
Chapter 1

"And the winner is Olivia! please make the sign of reconciliation!" Said an older woman as she saw one of the girls drop her sword (made of wood).

Fallen girl then stands up with her hands together and lowers her head a little, the other called Olivia quickly does the same, right after that the two look at the woman, she then makes a gesture of affirmation to them, which they soon understand and agree move away to sit with the other girls who were watching their fight.

The older woman then began to look around for volunteers for the last friendly fight of the day until her eyes landed on a little boy sitting alone among so many girls.

Looking further at that little boy she realized that he had his hand raised offering to stop fighting, realizing that the woman couldn't help but let out a frustrated sigh.

That little boy might look cute and harmless, but he already caused her so much trouble and heartache that she managed to become immune to his cuteness.


It all started 4 years ago when this little boy had come to her dojo for the first time asking to join her dojo, he was only 6 years old at the time so she soon thought it was a joke, but she couldn't have been more wrong.

She then told that little boy that a dojo was not a place for men and even less for such a small one, so the little boy started giving her an expressionless look, until he said that he had money and took out 30 bronze coins.

If anyone else had the same financial conditions she wouldn't blink at that amount of money, but she was a money addict and if there was one thing she loved as much as her husband and daughter it was easy money.

So she accepted the little boy into her dojo and took the money while promising that if he lasted more than a week training there he would not have to pay more to take lessons ever again, but if he failed and dropped out next time he would have to pay the double... And that was the worst decision of her life, no matter what she asked that child to do, no matter how difficult it was, he always managed to finish the training she told him to do somehow.

And then the week had passed and she would have a cute little bloodsucker to train....

End of Flashback

"What happened this time Alan?" Asked the woman even though she already knew the answer the little boy would give.

"Master Delfina, I think it would be interesting for all my fellow apprentices and me if we could see at least in the last fight of the day what a duel between a boy and a girl is like, since I am giving the idea and I am the only male in the dojo I will do my best in this fight." Said the little boy whose name is Alan while showing a convinced look as if he was preparing to sacrifice himself for the greater good of all the girls around him.

With that Oscar-worthy performance everyone could believe him.... if only.... he didn't use that same excuse every time without fail.

None of the girls blinked upon hearing this, it basically became custom that this shameless excuse the little boy would make, many couldn't help but think that this little boy was too shameless, but seeing that cute little face they had no choice but to forgive him for your shamelessness.

The older woman now named Delfina couldn't help but quiver her lips wanting to argue, but managed to hold it back and only let out an: "Okay" a long time ago she realized that the little boy's ability to argue was better than hers, so it was better get it over with sooner rather than make it last longer than necessary.

Alan then got up and went to Delfina's side and started looking around at all the girls with the look of an animal behind its prey, many couldn't help but feel shivers running through their bodies remembering the blows they took from Alan and a few more they even blushed when remembering the pain.... each one with their fetishes.

Delfina let out a tired sigh and said: "You're acting like you didn't choose who you're going to fight this time, Anna! Come here at once so we can get this over with."

Hearing this Alan couldn't help but look at Delfina in frustration and say, "You're being such a killjoy Master!"

Realizing the frustration Delfina can't help but smile happily, most of the time she ends up frustrated now that the opposite has happened her day can't help but get a little brighter.

When Delfina returned to the real world she realized that Alan and Anna were already in their positions just waiting for her signal, she soon coughed to compose herself and said: "You can start"

As soon as they received the signal, two swords clashed with force, the swords were in a stalemate for a moment until Alan's gained advantage and pushed Anna's.

Anna couldn't help but back up a bit so as not to be hit by Alan, who wasted no time and continued attacking while Anna only managed to stay on defense.

Unable to take Alan's incessant attacks any longer, she had to use one of the techniques she learned at the dojo, a technique she only recently learned and hasn't even mastered yet, but a technique that Alan certainly won't be expecting and which will give her she's the chance to take the first defeat from cute thing.... I mean from this shameless bastard.

'Step-' "eh?"

Before she even finished saying the name of the technique she was going to use, her sword went flying in front of her eyes Alan disappeared and appeared again in front of her giving a blow dropping her sword.

Anna's eyes couldn't help but go blank as she watched him use the technique she'd spent so long trying to learn like it was the easiest thing in the world.

Anna can't help but feel wounded pride at losing so easily to a man in front of all her friends until...

"Anna is certainly very humble to take it easy on Alan." Shouted a girl who was one of the recent victims of the duels with Alan.

"For a moment I thought she was going to fight a man seriously, but I was wrong, I apologize to you Anna." Said another girl.

Soon Anna remembered that she wasn't in this alone she and her companions had their pride hurt by Alan, but one thing they learned from him was how to be shameless.

"Yes, you are right, there is no way I can hurt a man, that is a thing for cowardly women."

All the girls started to clap for these noble words coming from Anna, Alan hearing this just shook his head while having the amused smile wondering who they learned to be shameless like that, it was always the same excuse that all of them gave.

Leaving that aside, Alan gave his master a look and said, "If we're not going to have some extra activity today, I think I'll be going Master."

Delfina just waved, signaling that he could leave.

Next chapter