
A Swordman in Reverse World

Writing for fun, I have some plans for what's going to happen in the story but... I might change my mind and do something completely different than planned. English is not a language I'm fluent in, I know very little I'm using Google Translate, I ask that you please understand any writing errors.

FutaLover · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

MC pov

Leaving the dojo, I couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh, I've already learned everything possible here.

I think it's finally time to leave this small village and go challenge the Endless Tower in the Capital.

I couldn't help but get excited thinking about the various types of creatures I could face.

Not wanting to take any longer, I stop walking and start running to my house which is close to the slums.

It didn't take long to get close to an alley in the slums, looking around and not finding anyone in sight I quickly entered the alley.

He began to move several garbage bags until he found a small hole that only a child could get into.

entering half my body I quickly pull the garbage bags to cover the passage and finally enter my humble home.

As much as I call it home it was just a room with a makeshift bed and a backpack with all my important stuff.

Taking my backpack, I check everything inside a gourd with water, a kimono, and 500 bronze coins and a knife.

Confirming that everything is as I left it, I took the backpack and put it on my back.

Looking around I finally found what I was looking for a cone shaped straw hat.

Picking it up and putting it on my head I couldn't help but talk. "Finally you'll be of some use."

Looking one last time at my house, I let out a sigh and left through the same hole I entered.

Once outside the favelas, I start heading towards the forest towards a small lake, getting there I start to undress and enter the lake, taking a last shower here before starting my journey.

Finishing the shower, I start to wear the clothes that were inside the backpack.

After that I put my hat back on and see my reflection in the water, I couldn't help but get a little narcissistic.

Looking at my reflection I see a 135cm tall boy with short black hair, red eyes with pink skin still with a bit of baby fat, wearing an all black kimono.

After taking that shower and changing clothes I was 200% cuter than usual a smile couldn't help but form on my face thinking it was worth spending so much money on this kimono.

Wasting no more time I start walking towards the dojo again to say goodbye to my Master.

On the way several men and women are looking at me and commenting on how cute I am, normally I'm used to it but today in particular a lot more people are looking at me and some are even standing there fascinated with me.

'what to do?'

'I think it should be a crime for me to be so cute.'

I couldn't help but laugh at my thoughts.

Arriving at the dojo, I start to enter and see Mestra Delfina, her husband and daughter, sitting and talking.

Delfina was a woman of about 50 years old with brown hair and black eyes, she also had some wrinkles on her face and a look that seemed to give the feeling that she was always angry.

Her husband was much younger being around 25, he had long blonde hair and brown eyes and always had a smile on his face.

Her daughter Olivia, on the other hand, had short blonde hair and black eyes, she was 11 years and a year older than me, she most of the time had an angry look like her mother's, but when we were alone she gave a few rare smiles who reminds me of your father.

When Mestra Delfina saw me coming she stopped the conversation and stared at me, her husband looked at me and gave me a kind smile, he was nice he always called me to have dinner with them sometimes I ended up accepting.

Her daughter couldn't look me in the eye and looked away blushing, I think I stole her heart, it's hard to be so cute, but I love living with this burden.

But it's time to talk about what really matters...


I'm finally going to start my adventure, looking at the road in front of me my heart couldn't stop beating faster, so I turned back, looking at my Master's husband and his daughter I let out a sigh.

Yesterday I said that I would be leaving for the Capital and I challenged my Master to a duel.

At first they didn't take it well that I was going to the Capital, asking me why I was going to such a dangerous place.

We argued a lot about it until they accepted my decision and my challenge.

After that I was ready to leave, but Delfina's husband and Olivia insisted that I stay for dinner and sleep there so I could leave in the morning, I thought a bit and ended up accepting I had dinner with them and now I'm here ready to go.

"Well... I guess this is goodbye."

"Don't say that, we'll still see each other when I go to the Capital, so don't die until the day I go find you." Olivia said with red eyes, ready to cry at any moment.

"It's okay, I promise I won't die." I said while giving a smile.

"I don't really like goodbyes so just promise me you'll take care of yourself, my little girl likes you so don't even think about breaking her heart." Olivia hearing this couldn't help but look at her father in embarrassment and scream.


I couldn't help but laugh and then with a last goodbye I started walking down the road, until I looked at the katanna in my right hand, I then pulled it a little from the sheath to see the blade.

Suddenly I looked back and screamed.

"Thank Master Delfina for the katanna for me!"

Delfina's husband smiled and waved at me, confirming that he would do me this favor.

With nothing else stopping me, I started running down the road ready for whatever the Capitol might have in store for me.


Keeping my breathing under control I look at Delfina in front of me.

All of a sudden she disappeared from my view, she sure is fighting seriously, the way I asked her.

Feeling my instincts scream I quickly raise my sword to defend the right side of my neck.

Successfully blocking Delfina's first attack, I didn't let it go to my head, and quickly counterattacked her by disappearing from where I was.

She as I had suspected successfully parried my attack, leaving no room for her to counterattack I kept up the offensive by attacking nonstop.

Delfina may be stronger than me physically but I'm definitely faster, in terms of mastery I'd say we're on the same level, but she sure has a trick or two that she keeps hidden.

Continuing the exchange of blows I made sure to never stop attacking, my instincts are telling me that if I give her time, I'll definitely get a headache.

Delfina can't help but frown angrily at my incessant attacks.

Finding an opening, Delfina quickly takes a step back and then... 'Lightning Step'

Delfina quickly appeared behind me at a speed impossible to see, it would be the end of me and I would lose now if I didn't use it at the same time. 'Lightning Step'

Quickly when Delfina's blow would hit me from behind, I disappeared and reappeared at her laod with an attack ready to hit her head, when I thought it would end she quickly disappeared and reappeared away from my blow.

I guess it was a little arrogant of me to think it would end that easily.

Controlling my breathing, and wiping the sweat from my forehead I prepared myself to continue the fight.