


Maya is getting fed up with everything,in past 2 days Ryan has acting like a maniac,he always sent her flowers and he always waits for her outside her office but she never give any response to her , currently she is sitting on her chair rubbing her temple thinking about the ways she can get dodge him while going back home,she sighs and settle herself in her chair

After some time she got up and packed her belongings and she wears her coat and went to elevator when her phone rings with a ping ,she took out her phone and saw a message by Ryan 

RYAN: I'm waiting baby girl ….(She clutched her phone angrily while tears form in her eyes) 

She decided to get back home from backdoor of the office,she went to one of the employe and tell him to take her car to back door and then she  quickly went towards backdoor and exit from there feeling better when she saw no one around her but soon her betterness went into vein when she saw him standing while leaning his weight on his car ,the fear ran in her vein and she quickly went towards her car maintaining her poker face but then she heard a loud bang making her flinch


After completing my work ,I was going back home but the route from where I have to go home was under construction so I decided to take another route and while driving I realize that it's the same route of uncle Dalton's company, while thinking about him I remember about Maya, it's still hard for me to believe that she is Mia but unknowingly I smiled when remember about our childhood but soon my chain of thoughts break when I heard a loud bang ,I quickly went towards the place where I heard bang and to my surprise I saw Maya standing near her car while her hands are on her ears and she is shaking with fear and Infront of her Ryan was standing with bullet pointing towards her car's wheels which was burst because of bullet , without thinking twice I increased my speed and took my car between Ryan and Maya 


He burst the tires of my car by shooting bullets and I was standing there in fear and he starts taking steps towards me ,when I saw a car coming between us and it was none other than Eric,I was confused to see him here but at the same time relieve as well ,the next thing he said made me shock 

ERIC: I was calling you for hours and you are still here ,we are getting late get in (he said with a little spark of anger  like we had planned something and I ruined it) Oh hi..Ryan..what are you doing here?(he said while smiling at him and he just bite his lips in return but here I was sweating)Do you need a whole year to sit in car ?(he said sarcastically making me angry but he is also helping so swollowing my anger I quickly went towards pesenger seat while Ryan was digging holes in my body with his gaze but I sat in car crossing him)

Without any further discussion he starts the engine in just some seconds we were out of the area of my office,I took a sigh of relief,there was complete silence in car which was making environment more awkward

MAYA: Tha…(he cut me off)

ERIC: Don't need it…just tell me what the hell were you doing with him…(I look at him with the face why are you curious but I didn't said anything and look outside) I'm asking something…(I again didn't answer him and he angrily growl) I shouldn't have made her sit in car ,she even makes my car dirty (he mumbles and I can imagine him rolling his eyes on me which was making my anger double but I control it )

The whole ride we both didn't said any words and he stopped Infront of our mansion,I get off from the car and starts walking towards entrance but I look back at him 

MAYA: Thank you for saving me (I said smiling at him but there was no expression on his face) 

I quickly turn my back towards him and went towards our mansion entrance ,when I enter I saw dad who was sitting at couch when he saw me he smiled at me 

MR DALTON: Let's have dinner..(I didn't look at him and didn't stop my walk towards my room) 

MAYA: Sorry..Dad..but I'm not hungry, I'm going to sleep I'm so tired (I went to my room and through my belongings and went in the shower while taking shower my mind was recalling today's incident ) 

I'm not ready to tell this to anyone because back then I did a stupid mistake secretly keeping my relationship with Ryan I didn't even told dad and now he is taking advantage of it, I'm not able to think what to do , should I tell Eric..or not? 

She laid on her bed again taking her sim out from her phone and turning it off ,she closed her eyes and after hours of trying she wasn't to sleep but she heard her room door opening,she stiffed her self and then she feels the familiar and soothing touch of her father whuxh makes her relax and he kissed her forehead,she doesn't know when she went into deep slumber 



