
Chapter 4 Part 5

Chapter 4: Strange alliances


Part 5


Victory Bay


When all was said and done, I've been too busy, my mind too preoccupied to appreciate Victory Bay. Ironically, now that I blithely walked towards the next impending disaster, I spent a bit of time to look and enjoy the sights, if for no other reason to keep my mind from jumping to the worst possible conclusions. First and obviously, while a large city, Victory Bay was no hive, which was a good thing, otherwise everyone would likely need a re-breather at least in order not to choke on the fumes. There were actual trees lining up the streets, even various parks dotting the place, even if they were on the small side. There was a freshness in the air despite the promethium smoke from countless military vehicles doing their best to choke it down. Even the architecture wasn't entirely in the Empire's preferred Gothic style. There was a distinct lack of gargoyles and such leering down from most buildings, which was a nice change as well.

Actually, the place was quite vibrant, especially now that we were here in force and people were cheering us when not too busy working or aiding in fortifying the place. While there were a lot of fools who actually welcomed the Tau on Kronus, there were even more good Imperial citizens who were glad we were here to deliver them from Xeno rule, which was heartening.

My brief moment of levity withered as we approached General Alexander's command center. The surrounding space crawled with at least an order of magnitude more security than the situation as I knew it warranted. There were trenches, bunkers and dug in heavy weapon emplacements all over the place, tanks covered in fighting positions, Sentinels milling around with glowing multi-lasers, even a bomber flight circled overhead.

Two infantry companies stood near the entrance of the CP, looking uneasily at it. One was was made of Kasrkin commandos in sealed carapace armour carrying heavy weapons, while the other held the bulk of the Ogryn we had planet-side if I recalled right what Alexander had available. Needless to say, that sight didn't fill me up with confidence. I glanced at Anteas, however his helmet wasn't much help in divining what fresh threat to life and limb awaited us.

The cog-boys were here in strength too, if the excited chatter in binary coming from the CP was anything to judge by. At least someone was happy about whatever this was. I suspected I wouldn't be as overjoyed as our AdMech contingent appeared to be.

Moments later I was proven right.

"Inquisitor, I'm glad to see you more or less intact." Alexander gave me a firm nod when he has me enter. "There have been certain new developments requiring your attention."

Thule's huge form stood beside the General, the Captain of the Blood Ravens was barely able to fit into the room though it wasn't particularly small. The Commander of our Astartes contingent offered a silent nod in recognition, however left the explanations to Alexander.

"I'm at your disposal, General. What is the situation at hand?"

Alexander glanced at the cog-boys who if anything, grew more and more excited by the moment.

"First, our friends in the Mechanicus keep searching for a most holy relic while aiding us in fortifying the city against Xeno incursions – the arm cannon of a blessed God Machine as they put it. We'll have to recover and protect it at all costs, obviously." While he delivered that explanation in a matter of fact manner and with the proper panache, it was obvious that Alexander wasn't thrilled at the need to secure yet another critical point, one that wouldn't be of military benefit for our campaign to liberate Kronus… or avoid losing the planet and be murdered horribly for as long it took for reinforcements to arrive.

The silver lining here was that when the cog-boys at large heard what their local counterparts stumbled upon, there will be Mechanicus assets racing our way, for all the good it would do to us in the short term.

"That's an excellent news, praise the Omnissiah." I offered a smile to the cog-boys and topped it off with the sign of the Aquila. "However, as nice as this turn of events is, I don't believe that why you called me, General."

"Unfortunately not, Inquisitor. There are two items of interest that concern us all, and they're linked. First, a few hours ago, a Xeno diplomatic party or what passed for it approached one of our recon teams. The leader of these Necrons on Kronus wants to negotiate. As a sign of goodwill," the sarcasm Alexander could put into words was something to behold, "he offered us concerning bit of intelligence, one that was just confirmed by orbital surveillance and Astarters reconnaissance teams. The Eldar and Tau met not so long ago and all signs point at them forging an alliance against us. The blue-skins are currently mobilizing for an all our assault on our positions."

"Ah." Well, we were fucked. That thought aside, Necrons wanted to negotiate, what insanity was this?! "Then you want my opinion on meeting the Necrons and using them against the other enemies of Humanity desecrating this world?" I chose my words very carefully.

"Correct." Alexander stated flatly. "We have the forces available to deal with the Tau, especially when working in concern with Captain Thule's Astartes. However, we're likely to suffer heavy casualties, casualties we can ill afford when the Deimos Peninsula is swarming with heretics and agents of the Great Enemy. They should be or priority target, however..."

"If we move against them now, we'll risk being defeated in detail. Damn Eldar. Liberal orbital support?"

"While we technically control the orbitals right now, our naval elements are damaged and stretched thin between protecting our transports and keeping surviving enemy naval elements honest. There is the remnant of a Tau battle group in system as well as the survivors from the Eldar flotilla that engaged us before your arrival, Inquisitor. Our naval commanders aren't confident that they can keep Victory Bay safe if we provoke the enemy by purging their strongholds with cleansing orbital fire." This was likely the longest I've heard Thule speak to date. The Blood Raven Captain didn't bother hiding his frustration and displeasure at our strategic situation.

"In that case, it might be prudent that we at least hear what the Necrons want to say. To the best of my admittedly very limited knowledge, this might be the first time these particular Xeno are willing to talk with us. If nothing else, a meeting might be a source of precious intelligence, which the Ordo Xenos will appreciate. The possibility of such meeting and the Eldar-Tau alliance is the reason for the increased security, is it not?"

"Yes." Alexander nodded grimly. "The Necron envoy told our recon element that he'll be along soon after we decide to meet with him, no need to try and contact them." So there was another reason for the large contingent of cog-boys stuck in the command center.

"You think they're listening to us right now or at least that is what they wanted us to believe." I concluded.

"We've provided all available counter-measures." The head cog-boy announced. "We're fairly confident..."

Static electricity washed over us, green lighting blinded me and I scrambled for my las-pistol, while clawing at the Warp for power and trying to blink off bright spot away from my eyes.

"Greetings and salutations!" A deep, bombastic voice announced.

"Hold your fire!" Thule's voice thundered, bringing me to a halt. If even a few of us tried to shoot in the well packed up command center we were liable to murder more of our people than whatever Xeno trickery just descended upon us.

The Mechanicus contingent didn't necessary agree, if the angry binary chants echoing throughout the CP were anything to go by. The ominous hum of powering up weaponry reinforced that impression.

Finally my sight cleared and I saw a small dark green machine floating above the hololith table which was dominated the center of the room. The thing was shaped like an insect and its form was disturbingly familiar.

"I'm the voice of the Necron Lord of Kronus, who unfortunately has his vox-caster currently damaged." The unknown voice continued. Despite the artificial tang of said voice, the choice in words and inflection was distinctly human. "We're ready to arrive and conduct negotiations, preferably before the Aeldari and their newest minions come to kill you all."

Everyone in the room, even the floating Xeno device, turned their eyes upon me.

"Allowing you to come here would allow you to attempt a decapitation strike." I began. "However, you could have teleported a bomb instead." I continued, my mind racing. So much for the AdMech counter-measures. Most disturbingly, now that our cyborg friends had a few moments to get over their outrage, more than a few of them chattered excitedly while observing the Xeno device.

"The thought never crossed my Lord's mind, honestly!"

"Uh-huh, sure." I glanced at Thule and Alexander. Both had their weapons drawn and at the ready, however neither of them appeared willing to immediately attack. The General gave he a tiny nod, while Thule remained still as a statue.

"I'm willing to allow a diplomatic meeting. We won't attack your envoy during it unless provoked." I carefully didn't extrapolate what might be considered a provocation.

"Good enough, I guess. Stand by, we'll be there momentarily."

A moment later, a second flash of light blinded me, prompting almost everyone present to curse. When my sight returned, there were two tall metal figures in our midst and everyone aimed their weapons at them. Fortunately, no one pressed the trigger. Yet.