
A target of the Backrooms

[Shen], a 22-year-old Adult ends up falling into the Backrooms and suddenly, he gets a System. '' How does it work? It makes no sense... ''

ImperiumIzis · Cómic
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5 Chs

Questions after waking up

This is the chapter I mentioned once, to [Shen] organize his thoughts and clear his doubts. So, finally, make way for progress and evolution.


After a seemingly endless fall, [Shen] quickly widened his eyes as he stood up feeling intense pain in the front of his body.

''What the fuck?! '' He looked quite annoyed as he performed this Shout and quickly looked around, trying to find the reason for the pain. '' Anything? But... '' [Shen] started talking to himself when he found nothing, seeming to regain clarity in his eyes as the seconds passed.

His body started to shake and continued like that for a few seconds before stopping. [Shen] looked like he remembered everything that happened before he fell unconscious and it wasn't a good memory to have, let alone all the pain he'd suffered on that damn floor.

''I hope there's some peace in this place...'' He muttered, there was a lot that [Shen] wanted to analyze and think about, otherwise: he couldn't survive long without getting his thoughts organized and this of course would be a big disadvantage.

He sat on the floor and leaned his back against the nearest wall, taking a deep breath, looking quite relaxed. After nearly a full day of pure despair and terror, this was a rather normal reaction. He put his hands in front of his eyes and closed his vision with them, starting to think.

' Maybe I can finally think for a while...first of all, what am I supposed to do at this location? I think it's unlikely that I'll be able to get out of this place, or rather: I think it's unlikely that there are a way out, just infinite floors... ' [Shen] thought to himself, remembering the messages and notices he saw during his stay on the first floor. He was stating at every turn that whenever he found a supposed exit: he would go to a new floor, instead of going outside.

' It would be stupid to think too much about whether or not an exit should exist, especially with so little information. The most practical thought to have right now is to assume that this place has no way out and that I will be here forever. It might sound scary, but maybe it's better than getting your hopes up...' [Shen] thought rather sadly, he didn't like the sound of it. It felt like he was forever trapped in eternal torture, running and running from monsters he could never even defeat, as they would get stronger as the floors went up thanks to that letter. ' The ideal answer would be...enhancement. I must hone my Skills to survive as long as possible. But the risks... ' He thought in frustration, remembering the news his Skills had given him. It didn't matter how rational he wanted to act, in the end: he would be screwed, after all, at some point or another he would lose his memories.

' The Memory's part...maybe it's the best choice? ' [Shen's] eyes that were closed opened, wide. A strange thought passed through his mind, which made him excited and at the same time afraid. ' Maybe, just maybe, losing the memories could be my best chance of survival... a Mind cleansed of contrary and rustic teachings is much better in terms of adaptation and learning, than a mind already accustomed to the wrong techniques. In simpler terms, it is much easier to buy the right Items from 0, than to sell and start modifying opposite Items to suit the items you need. ' [Shen's] eyes gleamed in recognition as if he had found his salvation. A great sense of euphoria and satisfaction began to fill [Shen], which was quickly thwarted by several notification noises.

-[ Intelligence has been re-tuned. ]-

-[ +5 Messages ]-

[Shen] looked at the messages before opening the Status Window briefly, to see how much his intelligence had risen.

-[ Strength: 15 ]-

-[ Dexterity: 15 ]-

-[ Agility: 15 ]-

-[ Intelligence: 15 ]-

-[ Senses: 13 ]-

-[ Charisma: 10 ]-

-[ Points Available: 20 ]-

' Has it increased that much? But... doesn't this make sense? ' [Shen] looked confused and surprised, wondering why his Intelligence would suddenly increase so much, doubting it was his way of thinking. But knowing he wouldn't get an answer, he let out a light sigh before clicking on the '+5 Messages' Option to see the rest.

-[ Congratulations on passing the First level. Knowing the User's Situation and their Mental State, we temporarily stop the Second Floor so that the User can calm their thoughts and organize them, after all, the User will need this if they want to survive from now on. A period of one week was given to rest and prepare for what was to come, but in exchange: forbidding any kind of exploration in the place to avoid cheating when the stage starts. ]-

' The first good news?! ' [Shen] looked surprised at the message, feeling relieved. He hadn't realized this before, but perhaps this increase in Intelligence Attributes could have had real effects, after all, he'd touched himself not long after the decision to sit in a strange spot and close his eyes was the worst possible decision. to take, in this type of place. ' I was an Idiot...not that I'm not one right now. ' He commented feeling much lighter, as he wouldn't need to get ready in a hurry.

Knowing that he would have more time to organize his thoughts and take it all in without haste, he clicked on the last few messages so that they appeared.

-[ User has leveled up, congratulations on reaching level 2. Rewards have been applied: 20 Attribute Points and a white box. ]-

Fulfilling what the message was saying, a white Box suddenly materialized in front of [Shen], who stared at it in surprise.

' Incredible! ' He can only exclaim it in his mind, it might seem stupid after all he's been through but... it was one thing to see the supernatural and run away in despair because this supernatural wanted to kill him, another thing was for him to happen in front of you and you be able to enjoy it without fear. 'If only I could have explored the previous Floor more, without having to run away from that monster...' [Shen] thought, but he wasn't regretting it. He would rather never encounter that bizarre creature again.

' I'll open you up when I'm done reading all the Messages, maybe I can find useful things to do with you. '[Shen] made a rather smart decision for someone of his level, as he placed the White Box on his knee. He took a deep breath before opening the next messages, praying there wasn't any bad news in them.

-[ The rewards for passing the First Floor have been adjusted for the difficulty of the location, this being: Maximum. Just below, there is a short list of rewards. ]-

-[ 1st - Access to answers: The User will be able to use the 'Support Chat' unlimitedly, where he will talk to experienced people who are connected to the center to receive the information he needs. The only exceptions to this question are Detailed information from other Users, Detailed information about the World the User is in and any type of question that breaks 'basic logic'. ]-

-[ 2nd - Privilege: Original, it was given to the User. Details about such Privilege can be received in the Support Chat. ]-

-[ 3rd - General System Update, for Simplification and better use. ]-

-[ 4° - Scaly Egg: A white egg, it is filled with energies that surround the atmosphere. There are no specific species in there, what comes out of this Egg will be something that was created with all sorts of Energy that the Egg absorbed from the Atmosphere of the places it went. ]-

-[ 5th - Storage Ring: Allows the User to store all sorts of HIS stuff inside the Ring. Because it's extremely advanced, things in there have three options: Be affected by time faster (good for storing wine), stop being affected by time (good for storing general food), or Grow slower (good for melting ice cream). ). ]-

' ...What are these rewards and comparisons? Mainly in the last one. They gave me what I wanted like it was nothing! ' [Shen] looked at the screen in horror, it was five rewards. Even he thought it was exaggerated, not that he was going to complain or anything like that but...it was exaggerated nonetheless. Especially rewards as absurd as this one, which would undoubtedly make it easier for him to survive in this place. ' I feel mixed emotions about this 'System', Hate and Love... ' He thought, because it was thanks to all this news that he was managing to distract his mind to deflect fear, he never stopped feeling it. It had just been diminished in large amounts by the sure news he'd received, almost like...the System knew how to make him accept the System faster and easier.

[Shen] read everything he received one more time and waited ten minutes without doing anything, to absorb everything properly. In his dealings, he ended up realizing some important factors that he had overlooked, which undoubtedly worried him.

' The Egg is not a complete good sign. The Creature can be anything, and if this type of place has a supposed 'Own Energy'...the creature could be like the one that was trying to kill me a moment ago, as it doesn't guarantee that whatever cracks the Egg will be mine friend. ' [Shen] thought with concern, staring at the Egg. He had forgotten to record this, but all the rewards he had received appeared in front of him: the Ring, the Egg, and even the Answer.

Feeling that it was better to finish everything at once, [Shen] clicked on the next two messages. Fortunately, both messages were simpler, with no more rewards or over-the-top stuff actually: they talked about exactly that with [Shen].

-[ The rewards for passing each Floor will vary depending on the difficulty and various other factors. Take the First Floor Passage as an example, it was much more difficult and ridiculous as the User, a normal person was put in a desperate situation and forced to try to survive somehow, which resulted in these rewards. But now, on the second floor, the rewards will come in smaller amounts depending on the 'teaspoon' the User receives. ]-

-[For example this one week of rest, will decrease and a lot the number of rewards for the User. The quality will be maintained as it would be unfair to lower it, but in return, the User will no longer receive things in such a large quantity. At least not as long as you continue to receive privileges at this level, so you can prepare yourself without haste or fear for future dangers. ]-

' Well...this is disappointing, but it seems fair enough to me. I could feel quite strong and invincible if I kept getting such 'powerful' rewards and I'm sure I wouldn't be able to keep myself 'humble' when I meet someone else, after all, these rewards alone have inflated my Ego a lot... ' [Shen ] thought to himself, remembering that when the rewards were declared: he felt euphoria and joy that he had never felt before, it was such a wonderful feeling but at the same time so... vile, as if it was going to knock him down and change his mind on the slightest weakness he showed at that time. ' I don't want to feel this feeling anymore... '

Deciding it was best to start dealing with what he had on hand, [Shen] started by opening the most important thing: the Support Chat. He didn't want to risk using anything he received without a proper explanation, as he knew he could end up dying if somehow something went wrong, it shouldn't be simple to use the items he had received.

When opening the Support Chat, a rather pleasant sight received [Shen], it was an extremely simple black screen. Like a Messaging app, it said the Name of the person he was talking to Support, and there was a bar for him to ask questions. Nothing more, nothing less.

Deciding to try this to see what the result would be, [Shen] moved his fingers and clicked on the bar which caused a keyboard to appear in front of him. Quite technological from [Shen's] point of view, which served to make him let out a small smile. At the same moment, he started writing and writing, asking several questions without stopping, and was surprised when the answers arrived at the same moment, instantly.

[ Q: What is this 'Backrooms' location, and how dangerous is it? ]

[ A: 'Backrooms' can be considered an extremely distorted World, originating in the 'Anti-Universe'. It is the Home of several terrifying stories that have been poorly finished, being consideredIncomplete. The Danger varies as the floor goes up, going from 'Human' to 'God'. ]

[ Q: 'God'...in the sense of 'God of the Bible or some other kind of God? ]

[ A: 'God' in the sense of a Race. The Gods are a Race everywhere in existence, usually created through extremely strong beliefs. ]

[ Q: How do Status Boosts work? And is there a classification to locate this? ]

[ A: Status boosts work as follows: Applying a Point to Strength Status, modifies the Body's genetics so that the Body gains more potential while strengthening the Body's physical strength. To do this, prevent any 'explosion' by an excessive Status increase from occurring because the body can't handle such power. There is a small form of reference that can be used called 'Peak Insect'. 0 - 9: Usually simpler Animals and Insects, 10 - 15: The Limits of the Human Body, 16 - 25: The Body of someone who has already attained the Supernatural, usually with powers or Abilities of their own. 26 - 50: In this rank, there are some truly strong races, ranging from low-level Dragons to low-level Gods in simpler cases. 51 - 100: Finally, the Peak. ]

[ Q: Why the confusion in the details and explanations? Wouldn't it be possible to do something more detailed? ]

[ A: In more normal cases, yes. But there are infinite variants and everything is possible in this World, so it can: even a Human to be as dangerous as a God, or a God as weak as an Insect. It would be impossible to create detailed rankings for each Status level, and it would be even more impossible for Users to learn everything, so each Status Level has been broken down in this way: vague and simple, to make things more 'understandable'. ]

[ Q: If I get 20 Points per level increased, wouldn't it be possible at Level 5 for me to already be at max Status? ]

[ A: In normal cases, yes. In the past this was the case, but nowadays things have changed, the peak declared at '100' can be considered the 'beginning', think of it as a 'Rebirth' situation in games. Avoid looking for more details until you reach this level, otherwise, you will be truly confused. ]

[ Q: How does my Return After Death Skill work, in more detail? I think I specified it well... ]

[ A: Don't worry, we understand the reason for your question. This 'disadvantage' is another 'advantage' because your current Self is extremely simple and attached to the laws of a peaceful World and with the Supernatural hidden to incredible, almost absolute points. Thus, you would be unable to survive and adapt to both the System and the new places you go. To prevent this from happening, the Ability is 'erasing' your incapable of evolving and adapting Self, to become the 'You' of when you were born, so to speak. Able to learn and adapt to completely new and absurd levels. ]

[ Q: I would disappear if that's the case, wouldn't I? ]

[ A: In normal cases, yes. But your Skill is a little more special than that. It's as if you painted a drawing, and wanted to change its color. You would be unable to change it effectively by simply painting over it, so normally you would erase the paint with a good eraser and leave only the edges, which would be drawing. ]

[ Q: I believe I understand. What is this 'Privilege: Original'? He seems important to me, but I doubt I'll be able to guess... ]

[ A: In simple terms, 'Privilege: Original' allows you to port only your own, completely original techniques. Not taking anything from existing fiction or creating meaningless and extremely shameful nonsense. Your current and Future powers will be YOURS ONLY, unable to be copied, stolen, or transferred, and all of them will be unique. They can carry similarities or similar constructions, such as being a Power of Vibration, with special characteristics. But that would be it, you wouldn't have to worry about someone already knowing you from having seen it in a History, Memory, or Timeline. ]

[Q: If one couldn't see it in the Timeline, then... ]

[ A: Correct. With this Privilege, you are just you, unique in the Past, Present, and Future. There are ramifications for you from when you didn't have that privilege, but they went their separate ways and ended up conquering other things and making different decisions. You are now the most backward Timeline of yourself but at the same time the most unique and special. ]

[ Q: Is there any specific reason for the Privilege, or... ]

[ A: In simpler terms and situations, you could say 'Yes', there are. An alternate version of you, very interested in unique events, broken and lonely, decided to do a play with the System. He was erased from existence for breaking all 69 Trillion Rules in the same instant, but in return: you were the one who was affected, generating this kind of thing. ]

[ Q: Am I the only one who received this kind of 'privilege' from Alternate Versions? ]

[ A: yes and no. You were the One who received THIS specific power, but there will be others who have received other types of Privileges. ]

[ Q: How do I use 'Storage Ring'? ]

[ A: Just put it on your finger and think about what you want to do: Save and Take, See what's inside, or Speed ​​up, Pause or Slow down the time inside the Ring. ]

[ Q: The egg, would it be lethal to me when it cracked? ]

[A: It would depend on how he was raised, as he would remember everything he felt when he was an Egg. If he feels only good and positive things surrounding your presence, then he won't attack you. But if a single negative thing comes along, there's a possibility he'll attack you when you crack. ]


[Shen] let out a sigh, he had spent almost a whole day talking about this here. He thought for hours and then asked the question, thought for a few more hours, and asked one more question. It was almost like an endless loop, but luckily, he got the answers he wanted/needed. He hopes from the bottom of his heart that he hasn't forgotten anything so that now he can make his plans without too much trouble. If all went well...he could survive.

' Let's go now! It's time to start preparing, to finally start things. ' [Shen] thought with a slight smile on his face, before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

What? He didn't have much to do. The most important thing now was: to rest his mind because he used it A LOT and finally, absorb all the information he received.

So, yes, finally, he can start to prepare.


This was quite a long Chapter, if I may say so. There was a lot of information, and maybe some explanations for certain things. But that's what I had in mind for now.

I didn't want to give the Protagonist any Powers from existing Works as it would make the Plot pointless and boring, with bickering and bickering over the types of Works the Protagonist should visit to receive the Powers. I will make him as unique as I can think of, as well as accept tips on how to make him more and more unique.

I hope some explanations may have left you satisfied, not too angry. But if it didn't work out as I intended, there's nothing I can do. And yes, it took me so long to post to deliver this to you, an extremely simple chapter I made after sitting down and opening the notebook for 30 Minutes.

I'm a real lazybones.

(Any doubt, suggestion, or criticism: Give without fear, and I will still thank you for it! )

ImperiumIziscreators' thoughts