler was a near mini-copy of his father. His skin was slightly sun kissed, and black hair hung around his ears. His eyes were green- like his mother's. A self proclaimed lady killer and only fourteen.

"Come here Tyty!" With a groan, Viviana wrapped her arms around the teenager, smiling despite his protest. Releasing her cousin, Viviana, smiled at Harlow. "Uncle Ben, this is my friend Harlow, Harlow this is my uncle Ben and my cousin Tyler."

The two groups met in the middle, Ben hugging her as Anne had. "It's so nice to finally meet you in person Harlow!" The second time around, Harlow was more prepared.

Tyler looked Harlow up and down once. He ran a hand through his hair as he gave a smile. "Hi, I'm Tyler, my friends call me TJ but you," he slid closer to her, "Can call me T-babe." Harlow took a small step away from him, and Viviana groaned as she reached for her cousin. "Ew, stop. Stop,stop, stop flirting with her you little creep!" TJ glared at her but when he saw the glare from his father he spun on his heels and left the room grumbling.

Once dinner was finished cooking, the group sat at the massive dining table. Each plate was filled and passed by Anne to the table. Viviana hadn't been lying, Harlow realized this, as she took her first few bites of the meal. The food was astonishing, the flavor indescribable. Harlow was in heaven. "So, you two met while working?" Harlow swallowed the embarrassing large bite of food, nodding her head as she did. "Um yeah," she wiped her mouth, "we met working at Disneyland. We actual met while auditioning and were in the same training groups. Once we started our rolls we got locked into the same shift hours. Our friendship really bloomed over our breaks."

"But, weren't you Belle and- who is that other one darling?" Ben looked to his wife. "Mary Poppins darling." Ben nodded his head, agreeing with his wife.

"Yeah, I was also Ariel." Her gaze fell as she took another bite to keep herself from having to talk more.

"You must have really loved it there-ow!" Tyler glared across the table at Viviana; who sat next to Harlow. Viviana glared back- almost as if she was telling him something with her mind.

"I did," Harlow nodded her head, bowing it. "There's no word that can describe the feeling you get when a child lights up at the sight of you or knowing that you made them smile." A sigh slipped from her lips, "I'm going to miss it."

She blinked, trying to stop the tears that had glassed over her eyes. Lifting her head, she smiled, "But I'm also very excited to start my new life here. From what little I've seen, Montana is very different then California and I couldn't be more thrilled by it." Anne and Ben smiled, and Viviana slipped her hand into Harlow's, shaking it under the table.


After dinner Viviana lead Harlow back to her room. Viviana opened the oversized door and entered into a grey and lilac toned bedroom. It was a well size room, with a queen bed, dresser, flat screen, walk in closet and ensuite bathroom; it was the size of her parent's master. And happily resting on the bed was Lady Luck. "Thanks again, this room is so nice."

Walking in, Harlow dropped her duffle onto stuffed grey bench at the end of her bed. She scratched behind Lady Luck's ear. Viviana smiled, "Glad you like it, I'm going to go head to my room to take a shower. See you in the morning?" Harlow shook her head. "Yeah, night." The two girls hugged and then Harlow was left alone.

She took a cue from Viviana, and took a warm shower; washing the scents of the road from her body. After changing into her first pair of real flannel pajamas, Harlow stood at the windows that overlooked the land; attempting to dry her hair as she did.

There was a knock at her cracked door and it opened to reveal Roxanne in pajamas and a large envelope in her hands. "Can I come in?" Harlow turned, nodding her head. She had been wrapped up in the darkness of the night. "Please, do."

Roxanne stopped about two feet from her and held out the manila envelope. "This came in the mail a few days ago for you. I figured I would wait until after dinner to give it to you... TJ doesn't know the full story." Harlow took the envelope, nodding her head. She understood. He was only fourteen, not old enough to know everything but still young enough to need protection.

"Thank you, I understand." Anne wrapped her hand around Harlow's shoulder. "I can't even imagine how hard this must be for you, but you need to know that you're safe here. I promise." Harlow nodded her head again, thanking Anne. Anne started back, stopping in the doorway. She turned back to Harlow. "I'm going to go to bed now. Feel free to sleep to your comfort." Anne motioned to the door handle, making sure Harlow saw that there was a lock, before wrapping her hand around it. "Good night Harlow."

"Good night Anne." Watching the door close, Harlow turned back to the darkness. Someone could be a full two miles out and see her figure, shadowed by the soft light from the nightstand lamp, standing in the window. Looking down to the envelope in her hands, it's postmarked was from Washington DC. Without opening it, she hid it under her duffle bag before glancing back at the window.

She wanted just one more night- one night where she could still say her name. One more moment where she wasn't yet fully Harlow Write. Stepping away from the window, she closed the curtains and crawled into the bed, flicking the light off as she did.