
close together

I wake up with a start the cell door opens and a tall man is standing there. my heart races The Man is my uncle how is he on Earth? I look down to see Ace still sleeping. I gently put him to the ground so I don't wake him.

" what do you want"? I say my voice soft not to wake Ace from his slumber. my uncle just looks at me with a grin that terrifying ugly grin.

" I see you made a new friend dear nephew".

I look over at Ace and hold him close to me so my uncle doesn't try anything to hurt him. I then sits down on the floor of the cell and turns around to look away from my uncle. the door too the cell shuts but before mine uncle leaves he says. " the real fun will start tomorrow dear boy". Then he leaves the room and my blood chills at that. I decided to keep Ace and me closer together for his and my sanity.