
Chapter 38 Reality is cruel Midoriya.

In the past few days there have been some events that mark the annoying immutability of the canon, Uraraka and Tsuyu entered Ryukyu's agency along with Hado-senpai, while Kirishima went with Amajiki-senpai to Fatgun's agency, the girls had their debut in a battle against a pair of villains such as Kaiju (Giant Monsters) and Kirishima in a 1v1 with a villain high on drugs.

With those two cards on the table and added to the appearance of Eri and Overhoul the cusp of the arc is near, Mirio will lose his powers and his teacher Sir. NightEye will die, All Might will become depressed, Deku, Uraraka, Tsuyu and Kirishima will see firsthand the evil of the world and the bureaucratic complications of the heroes.


I watched for the tenth time the video of my fight against All For One studying my own combat technique and finding one or another flaw, which is an offense to my ego, I have the eyes of the goddess of plagiarism Yasuri Nanami, using a technique or martial art not optimized to the maximum is an offense to its illustrious, malevolent and profane name.



--Are you also worried about Eri-chan?

Putting down my phone, I looked at the green-haired, freckled young man in front of me.

--More than worrying about her, I worry about what I'll do to that Chisaki bastard.

I gave a cruel smile and formed a small ice statuette much like the aforementioned yakuza and proceeded to smash it with my fist.


--*Glup*… You're right.

--I have to hold back or I could end up in Tartarus...

-- The Tartarus?!

Izuku looked at me doubtfully at the mention of the super villain prison, I continued speaking with a more serious tone of voice without my usual sneer at him.

--Don't think that the world of heroes is all black and white...Midoriya, sometimes good deeds are bad for the "interests of certain people"...be aware of your surroundings Midoriya...


Midoriya Izuku though he can be many things from a crazy self mutilating tea and pseudo masochist to a supreme Uke with his obsessive fixation on his Ka-chan, the hero known as Deku is not stupid, an impulsive asshole maybe? But never stupid.

He frowned at my words.

--You know the stories of the heroes better than many, tell me, how many heroes have gone against the government and the law in favor of their ideals and justice? How many made it? How many failed? Or better still, how many are rotting in Tartarus just because they didn't accept being a tool of politicians and their governments?


Deku paled at my words, I'm not sure how much damage my words are doing but I love to fuck Canon, come on "History Repair Force" or whatever your name is, come on send an "EMIYA" after me, I'll troll your son of fate to the point of exhaustion and I will get into his bogeyman kicking his moral compass into a pigsty known as "Rationality" and "Nihilism".

--After my little show of force on Kamino, I'm 75% sure the government is already developing a presidential suite in Tartarus named after me~

--They wouldn't!

--Midoriya Izuku let's leave the jokes for a moment...

I placed my hand on Deku's somewhat trembling shoulders.

--What would you do if one day, a villain kidnapped your parents?

-- Huh ?!

--What would you do if the politicians or the police order you not to rescue them…for some private reason of theirs? Would you save your family or would you continue to be their tool?

The green haired youth clenched his scarred fists while his eyes trembled, it is clear that he is thinking about my words.

--I'll tell you what I would do Midoriya...

I let out a tired sigh and snapped my neck before unleashing a strong bloodlust drawing the attention of everyone in the lobby.

--I would save my family at any cost, even if it means raising a mountain of corpses and creating a river of blood...

I dispelled my bloodlust when I saw that Kyoka almost fell over and Yaoyorozu had spilled his tea.

--The Hero system is quite dubious when you look at it from a critical point of view Midoriya... I know you want to imitate All Might and become the new symbol of peace, but...


--Are you willing to sacrifice everything for that ideal? Family, friends, lovers, will you sacrifice everything to become a political tool, a charm, a symbol?

Midoriya Izuku is a rare species that has the impulsive heroic tendency of the Shounen protagonists but unlike the standard model of "Impulsive Asshole Idiots (Goku, Naruto, Joung Eren, Natsu, etc)" Midoriya can remain calm and think his options beyond the " Power of Friendship" and the invincible "Gionazo", so these questions that directly attack their ideals with the raw truth of humanity, "Evil is Human and human is evil"... and in this world full of super humans in reality the existence of All Might even in his prime is just a drop of water in the desert.

Euro Asia, the Middle East, Africa and South America are no man's lands dominated by super dictators or dictatorial syndicates of super soldiers, only the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan, the United Kingdom, part of Europe, China and South Korea have remained as a fairly functional society just with marginally higher crime rates than Japan, so let's be realistic.

The so-called "Symbol of Peace" is nothing more than a house of cards condemned to collapse under its own weight, a thankless and cruel job.


Midoriya opened and closed his mouth like a Koi fish, searching for the words to deny my ideas and defend his ideals, too bad you're only hurting yourself boy, Deku possesses many of the characteristics of a good Shounen protagonist but lacks the only one important... The Chat no Jutsu! Evangelize your enemies and make them your faithful bitches (friends), to be a Green Naruto you lack many meaningless motivational speeches, in other words be more hypocritical than words.

--I… will save… my family.

Deku finally answered my question with a steady look in his eyes.

--And would you sacrifice them to be the Symbol of Peace?

Midoriya's complexion darkened again, yes I'm hitting him below the belt but he has to learn before he sees dead people.

--I... I don't... I don't know...


I patted the poor boy on the shoulders and gave him a smirk.

--Okay~ that's a pretty good answer considering your age and the fact that you're not an orphan~ let's say 50 points~ but seriously go through the whole scenario or there will come a day when you'll regret it.

--Will I regret it?

--Reality is cruel Midoriya.

Leaving an enigmatic sentence, I left the lobby and returned to my room.


At night Sir NightEye sent us a message summoning us to a meeting at the agency, shaking my rusty memories a bit and going through my old notebook, I could only prepare my hero suit and practice with my ice sculptures until I fell asleep.


The next day together with Mirio-senpai and Midoriya, the three of us went to the busy NightEye agency.

Bubble Gril, Centipede, Ryukyu, Fatgun, Rock Lock, Gran Torino, Ereaser Head, Hado-senpai, Amajiki-senpai, Tsuyu-chan, Kirishima, and Ochako-chan as well as a mob of hero mobs and regional heroes were all waiting for words. and explanations by Sir. NightEye.


Meeting room.

I sat between Midoriya and the Pro Hero Rock Lock, seriously how the fuck Rock Lock is a Pro Hero if the most he can do with his power is freeze time relative to an object no bigger than a shoebox, uh kick criminals with more decent powers than yours, old brazilian soccer player kidnapped.

Being one of the nine students present in the room, I caught a bit of attention, although I think it's because of my fight in Kamino, since the complaining Rock Lock hasn't said a peep during the entire explanation of Bubble Girl, Centipede and NightEye.

--I don't understand? What is it…?

Just like in canon, Kirishima, Hado, Tsuyu, and Ochako failed to grasp the truth implicit in Sir's words. NightEye.

--Oi, seriously because there are these children here.

Rock Lock complained but I cut him off.

--Calm down, I'll tell you... Kirishima the bullets and drugs are literally made of Eri, Chisaki's Quirk allows him to disarm and arm organic and inorganic structures.


--Shut up and calm down… Sir, continued.

I ignored the glares on me and looked at the pair of self-righteous idiots aka Allies of Justice next to me both of whom were clenching their fists to the max.

--Thank you Ymir-kun...

Sir. NightEye continued his explanation and got to the point where he informed everyone of our lucky and unlucky encounter with Eri and Chisaki.

--Then these children had it in their hands!

--Yep~ but we couldn't do anything~

--They could have ended all this!

--Right~ We could have but how high would the collateral damage of the Rock Lock-san fight be.

I blankly stared at the pro hero as a pair of ice horns formed on my forehead.

--Again Chisaki's Quirk allows her to alter matter, walls, ground, innocent pedestrians, buildings, cars, our own bodies, you could fight under those conditions while protecting a little girl.

Many heroes fell silent and pondered my words since it was a truth that it was difficult to catch Chisaki without killing him while keeping collateral damage to a minimum and even more so while carrying a girl. In the end Rock Lock fell and Sir resumed speaking.

--I take responsibility for that loss, Ymir-kun wanted to attack Chisaki while Midoriya-kun was reluctant to let Eri go…they both had to restrain themselves due to my orders, this is my responsibility. However Ymir-kun still took his own actions and placed a tracker on Chisaki's coat and we have obtained his location.

After that last revelation, the meeting became much more fluid, having a clear objective, all these hardened heroes went into work mode and reduced distractions to a minimum.


In the end it was decided to play it safe and capture one of Chisaki's subordinates and get Eri-chan's exact location out of him before the raid.

--Certainly the canon is frustrating~