

Maya opened her eyes when she felt his dad kissing her forehead,she smiled while her eyes were still closed 

MAYA: Good morning dad…(she said while stretching)

MR DALTON: Good morning Mia..get up someone is here for you (she got tensed and opened her quickly while asking)

MAYA: Who??

MR DALTON: Surprise…someone is waiting for you in dining area ,coke quickly after getting fresh (I nodded and quickly went in shower wondering who would it be)

After showering and changing into my comfy casuals and went down and to my surprise I saw Henry sitting on couch like an angel 

MAYA: Henry!!!...(I said excitedly)

HENRY: Bear!!!(he ran towards her and jumped in her arms) I missed you (he said giggling)

MAYA: Me too..(she said smiling then she looked at Eric who was sitting while glaring at them) Oh..Hi..(she said awkwardly)

ERIC: Hello!!(he said while settling himself in couch) 

MR DALTON: So ..Mia ..Henry wants to..

HENRY: Go out with you and dad…(he said excitedly while interrupting him )

MAYA: I..I..um…(she was nervous to say yes) Actually…I have..work..(she said trying to make excuse)

HENRY: But today is holiday (he said sadly while fidgeting his fingers)

MR DALTON: Mia.. don't be this much workaholic ,go out with him ,he really wants to enjoy his time with you..(she thinks for sometime )

MAYA: Let's…first have .. breakfast (she quickly went to dining table) I'm hungry (she sat and pull Henry along with her) 

Eric was just noticing her nervous behavior 

MR DALTON: Come on Eric..(he said smiling while he just nodded and stood up)

He sat in opposite direction of Maya and Henry while Mr Dalton sat on his chair 

MR DALTON: Where is Knight?(he said while sipping his juice) 

ERIC: Dad went to the grocery store to buy some stuff then he said that he would come here..(he said while taking out his phone to call him)

MR KNIGHT: And I'm here…(he came towards them while smiling) Yes I'm here .. how are you Maya and Dalton?(He said while sitting beside Eric)

MR DALTON: I'm good..

MAYA: Me too uncle…(she said smiling at him but when her gaze fell on Eric she quickly look down ) Henry have this bread it's so good (she starts feeding him that bread)

MR DALTON: Eric why aren't you having anything..have something (he said making Eric look at him) 

ERIC: No uncle I already had my breakfast..(he said sipping water) 

MR DALTON: And you Knight…

MR KNIGHT: I will just have juice (the servant serve him juice) 

After having breakfast they all sat in dining area 

HENRY: Now .. let's go please…(He said clenching Maya's clothes on which she nodded and smiled at him) 

MAYA: Let me change then we will go okay.. wait for me here (he nodded and she went to her room closing the door ,she wasn't nervous to go out with Eric and Henry,she is just afraid what if Ryan appeared there and cause scene,he can do anything) 

She tried to shrug that thought and quickly changed her outfit into a simple light colored top with simple jeans and she came downstairs

MAYA: Let's go ..(she said smiling at Henry who was now jumping with excitement) 

HENRY: Let's go…(He said to Eric and he stand up) 

MAYA: Dad.. I'm going (she went towards her dad and he kissed her forehead and bod goodbye to her as well Mr Knight) Uncle aren't you coming with us (she said confusingly on which he shook his head) 

MR KNIGHT: No dear…I want to spend some time with Dalton..(she nodded and turn around )

MAYA: Okay..come on Henry…(he ran towards her and took her hand in his little palm ,Eric look at them then he starts to walk outside the mansion so as them) 

They went to parking lot and Eric unlocked his car and sat on his seat 

ERIC: Do you guys need an invitation card..(they both shook their head and sat at the backseat ,Eric look both of them from mirror and then he starts the car) 






Picture According to chapter are on my Instagram
