
A Pyrotechnics Expert in Naruto

Born into the Uchiha clan as a waste child. No matter how talented he was it wouldn't matter because he was born blind. But then everything changed when he opened .... wait why do they look like that?

Ashtin_Pratt · Cómic
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9 Chs


Diary of Tsunade Senju

"Princess this. Princess that. IM TSUNADE FIRST! I'll show them all I'm not some Princess. I'm a ninja too! Beni says it's fine to be spoiled when we're young but im already almost a Chunin it's ridiculous to still call me Princess.

My hands are way too dirty for that."

T.S. K.Y. 37

My small group and I are notorious troublemakers around Konoha. It probably helps that we have special status so that even when civilians look at us they don't see 7 year old children but they have that spark of vigilance that you get when you're face to face with a dangerous predator.

Speaking of Dangerous predators


"Did you really need to bring your pets with you?" Yumi Kurama asked a little annoyed at the two crows flying above me.

"First of all" I spoke with my back straight and voice full or pride as the duo land on shoulders "Mukuro and Chrome are part of my family. Never call them pets."

"Here here!" Muzaka Inuzuka chimed in from my left.

"Whats wrong with Chrome?" Tsunade asked Yumi as she stroked the smaller of the two crows. Mukuro was a gift from my dad. He was already a smart beast with a Chakra pathway so he was always very easy to take care of.

Chrome however was a problem child. Tsunade found her when she was young and Chrome is Tsunades first actual patient. She nursed Chrome back to health but eventually gave her to me since I knew more about them.

"Its just crows are bad luck aren't they" Yumi spoke a bit more shy this time.

"Please following Jiraiya for a day is more bad luck that a murder of crows" I handed out solid Crow Sage wisdom "If anything my crows will be the most known summons when I finish my new jutsu."

"A new technique?" Orochimaru held up his head in interest.

With everyone's eyes on me it was time to perform "Mukuro, Chrome get ready."

The technique wasn't perfect because it still took me 10 hand seals and a lot of Chakra but it was worth it.

Mukuro and Chrome started cawing as they circled me immediately attracting everyone's attention. But oddly enough it seemed as if the crows were multiplying before suddenly the 2 crows formed 20 crows as giant black feathers fell around me as they turned into more crows.

Under the astonished eyes of my friends and civilians my body slowly turned into crows and join the murder as we flew away and eventually landed on the other side of the street as my crows started circling again completing my body with Mukuro and Chrome back on my shoulders.

"Woooooah that's so awesome! How'd you do it?" Jiraiya asked as Shiba and and Muzaka look at me with wonder in their eyes. At least I think so but they were definitely looking at me.

"3 different genjutsu?" Yumi murmured to herself

"And a subtle body flicker on top of it as well." Orochimaru chimed in thinking of how he could mimic it but without the crows. He much perfered his avians cooked or in egg form rather than alive.

"Interesting technique but it takes too much time and your crows are flocking." Tsunade added

"Well the speed I'm still working on and my crows can split up and travel in different directions but within a certain range and I can choose to land in any of 20 places. In the future I want to make it 100 crows burst in an instant."

"That'd be so cool!"

As we walked around the village I couldn't help but notice a huge lack of recreational activities other than shopping and training. I stopped into my tracks and couldn't help but feel a certain responsibility.

"Hey? Beni are you okay?" Tsunade stopped a bit after I did and look at me with a bit of worry.

"I just had a great idea" I announce to my friends and pull Muzaka to the side and whisper something in his ears. He gave me a puzzled look but didn't ask questions and simply leaped off towards his clan compound.

The others gave me a weird look but I didn't hesitate "Cmon follow me!" and with that I started ninja running through Konoha. My friends chased after me and I have no doubt we attracted the attention of almost every anbu in the area so I'm for sure my dad will know about his son running wildly through the civilian area.

But that doesn't stop my excitement as I bring them to the edge of Senju memorial park. Even though it says park it's really just a giant grassy area because nothing was added there yet. I heard plans it was just going to become scrapped in the end so I decided to just use it.

"So what's the rush towards an empty park for?" Hiruko asked a bit annoyed at the sudden high speed chase.

I glance around as I saw a familiar white haired teenager doing some laps in the background but I ignored him for now as I slammed my hands on the ground.

"Earth style, Terrain modeling jutsu."

It's a simple jutsu really. Use massive amounts of Earth style Chakra to forcibly rearrange the surrounding.

"For an Uchiha you sure like playing in dirt huh Bakamaru" Jiraiya quipped as if afraid he'd disappear in the silence.

I ignored the weeb as I focused on my goal. I imagined a double sized soccer field as the ground suddenly started sinking a bit before spreading outwards. I made a standard soccer field with the outlines edges and goals made of stone.

I noticed Muzaka had just arrived panting "Hey Maru I got the ball you asked for, Firm yet a bit bouncy. The dogs didn't want to let go though so it took a bit."

He held out a decent sized brown ball that had a few stitches in it. It was perfect. I walked over to him with a grin as I spoke out loud. "Here's the rules, Two teams Orochimaru and I are captains. One captain picks first the other captain gets ball first for teams. No hands are allowed to touch the ball" I say as I drop the ball but catch it with my foot and start tossing and catching it with the nape of my toes "Kicks and headbutts are allowed. No deliberately touching other players all contact must be with the ball or its a fowl. Stay within the lines and one person is set as goalie. The goalie can use their hands to catch and throw the ball once it passes into their marked territory. No Chakra allowed obviously but it's the first game so fine tune as we go."

Orochimaru looked thoughtful while Jiraiya was upset I didn't name him captain, "Ah but we seem to be short a player? Unless we sit Jiraiya out?"


"No need to sit anyone out, the last player was already here and he's heard the rules. Isn't that right Mr. Eavesdropper."

The white haired kid 'running' stumbled a bit before slumping his head and heading towards us.

"I apologize I saw what you were doing and got curious. But are you sure you don't mind if I play? I am a bit older than the rest of you?"

"Hey we're ninjas fairness was never in our vocabulary. Benimaru Uchiha" I say sticking out my hand to the somewhat stunned teenager.

"Hatake. Sakumo Hatake."

"Great to meet you of by the way you're on My team" I say with a grin before tossing Orochimaru the ball.

Across the park were a few figures including one dressed in an all fancy white robe.

"Hmmm interesting game they created" Hiruzen said.

"Hmph that brat Sakumo actually got roped in? Seems as if I need to increase his training. Said an Anbu ninja with dazzling silvery white hair.

"Oh lighten up Kenshi, your son is magnificent as is." Kagami spoke up

"Indeed he'll be a proud and splendid ninja of his Era. It would be better for him to integrate more with them even if they're ages differ a bit it won't matter on a battle field." Danzo Shimura

"Danzo there's no need to mention battlefields, let these youth enjoy their childhood, it won't be long before they make never be able to have it again."

At Hiruzen's words a dull silence fell over the four killers as they all knew it would happen eventually.

"Very well Hiruzen but I do hope in addition to letting them have a happy childhood you can be strict when you need to. Especially Tsunade as a Senju she herself has a higher standard so don't waste it my friend."

With those words Danzo Shimura turned around. He was busy after all, his main job right now being how to provide as much time as possible before the cold war got hot again.

The remaining three watched the 10 youth kicking a ball around happily yelling and having fun. Just as Lord First always wanted. But how long it would last none of them knew. But either way the three made a silent consent that these kids would all have to end their childhood early.