
A Saiyan Owl

(DB) A 'normal' teenager was watching Mumei, until an ad popped on his screen, now trying to get rid of the ad ask ''Want to have an adventure?'' (A/N: Doing for fun, And this one turned one of my favorites to work on, if you don't like a Protagonist who likes to make joke out of everything, well, not for ya, The story itself will remain serious, like real dangers and everything, but the mc is going around joking and being seriously whatever it calls the need, and that's what you should expect. And I love DB, so I am gonna try and keep the fidelity to the OG's) A 《 Hololive EN x Dragon Ball 》Fanfiction. So if you don't know neither, this is going to be so confusing lol.

ReyKale · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
99 Chs

Chap 22- Z-warriors

Chap 22- Z-warriors:


A/N: Small Change.


{Wilderness close to South City; 11:12 a.m}

Oh nature, the green color that is everywhere in our world.

Here in this one world isn't that different, birds of different of colors fly, migrating to other poles, perhaps is their time to do so.

Other animals... run away? From a specific location.

The trees very dark, with their leaves falling down indicating a seasonal change.


And there's now a huge pillar of dust raising also in the distance.

Getting a closer look we see a huge rock, about 10 meters tall, split in half. And on the ground, a person, strangely with three eyes panting like crazy, trying to recover his air it seems.

Another one, a very small kid of sorts approaches the fallen cyclops, while levitating.

" Tien!! What were you thinking? That was dangerous! Your energy level was already low, if you start trying Ki attacks you're going to pass out or even worse, die!"- The dwarf yell reprimanding the bigger one, who just lets out a sigh and with both eyes still almost closing looks at the toddler.

"I.....*huff*, I don't know how did they get so far...*huff*, but I will reach them! Uuuaghhh!!!"- Forcing his body up, even through he's at the blink of passing out, he positions his arms in his hips.

"I... I can't! Fall behind, Goku is getting strong and stronger, Piccolo is going at a similar pace, and we *grits teeth* ARE BECOMING NOTHING BUT TRASH!!!!"- *BOOOOOM!!*

Stretching his arm to the rock, firing a Ki blast to the rest of the rock, totally destroying it now.


Falling to one knee while he breathes heavily, but his face doesn't change, the will and determination burning flames in his heart show his smaller friend that he isn't going to give up, not until he's dead!

'Tien... I know we're getting behind them, but what I am supposed to do if you kill yourself!'- His fists shaking, he aims both of them to his friend, and they start emitting a slightly blue glow.

"I AM NOT GOING TO LET YOU KILL YOURSELF!!!"- The light envelopes the cyclops, and he is paralyzed and confused.

"Wha-What? Chiatzu! What you think you're doing!"- Trying to yell but not quite having much energy to do so, he moves his eyes to look at his friend.

"*Huff* You will not kill yourself Tien! I will stop you until you at least have rested to continue!"- Not losing his focus, now he stays there paralyzing the other.

Being quite taken aback by the action, Tienshinhan sighs, and gives up.-' I was really trying to push myself... after feeling those powers... I felt so useless, and was trying to at least change something... and in the process almost killed my self.*closes eyes* I will rest a bit...'- While closing his eyes, he goes to sleep for a bit, it has been a year since Tien has started training like crazy, barely resting, and Chiaotzu trying to follow suit, but taking breaks to make food and such needs.

Meanwhile, Tien day was basically, eat, train, bath, train, sleep for three hours and repeat.

For a whole year he has been doing it, and his body was so stressed, that veins could be seen seem bulging in certain muscle parts.

Nodding to his friend, Chiatuzu puts the bigger guy on a patch of grass for him to be at least a little comfortable, and goes make them some food, for when Tien wakes up.


(Desert of the North; 12:19 p.m)

Taking place in another part of the world, where the heat is something that could easily kill a normal human when exposed for long periods of time, there walks a cloaked figure, with a smaller one, with a comically small cloak as well.

Both traverse the desert, the temperatures sky-high, and both of them walking through it like it's nothing, or it's what looks to be at first glance.

"Atchtch!! Puar... when do you think we are gonna find another city?... We have been walking for a week now! And I need to go back to the Kami-house, the old man will not train me, but Krillin is there!"- Sweating like crazy as he walks he mumbles at the other flying creature.

"Ahhh*sigh*... Yamcha it was your idea to try a training travel, now look at where we are! Back to the desert!"- But breathing heavily at the sun that bathes their heads.

Yamcha was just like Tien the last year, training his best with Krillin, but when they felt the power of those two, and even another party in the middle, they felt pressured to try higher training methods.

Sparing for months, Both, Krillin and Yamcha were doing their personal best, but it wasn't enough, so in a certain morning, Yamcha decided to travel and try finding something that would work for him, Krillin was set on mastering what he already had, so he stayed with Master Roshi, seeking further training, and trying to get the old man to teach him something more.

And while now the wolf boy we see walks through the desert, because in one of his travels last week they meet an old woman, that said that there was a master that could teach him even more primal techniques than the ones he had, obviously he took the challenge, this would improve even further his Wolf Fang-Fist!

But it was starting to look like a bad idea, their supplements were on the edge of ending, and Puar was telling him in the early days that they entered the desert for them to get more, but Yamcha being Yamcha.-" You don't need to worry about it Puar! We're going to find him in a day or two!"- A mistake that he's feeling in his skin right now.

"I repent... everything.... I said..."- Walking a little faster towards a rock formation, that possibly could have a hole for them to rest in a shadow.

"I... I told you!!*sweats*"- Flying behind him, Puar speeds up a little as well.

And like that they go running to the rock formation, and continuing on their quest, was this teacher even real to begin with?


{Kami-house; 01:12 p.m}}

"HAAAAAHH!!!"- Firing a blue wave of energy into the ocean, a small bald guy with dots in his head shouts loudly.

"LOWER YOUR VOICE KRILLIN! I AM READING HERE...*Looks back at the magazine* OHOHOH!"- Another yell, coming from the bald right side, another bald headed, this time an old man, with a very big white beard and sunglasses, who sits on a beach chair in front of a small house, reading what looks to be +18 magazine of sorts.

The one with dots in his forehead, sweats heavily, his arms super sore, body feeling like it could fall apart at any second, and this attack was probably the last of the day.


Falling on his ass while trying to gather back his air, he looks at the sky, contemplating how beautiful it is.-" Goku... friend, how did you reach such heights? We are now like the Moon and Earth on difference! Also, Piccolo's Ki too, is humongous! There's another one, one I've never seen or felt before, all I know is, that this is one is strong too... But!*clenches fist*, I am not going to fall behind! I will keep my pace, who knows, I maybe reach them one day ya know?"- *thud!* Fully laying down on his back now, he just rests while watching the passing clouds, in a peaceful silence.

"Ohohoho!!~"- Only occasionally being interrupted by a certain old perverted master.



Have been flying for a while, thinking about what to do now.

Doing some tricks while flying, flips, side flips, spirals, and even flying in T pose.

It's fun and all, but I am running low of fun things to do, could go to the mortal world and have some fun again? Absolutely, but with how I am right now... even suppressed my experience would

compensate for it, so no fighting humans for now.


[{Muun... did you, get any Senzus? Just got back from picking some coffee just remembered about them...}]

Hearing some sounds, that probably Kro sitting down....*stops midair*

I stop flying, and remember something, a catastrophe that's going to happen n the future.

My eyes go wide, and one second I was standing there, the next.


Flying full speed back to the tower.

"I forgor... damnit!!! Even that trait was passed down to me....."- Cutting the skies at full speed, I go back the way I came.

Clouds being cut in half as I pass by them, now flying at full speed, since I don't know if he's already started eating them, I don't remember when he did so.

But at least I need some, for Namek.*smiles*-" Because a certain emperor of the universe is going to be the perfect glitched boss for me to get all the level ups, to the top!!! AHAHAHA!!"


And there I go, flying to the Cat, hoping the guy who 'defeated' Great Ape Vegeta, didn't eat all seeds.


{Korin Tower; Pov Korin; 01:21 p.m}

"Hmmm... What a calm weather today~, such a fantastic feeling, Yajirobe descended to the lower world to eat a Pizza, so today at least I have some peace..."- The breeze of the wind is such a calming thing... I stay on the edge of my tower, just feeling it brush on my fur.

"Miaaaa~ This is good~"- While I bath in my daily calming wind, I feel like something is about to happen, you develop such a thing after living as long as I do.

"Ara?"- Looking at the distance, I can tell something is approaching at super high speeds.... what could it possibly be?

*tap* *tap* *tap*

Taking some steps back steps from the edge with my staff, I fix my head to the direction I feel it approach.

And in a second, without even seeing anything there.

I blink one time, and when I open my eyes....-" WHAAAAT?!"- A young girl was standing in the place I was focused! How!!

"Wait! You! You're the one Kami was looking for!"- Taking a closer look at the girl, a not so good choice of clothing for fighting, but the material seems to be able to make her move like she's naked at how well she could move around, her orange-yellow eyes look at my curiously, and a little smile being sported on her face.

Her light brown hair flies to the wind, branded in a long ponytail, assuring it stays in place is a Dragon Ball? Huh? No... it doesn't have the same feeling as the originals, probably a fake.

Flying back and forth in her head, I see two feathers, who seem to belong to an Owl, but they're not connected to anything! How.... don't tell me...


"Heya cat! My name is Mumei the Owl! Currently, the strongest in this little world *smiles*, and I would like a favor, could ya help me?"- She asks, with an air of easiness around her... so that's why Kami was searching for her... the strongest mortal around huh...

"*cough* And what such a strong individual would want with me? I am just an old myaster..."- Being pretty formal, as I can, you never know if they have a short fuse or something, even if her heart seems to be good...

I can't really describe, but there's something in there in her heart too...

Her face twitches a little, but she keeps smiling.-" Ya know some green seeds? I want some of them, for me to keep up my training, heard they can work as a couple of meals, so can ya help me?"- She scratches her hair while talking.

'So that's why she came here...*sigh* And here I am thinking it was other things...'- I nod.

"Oooh, so that's why, sure, if you don't take, Yajirobe will eat them anyway, so why not."- Walking away from the main hall, and going inside the room where I usually plant them.

Looking around the plants that are growing on some vases, they are almost ready to be harvested this year!



Going a little more to the right side, where I keep some clay jars, I walk to one of them and pick it up.

Opening and checking inside of it, I nod.-' Should be more than 100 here... I hope she has a good stomach to all these.'- *cling* closing the jar again and walking back to the main hall, she's just laying down in the air... just levitating.

"Hey girl, here, you can take all these, you'll give it way better uses anyway."- I walk up to her, and putting it in her hands, her eyes glistening like crazy... young people *sigh*.

She puts it inside her jacket... well not my business to be asking how this type of thing works, could be very be a magic jacket, looking at how her clothes work, it would be the case.

"Thanks, that's really going to save me and the others a lot, literally."- I don't really get why she said that, but is it's going to help so let it be.

"Mya, Well, if that was it, then would you fill one of this old master requests?"- I really want to see.

Looking a little confused, she still gives me the thumbs up.

"A test... I want you to try catching me! I want to see for myself, how fast you really are!."- 'Even though I have just sawn first handed when she appeared... but is not bad wanting to really prove it right?'

Looking a little taken back by it.-" Sure, but I will just touch you, if I grabbed you... I don't know, you'll burst like those dolls in a hydraulic press... I could hold you, so what's the rules? Want to be turned into a mush?"- Asking in a very sarcastic way at the end... that's kinda scary now that she says like that.

But I can tell is her just joking around... right? -" *ahem* Just touching is fine! Now let the teat begin!"- *fush!* Quick steeping back, just to look at her position, and seeing nothing, huh?



...*Sigh*-" Okay... guess this old Master was really surpassed by this generation..."- She boops my nose again and gets up, she was crouching down to be at the same height as me...

I just look at her back as she walks to the edge of the tower, she gives a quick glance towards me.-" Let's meet again, Master Korin! *jumps down!*"

"Yea, yea, see you later Young Mumei.... wait when did I mention my nyame?"


Look I am trying my best to find and think about how to give Yamcha a W in his life, SDBH gave me inspiration! That it's possible!


ReyKalecreators' thoughts