
A Real Gamer System (In DxD)

I'm Bad at descriptions okay. You should watch or read High School DxD, its good for what it is. ______________________________________________________________ The Gamer System. Derived from a manhwa of the same, it has been long abused and warped, variations of of it increasing like an exceed graph. An archetype that dragged the name "gamer" through the mud. Now when people think 'gamer', they think of some super powered guy with more bitches than the pokedex has Pokémon. What happened to what gamers used to be? The Sleepless nerds that spend hundreds of hours grinding for meagre increases in numbers. The broke bastards that have more caffeine in their blood than oxygen. The smelly loners whose only form of exercise that 'gets the heart pumping' is booting up Elden Rings. Why must they have their noble title stained? A certain black cat with headphones ponders this. It, the guardian of all things gaming. It, who is the reason you spent $200 to get your desired gacha character. IT, WHO MADE YOUR TEAMATE NEED TO GO TO THE TOILET IN A RANKED MATCH. "So, lets spice this dumpster of a archetype up!" ____________________________________________________________ Not the greatest of descriptions, I know. Sorry the closet thing to a story i wrote was my 8th grade narrative assignment. This story's setting will be based in High School DxD. I don't know about romance or harem, but I'll try to make something work. By the way haven't watched DxD in like 4 years, so I might miss some stuff.

Kysiob · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 4: Choice Time


I'm on 0-0-2. Halfway done. Through the course of the year, the black cat has been teaching me magic. But this ain't your good old Skyrim shouts or Dark Soul magic arrows. You have to do maths to use magic.

The lower level spells are easy. Just simple equations. But the higher ones get ridiculous.

Why can't the devs make anything easy?

"Because human magic in DxD is described as mathematical and calculation based, the devs have attempted to emulate that." The black cat states.

Ridiculous. What am I playing, Prodigy?

"It is advised that you work hard on remembering magic formulas." The black cat states, completely ignoring my thoughts.

While the cat was talking, a conversation bubble was happening in the corner of my screen. My 'sister' was conversing with a young blonde boy.

My sister hasn't visited me or been near me since I discovered her to be an angel. Just up and left.

There are two options here. Either she's crawling back to me, or I'm getting sold.

My sister turns, her cartoon black eyes stare at me for a moment. Then she struts over to me menacingly, before squatting down. Due to this, her pelvic region is getting emphasised by her clothes more than ever though.

The guy behind her is covering his eyes, but leaves gaps to see. Sadly, this does not stop the blush lines from appearing over his hands. Way to go sis, gotta seduce em all.

"Edward, look here. I'll be going for a while to get groceries like eggs and milk, so could you follow Arthur here. You might meet–" The sister pauses for a moment, "A friend." She finishes.

I think she's selling me.

Send a 4 year old child into some rando's house, while saying that you're leaving to get milk? Stereotypical abandonment scenario.

She picks me up and drops me into the now blushing blonde boy. As the blonde boy holds me, I see her cartoon face morph into a smug grin. Whether that be because she sold me or that she managed to seduce a minor is beyond me.

I wonder, have they banged each other yet?

"I'll be back later!" My sister exclaims as she jumps out the window, her white wings materialising out of nowhere.

She's never coming back is she.

"Probably not." The Black cat mutters next to me. It looks so fluffy, if I were to pe–

"Don't even try." The black cat growls.

"Alright, I guess we will be stuck together for a while, huh, Edward. My name is Arthur Pendragon." The formerly blushing blonde states.

Arthur Pendragon, like the legends. I'm assuming that this is the same Arthur from Highschool DxD. He has the weird swoosh thing on his hair, so they should be.

He loads me onto his Rolls-Royce and after about 3 hours he carries me to this weird mansion.

I say weird because it looks massive. Like twice the size of Luige's mansion. Probably less haunted too.

When the former blushing blonde carries me into the house, he deposits me in this room. With blue flower walls surrounding it, a crib stood in the centre. After a minute of indecisiveness, I decided to attempt to crawl into the crib. Easier said than done. I was using the controller, since I wanted to feel the vibrations, but apparently climbing is difficult for 4 year olds.

Stupid devs, making everything more realistic than it needs to be. Eventually, I managed to climb up the crib. What's waiting for me?

Some blonde haired toddler thats whimpering in a corner with their blankets. Maybe they got scared of me climbing into their crib?

I jump into the crib, making the toddler whimper and cry more. Getting a good look at them, I noticed some details.

Blond hair, blue eyes and cartoonish tears waterfalling. This is Le Fay, right?

1- Hello there, what's your name?


3- Wanna be ma frwiend?

Dialogue options suddenly appear before me.

2 is a no go.

Children, especially toddlers, in games hate being yelled at. This would lead to her crying more, causing me to have a tougher time.

1 seems like the normal approach,

But it's too simple. I'm talking to a toddler here, so it would be better if I downgraded my vocabulary and communication to the level of a toddler.

3 is the optimal choice. It presents the opportunity to resolve the current issue.

After picking the option, the child stiffins. They slowly look up, revealing blue snot dripping out of their nose, tear ovals attached to their eyes and streams still pouring down their face.

"Really?" The child asks. I click the yes emote on my controller.

My controller has emotes, stuff like yes, no, rock paper scissors and a couple other things. It's nice because I don't need to wait for dialog options.

The child seems to grow happier, as the evidence of her crying completely disappeared, with golden light radiating off of them.

"Let's be frweinds! My name's Le Fay!" Le Fay exclaims in a jolly mood, completely forgetting the horror I caused her.

1- My name is Edward Elms. Nice to meet you. Wanna explore?

2- Le Fay? Weird name. Why did your parents give you a weird name?

3- Hello La Fway. Mouie nam is Edward Elms. Lewts pway twackle!

I'm presented with three options. Option 2 is again, a no go. Le Fay is a talented magician. Starting out our relationship with insults wouldn't be the best idea. Maybe if she was old enough to understand jokes.

Option 3, while seemingly the option that would get the most response out of her, feels both pedophilic and insulting to my character. Option 1, while simpler, gets to the point quick enough for her to understand.

After selecting the option, Le Fay seems to sparkle more than ever before. "Let's go!!!!!" She screams in copious excitement. The only problem is, trying to leave the crib.

Jumping would inevitably cause me to take fall damage, so I should climb slowly. As I click the (x) button on my controller to select, Le Fay queries me.

"What are you doing? Can't we wait for bwother to get us. HEY BWOTHER, HELP US EXPLORE!!!!!" Le Fay quickly yells. It's amazing how she doesn't wait for an answer.

The former blushing blonde runs into the room, accompanied by a black haired… maid? They look at the crib in surprise, seeing me and Le Fay sitting on it. After registering what Le Fay yelled, they seem to deliberate.

"JUST LET ME EXPLORE!!! I WANNA EXPLORE WITH EDDY!!!" Le Fay impatiently screeches. I wonder when she recognised me as Eddy? Kinda rude to change someone's name on a whim.

After a couple moments of intensive chats between the former blushing blonde and the maid, Arthur shakes his cartoon head. Le Fay gets a comedic vein in her head, and starts yelling more. After a few minutes of this, I decided to try to calm her.

Maybe if I do it correctly, she'll help me with magic.

"A good idea. Le Fay is an immensely powerful magician. Having her help would be undoubtedly useful." The black cat next to me purrs. It really pops out of nowhere.

1- Chill Le Fay. You're really annoying when you cry.

2- Fay, wanna see a magic trick! (uses basic fire magic to summon a small flame.)

3- Don't Yell Fay Fay. If bwother doesn't wanna. Bwother pwobably won't.

Presented with three options again, I can only sigh in annoyance.

Le Fay probably would cry more at the first option, since she somehow considers me her friend. Second option is promising, as Le Fay is a magician. If I manage to spark her curiosity to magic sooner, she'll be more helpful. The third option does resolve the issue, but doesn't really show much development down the road as option 2.

Option 2 is the most suitable choice.

As I click it, a maths question appears on my screen.


I is fire intensity, (KW/m)

H is fire heat, (J/g)

W is fuel consumed (kg/m2 )

r is spread (m/s)

If the fire you created uses 50 kg per metre squared, with a spread of 1m a second and a heat of 10j a gram, what is the intensity?

Pretty easy stuff. Times 50 by 1 and 10, the intensity is 500 KW/m.

"INCORRECT!!!! YOU FORGORT CONVERSIONS!!!!" the black cat cries.

curses, now the spell is way weaker.

A flame suddenly appears on my fingertip. Arthur gasps in surprise, the maid looks at me in utter shock, and Le Fay tries to move away.





I'm in a bar. Since I just reached 20 I now feel like I belong here.

Back when I was 16 coming into this place made me feel isolated. But now I can drink beer like the rest of them. Sadly this also means that I'm a target now.

"So hottie, wanna drink? It's on me." A man dressed in black flirts with me. Or at least I think it's flirting. He could be attempting to assassinate me using the cheesiest lines in existence to make me die from my heart cringing into itself.

"You know, my friends call me Schwanz, but you can call me Zel." The man tries to flex his name, I think. Schwanz can mean either tail, or a rude way to say chicken, if google translate didn't lie to me. One of my hobbies is using google translate to find what the funniest words mean in different languages.

As the weird man constantly flirts with me, I wait for the barkeep. A middle aged man with a beard, the barkeep is actually an exorcist. While they are on the creepy side, they know a lot and do a lot, so I don't mind them.

When the barkeeper, Anthony was his name, looked at me he had a small frown. Clearly he dislikes a pure, holy angel getting hit on in his bar. It's definitely not because he hates me.

As he walks up to me and makes me my beer, I hear his whispers.

"Why are you here? You promised to never come here again didn't you?" Anthony rages.

Anthony has a peculiar magic tool that allows him to have some form of telepathy. Sadly it's only one way.

I smile at him innocently, and do the anime thing of hitting my knuckle on my head while making my tongue stick out.

He was not pleased.

"This isn't a joking matter! Your time in this bar has caused me more property damage and lawsuits than the rest of my life combined."

I shrug and give him a "can't be helped" gesture. The man beside me looks confused. Poor sap.

"Fine, what do you want?"

It annoys me. His inconsiderateness. I can't talk to him because of this guy right next to me, yet he wants to explain to him what I want.

After a couple minutes (like 20) of failing to gesture my desire, I get fed up and suppress the mind of the guy next to me. Now he'll have no idea what happened. Then I smash my hand onto the table.

Break some of the counter too.

"I need information on God's Retribution. Specifically their Leader, Zelig. Also, could you put writing objects and notepads here, or some secretive way to converse. It's annoying having to gesture what I want." I make my statement. He seems to dislike it.

"If you hate gesturing so much, then don't come here! As for God's Retribution, I'll do it. But what's the payment?" Anthony states.

If it was any ordinary guy, I probably would've had to pay gold and silver, but Anthony's different.

"A picture of Grisilda changing." I mutter. Sorry Grisilda, but this is necessary.

"Deal." Anthony snaps up the offer.

"I'll see what I can find. I want the picture by next week." Anthony boots me out. Didn't even give me my beer. What an asshole.

I flip a table over his head onto another person.

I'm practising but I can't seem to aim the table properly.


Oh my god, She's hot.

A buxom women walked into the bar. About 6'0 tall. She was wearing a white shirt,grey jacket and pale grey jeans. But what was beautiful wasn't her clothes, but what filled them.

Breasts that look just right. Not so obscenely large but also not so childishly small. They were perfect. They seemed to defy gravity as they stood tall and proud.

Her ass as well. 5 stars. Chefs kiss. A strong yet somehow soft looking pair of butt cheeks, any ass man would froth over them.

This girl wasn't someone that looked adorably cute, or sadistically sexy. She had a mature beauty to her. But mixed in was some teenage rebellion and unwavering confidence.

It was love at first sight, for me at least.

How do you even talk to a person you like? All my pickup lines are for one-night stands!

"So hottie, want a drink? It's on me." My mouth moves on its own. Why did I have to say that! She probably thinks I'm hitting on her! Which I am, but in the bad way. The one-night stand way.

She ignores my reply, her features of distinct disinterest.

AHHHH. She's too nice to say that my pickup lines are bad, but smart enough to not take the offer.

Why does she have to be so hot!!!!

"You know, my friends call me Schwanz, but you can call me Zel." My mouth rudely puts more fuel on the fire. Why did I have to say that? My Russian friends call me that because I'm a d*ck! Why did I have to tell the person I like? And Zel? What kind of name is that???

She seems to downright ignore me completely this time. She looks at the barkeep, and makes funny expressions and gestures at him. Is she asking for help because she thinks that I'm dangerous? No, I don't want my first impression to go down like that!

But just as I'm about to talk again (this time out of my own free will, not my fat mouth) she puts a hand over my face. Is she trying to push me away?

But no, she isn't trying to push me away. I feel magic, the mental kind. She's trying to suppress … my mind? But why?

"I need information on God's Retribution." She wasn't trying to push me away. She was trying to communicate with the barkeep about God's Retribution!

"Specifically their leader, Zelig." When she says that, I both blush and get a shiver down my spine.

The fact that she's chasing Zelig is pretty romantic.

Especially because my name is Zelig.

And I created God's Retribution.

Ohh the irony.

As the girl walks out, I ask the barkeep about her name. He frowns at me. I think he's busy trying to fix the situation with the drunks that got slammed on the head with a table.

"Samantha. Complete b*tch and a five star psychopath. I don't recommend it kid, she'd rip you apart." He says before turning around. "Also, work on your lines, that was sad to watch."

Ah, the embarrassment. But whatever, I've found my love, so it's all good.

Samantha, huh.

I can't wait to meet again.


Author notes

So, Edward meets a friend. Another function of the Gamer system is introduced and a romantic sub-plot is making its debut.

But seriously that interaction was painful. It's hard trying to write a character in love without sounding corny or just detracting from the character's… well character.

Maybe I'll keep the whole romance with those to characters, spice is important to keep anything interesting.

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