
A Risk To Fix It All

In which Hope Mikaelson travels back in time, because of a strong desire she had to fix all the wrongs she had done without her humanity. Just read the first chapter and you will know if you like it or not.

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12 Chs

New Orleans

"I rose like a phoenix from the ashes, oh and I noticed you brought a friend. Who might this be?" Asked Marcel, smiling, but something about his smile seemed suspicious. 

"Oh right, I have yet to introduce the two of you. Marcel, meet Hope, my daughter and a very powerful witch might I add. Hope, to meet Marcel, the man I consider a son. Well, now that introductions are out of the way why don't we grab a drink." Said Klaus, it was nice that he was back in a cheery mood. Hope knows it's been quite a while since he was genuinely happy, with his murderous parents coming to get him and all.

Marcel, on the other hand, had his eyes narrowed. He originally wasn't too worried about the family coming back since he had Davina. However, if Klaus had a witch daughter who knew how strong she'd be, also, it completely negated the advantage he had.

"Nice to meet you," Hope said with a smile, reaching her hand out to shake his.

"You as well." Answered Marcel, shaking her hand with his eyes still narrowed.


Another thing Hope was worried about was, what would happen if she was born early? She noticed her father with Hayley the last few days, although she was thoroughly confused about how she even met her father considering they weren't even supposed to meet yet. One thing she does know though, first of all, there can't be two of the same person in a timeline without causing issues. Second, there can't be two tribrids in the world. 

She was made as the loophole to Malivore, basically the ultimate miracle and the ultimate abomination. So, there's no way there can be two of her without upsetting nature, so she doubted nature would allow it to happen to begin with.

However, her thoughts were cut short when her father spoke.

"Actually, Hope, why don't you check and see what my brother's been up to? I do wonder... What nefarious plots he's gotten up his sleeve by following me here." Klaus spoke, dramatically throwing his arms around as if to further enunciate his point.



"That sounds remarkably like blackmail."

"Like I said, I'm desperate."

Now Hope was incredibly confused. Even though she appeared and ruined the meeting between Klaus and Hayley, somehow they still met and had a baby? That made absolutely 0 sense. Even now, she could feel the Mikaelson magic from the baby. The thing was though, she also sensed the Cresent wolf bloodline. There was no vampire blood. It seems the baby was born a were-witch hybrid.

"Well then, I have my work cut out for me, don't I?" Sighed Elijah, while holding a smile.

"Don't worry, I'll stay here with her." Said Hope, uncasting her invisibility spell.

"Then I'm afraid I must trouble you, Hope." Elijah ended, before vamping off, most likely to find Klaus and bring him here. Elijah didn't seem surprised either before he left, she guessed he probably figured she was here since he could hear heartbeats or something. Other than that, she had no clue.

"And who are you supposed to be?" Asked Hayley, finally making her presence known.

"I'm the Mikaelson witch, I'll be protecting you to make sure this... foreign creature doesn't try anything." Said Hope while sending a look at Sophie.

"I'm the foreign creature? If anything it's you Mikaelsons who are the furthest from humanity with the atrocities you commit daily." Sophie quipped, rolling her eyes while dramatically throwing her arms out.

"At least we don't threaten unborn babies like you and your delusions of grandeur." Hope responded, perfectly imitating Sophie's gesture.

"Make no mistake, I don't have any illusions about my self-worth. And I'm not too proud to admit I'm wrong, but at least I do what's wrong only when necessary." This seemed to have struck a nerve with Hope since she now glared at Sophie, in which the latter met her glare with equal ferocity.

"Can the two of you stop fighting like children? And, Hope was it? You said you were here to protect me not make things harder for me by irritating the person quite literally in control of my life at the moment." Hayley reprimanded while sending looks at the two of them, in response to which Sophie smirked at Hope as if she was a child whose parent sided with them during sibling banter. Hope shuddered at the thought. 

Although, another thought came to Hope. She could just undo the linking spell with some simple hand gestures using magic right? Sometimes she forgets how strong she is. Although she quickly expelled that thought, while it would be easy to undo the spell, she couldn't do it right in front of Sophie. She'd be able to see and sense the spell being undone.

She also wouldn't be able to save Hayley and the baby if Sophie retaliated before she could finish undoing the spell, or right after she undid it since she's standing right in front of her. Even if she could, if there was a chance of failure she wasn't willing to risk the lives of her mother and her newfound sibling over it.

So Hope simply decided to simply scoff and sit down next to Hayley as they waited for Elijah to return with Klaus.


"What do you demand of me, witch." Growled Klaus as he sent yet another glare at Sophie.

"It's not about what I want. It's about what my people need. Marcel has been in control of the witches for too long. I want that to change. You taught Marcel everything he knows, surely you can convince him to step down from this... throne. If not, well, I can't guarantee the lives of your newfound family." Sophie spat venomously. Hope didn't know where she gained so much confidence from. It reminded her of a cat managing to make a lion flinch by projecting a certain level of dangerousness. 

However, there was no way Hope was going to let anything happen to Hayley and the baby. She doesn't like to kill if it isn't neccessary, but she'd destroy this entire coven before she'd let harm come to her family.

After leaving the witches, Hope started plotting. There were too many things on her to do list. All of which, have something to do with helping her family. Which brings her to the current moment. Coming to Rousseau's to speak with Marcel.

"Now what brings you here?" Marcel asked while meeting Hope's gaze.