
What Am I to do?

I feelt His hands grab my tied hands, he then took off the blindfoled. " what do you want form me sir?" I said with fear in my voice, the man was tall with gray hair and blue eyes. " you will sell well on the market." The man said with a smirk on his face. He carryed me down a dark hall, we came to a cell with somone inside it. He push me inside " if you want to know what happend to your sisters the have "new homes" but we will find you a good home for you too.

I walk to the other side of the cell, the other person seems to me a young boy about my age tall but skinny with black hair and I'm red eyes. He seems scared but that's to be expected because we're in a Cell I guess. " hello there". I said in a calm voice, but the boys seemed to shrink away in fear. " it's okay I won't hurt you, what's your name"? I said walk forward a little. " my name's Ace". He said in a shy voice, almost like he was a child. my face turned red I think, do I start to feel this way when I'm around boys? He starts to shack. " Are you cold"? I ask him. " yes can you help me stay warm?" He said with a small blush on his cheeks. I nodded my head, he came to me and layed his head on my chest. we both fell asleep together.

this is my first story ( this story is a gay love story)

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