
A Real Gamer System (In DxD)

I'm Bad at descriptions okay. You should watch or read High School DxD, its good for what it is. ______________________________________________________________ The Gamer System. Derived from a manhwa of the same, it has been long abused and warped, variations of of it increasing like an exceed graph. An archetype that dragged the name "gamer" through the mud. Now when people think 'gamer', they think of some super powered guy with more bitches than the pokedex has Pokémon. What happened to what gamers used to be? The Sleepless nerds that spend hundreds of hours grinding for meagre increases in numbers. The broke bastards that have more caffeine in their blood than oxygen. The smelly loners whose only form of exercise that 'gets the heart pumping' is booting up Elden Rings. Why must they have their noble title stained? A certain black cat with headphones ponders this. It, the guardian of all things gaming. It, who is the reason you spent $200 to get your desired gacha character. IT, WHO MADE YOUR TEAMATE NEED TO GO TO THE TOILET IN A RANKED MATCH. "So, lets spice this dumpster of a archetype up!" ____________________________________________________________ Not the greatest of descriptions, I know. Sorry the closet thing to a story i wrote was my 8th grade narrative assignment. This story's setting will be based in High School DxD. I don't know about romance or harem, but I'll try to make something work. By the way haven't watched DxD in like 4 years, so I might miss some stuff.

Kysiob · Cómic
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6 Chs

Chapter 5: School Time


1 year later

Another year, another failure. These guys are way too slippery.

God's Retribution. The group has been involved with a plethora of crimes even without including their blasphemous name. I've been hunting them down for years, thankfully with achievements to prove it.

Standing over the unconscious fallen angel, I contemplate these 5 years. Annoying how time just flies. I'm a 21 year old girl beating up bad guys, when I used to be a 16 year old… beating up bad guys.

Thinking about it, I don't think much has changed.

Why am I getting so deep? Because this long investigation will finally be over! Gabriel's been begging for me to finish this, and it's going to finally be over.

I've located the main base.

"Please don't kill me. I told you everything I know?" The fallen angel next to me bows and pleads.

"Don't worry. I won't kill you! You'll just be in angel prison for a couple centuries!" My cheery voice probably doesn't match with my dark words.

"So, God's Retribution is based in a school. But not any school, but some super preppy school that only takes the rich and elite?" I inquire. It amazes me how a group of degenerates and killers could ever manage to hide in a school, but whatever.

"Yes, it's called Lordsbridge." The fallen angel sputters submissively.

There's a puddle next to me, since it rained yesterday. Looking into it, a beautiful and attractive blonde girl appears. With black eyes that glow a seductive almond, a curvy and perfect body alongside some juicy red lips.

"I think I could pass as a highschooler."

The fallen angel looks at me in silence.

"It's a 1-6 school Ma'm." The fallen angel trembles.

"I think I could pass as a teacher."

The fallen angel seems to bury her face into her hands as a barely audible whisper reaches my ears.

"Only professors are allowed to teach. Also they don't employ people, they recruit high ranking noblemen and clans that are part of the supernatural world. Also they'd detect your angelic-ness kilometres away."

I shove my heel into the fallen angel's stomach.

"May you rot in purgatory." I walk away, leaving the bloodied fallen angel in a dark alley.

How am I supposed to do this?


After thinking long and hard, I've decided my plan on how to investigate the school. I can't just waltz into school and beat up the bad guys, what if the kids saw? Gabriel would have my head… listening to a 10 hour lecture on how and why I shouldn't resort to violence.

My master plan is to send a spy to infiltrate the school. That spies name is… Edward.

Why am I sending Edward, a spoiled brat thats duller than a brick, to school? Well, two reasons.

First, Gabriel has been worrying that I'm neglecting my sibling, and how a five year old should be in school around now. My mum and Dad are searching for one, so if I send him to Lordsbridge then that gets Gabriel off my back.

The second reason is that Lordsbridge is a boarding school. How they managed to get countless parents drop their 5 year old children into a school where they won't see each other for months is beyond me. But this will get that weirdo out of the house. A win-win in every scenario!

I reach 7th heaven, land of the brave saints. Familiar hobbit holes and grand mansions greet me. On a prairie next to a river, Gabriel was playing a harp.

An angelic tune springs into my ears. A melody that couldn't be recreated by anyone, especially not me.

"Hey Gabriel!" I shout.

She looks up, her stunning face marked with surprise.

"Can you give me £14,000?"


Finally, I've completed 0-0-2. Now I'm on 0-0-3!

"0-0-3 is the final part of the tutorial, used for teaching how to connect attacks in different formats.

To fight, you must select a control template. You can choose multiple templates for different obstacles. You've currently been using basic controls, but fighting is different.

For example, if you were fighting, and you chose the SUPER SMASH BROS ULTIMATE template, then you would use the same controls and functions. The Shield would just be a block though."

I think I understand. If I were to choose an ASSASSIN'S CREED template, then I would use the respective fighting style and features of ASSASSIN'S CREED. But I must have the necessary items to pull off things. So I can't assassinate people without a hidden knife.

"Correct. Now this part of the tutorial is very easy. You just need to get familiar with 3 different combat systems. That shouldn't take to long for you. Though it has been 5 years since you played other games."

Fair enough. Amazing how much time flies while you're playing a game.

"Hey Edward! Come over here." I hear the voice of my dad through the walls.

Getting out of my bed and walking past the baby gate, I reach my dad and my mother alongside my sister. All seated in the living room.

"Edward dear, Since it's time to go to school, we decided to send you to a special one." My mother gets off her chair and kneels till she reaches my eyes.

Do they think I need to go to a 'special' school?

"That's right my boy! You'll be going to a boarding school called Lordsbridge!" My dad exclaims.


Who would allow their own 5 year old child to attend a boarding school.

Are they speed runners or something? What is this, get your child kidnapped any percent?

Is London that confident in its security?

Looking at the glowing blue eyes of my mother, her face distorts into a crying mess. Like a One Piece character crying.

Snot and tears were mixed together to convey her sadness.

My sister was drinking tea while looking at this with a smug smile.

"You need not worry about the cost. I'll be paying for your tuition." My sister remarks.

This is suspicious.

What's she planning?

"Today will be orientation, and tomorrow will be the actual start of school. So tell us if you don't want to go, okay honey." My mother snivels.

And that's how I got enrolled in school.



An open prison intricately created to administer a psychological effect to keep the 'students' in the institution away from suffering parents as well as to suck said parents of their life savings by using the bait called 'the future'.

I'm currently starting school … again.

A massive building with a logo emblazoned onto the front. A teddy bear with a golden bowtie.

As I walk into the pearl white gates of the prison, my camera suddenly shakes.

Arms, sleek and pale, appear and wrap around my neck.

Turning the camera, I see her.

Le Fay Pendragon.

"Hey Edward!. It's been so long since you last visited. Why didn't you visit? I was so bored. When you visit next, let's go explore the house. Also can you teach me that magic you used. It's So cooooool. And also can -"

I stop Le Fay's ramblings with a hand over her mouth.

I didn't expect that to happen. I just pressed the 'x' button and my character did it.

She seems to get annoyed at my silence.

I click the "Hi," emote.

She smiles,

"Come on! Let's go to orientation!" Le Fay demands as she grabs my hand while bolting to the meeting area designated by the arrows.

When we get there, we enter a classroom filled with 5 year olds.

All of them look at me and Le Fay, before smiling.

"Alright kids, these are the last two people of the orientation. So, Let's all Introduce ourselves."

A tall man with a long nose informs us.

They start in Alphabetical order, so I'm decently close to the top of the list.

1- Hello! My name is Edward Elms. (Smiley Face)

2- Hello! My Name is Edward Elms. I like to study magic and would love it if you were strong! (Super Smiley Face)

3- … My name is Edward Elms. (Don't even try.)

The third option is a no go. I need people to like me, this is a super preppy school and I want connections.

The second option is a bit too on the nose. Far more direct than I should be to 5 year olds.

The First option is generic, but by process of elimination it's the best one for the situation.

Clicking on the option, All the children go silent. They stare at us weirdly.

"You look like a zombie. What a weirdo !" one child states.

Ridiculous, the response said it gave a smile.

"What's with that fake smile? You're bad at faces, what a weirdo!" Another child tries to insult me.

"Ha, I bet you can't run quickly! What a weirdo!" A third child remarks something that isn't in content.

"STOP! Edward's introduction was good, okay. You guys are the weird ones for calling someone weird!" Le Fay defends me, but her words are hypocritical. Thankfully, 5 year olds are too foolish to foolish to pick up on it.

"Enough! Edward, your introduction was excellent. Don't let others say anything different. Now to the next student!" The teacher, whose name was Mr Tengu, proceeds.

He must be new. Any other teacher would put down children who did the insulting, but he just left it. He must not like the idea of putting down children.

Poor guy, he's gonna get eaten alive.


Once everyone was done with their orientation, all the kids were put into tables of 4.

It was me, Le Fay, and two other children.

"Eww, I don't want to be with the weirdo!" The boy from my table mutters.

Seriously, game devs. 5 year olds don't act like this, so why did you have to add it? It's just annoying.

A commotion appears on the table diagonal to mine. Apparently, the table is divided.

"I refuse to be at the same table as you! You guys' eyes are freaky!" The child says.

Wait, freaky eyes?

Standard rule of fantasy dictates that unique looking people are important. And this game is based on DxD, an anime. So this rule is only strengthened.

1- Walk up to the group and ask what's wrong. (Offer to exchange for freaky kids)

2- Walk up to them and ask what's wrong. (Meditate the situation.)

3- Ignore them.

Clicking the first choice, my character immediately starts walking towards them. All the tablemates turn their heads to look at me.

"Really?" A young girl with big golden eyes asks hopefully.

"Are you sure? We are weird." A young boy with silver eyes mutters.

Clicking the 'yes' emote, stars appear in their eyes.

The former tablemates of mine swapped.

Now I'm on a table with a bunch of weirdos!

What could go wrong?

『Unlocked Party Feature』


I was sneaking around my house. Not in a bad way or anything! Just crawling, trying to get into my secret hideout.

Left of my room, down the stairs and into the library, there's a hidden room behind a false panel.

That's where I practise magic.

Ever since Eddie performed magic, I wanted to as well. It's so cool!

Sitting in the small hidden room, I try to do the formula. It's really easy, like adding 1+1.

Suddenly, a flame pops out of nowhere. It's bright and mesmerising.

I can do magic!

"So, what should we do?"

Suddenly, a female voice penetrates from outside the room.

"God's Retribution. Truly a dangerous group of fallen angels. You said their hideout was in Lordsbridge?" My fathers voice replies to the strange woman.

"Yes. I'm planning to send my brother to investigate."

"Edward? But he's just five."

"He's intelligent enough to understand what to do."

My father heaves a deep sigh.

"So, why have you informed me of this?"

"Right, Gabriel's broke so I wanted to ask, can you lend me £14,000?"

There was silence for a moment.

"Very well, that's not a lot. We are allies after all."

Footsteps echo across the library. They've left.

Edward's going to school? No WAY!




Edward Goes to School, Samantha's in debt, Gabriel's Broke, and Ley Fay invades on an otherwise perfect school life. Though seriously, do people even like Ley Fay as a character? I found here annoying. Only reason I put her here was because I felt it wouldn't make sense to have a character in supernatrual London, and not meet or even hear about the Pendragons.

Kysiobcreators' thoughts