
A Pyrotechnics Expert in Naruto

Born into the Uchiha clan as a waste child. No matter how talented he was it wouldn't matter because he was born blind. But then everything changed when he opened .... wait why do they look like that?

Ashtin_Pratt · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Teenagers are Troublesome

Diary of Benimaru Uchiha

"Time is our prison and Space is our warden. No matter how hard we try to escape its inevitable we fail."

B.U. K.Y. 39

Standing outside of training ground number 3 there was an intense duel happening. 19 year old Hatake Sakumo was running through the field a sharp lightning running through his sword. He raised his sword imbued with his Chakra as he released a slash. Yet before his sword completed the motion a black sword with a red hilt covered in small electric sparks flew over intercepting him.

Seeing the familiar situation Sakumo kicked back to create distance and then immediately tilted his head as a slicing sound flew right past his ear. He ignored the red razor hat flying past his head when he heard the crow caw and immediately made his seals.


He spit out a large amount of wind that immediately wrapped around him creating a barrier that managed to deal with the white fireball that was launched towards him. But he knew he couldn't wait for the flames to disappear so while wrapped in wind he rushed through the flames and rushed up to the figure who had just caught his hat and pulled the knife blade under his throat.

"Sigh. You win again Sakumo san"

Sakumo didn't listen to this bastard Uchihas mouth though as he pulled out a small kunai and threw it directly behind him.

The kunai slipped past a head slicing through the red wrappings on his eyes as his sword coated in lightning and Chakra strings flew back to his side before he sheathed it on his back.

"How did you know?" The Uchiha asked his friend as his crow clone split before flying off and disappearing.

"Ha, we've been fighting for 5 years Uchiha, if I can't tell the difference between you and not you then I'd be a waste of a ninja" Sakumo responded kicking up the fallen hat and throwing it over to its owner.

Benimaru Uchiha 13 years old have made a lot of progress during his time as a genin. He and his squad have completed 130 D rank missions, 17 C rank, and 4 B rank missions. He also grew taller standing at around a little under 5'5.

Wearing a black body suit, and boots with a Scarlett red leather jacket that went below his waist. Red bandages wrapped around his eyes with a black long sword and a very trademark red hat with a silver trim on it.

Benimaru caught the approaching hat and in one motion had it secured to his head. "I was close this time. If only my fire style was faster."

"Hey your white fire would probably kill me if it was any faster" Sakumo said with a bit of praise in his voice walking over to his friend as they bumped fists with a goofy grin. While making their way to the friends.

Benimarus fire style was always different. No matter what his fire would always be white. It wasn't hotter or cooler than normal fire it was just a pure aesthetic. In fact his whole team has trained a lot in these years especially now so that they became teenagers.

Yumi had the biggest change being her breasts started growing and I've noticed Dan taking an interest. She's progressed a lot during these years especially her genjutsu. She developed a few different ways to use her genjutsu, and soon her clan head is going to take her to face her ido soon.

Shiba had the least changes other than getting taller. His fighting style is still the same the only difference is he started spending time in the hospital to make up his medical gap.

Muzaka finally found his partner. It was a pitch black dog with grey eyes that he named Fenris. Fen was still in his puppy stages and he's already too big to hold.

Hiruko has started falling behind a bit strength wise. He was the only one of us without a kage teacher or clan to practice with but he's still currently keeping up, it's just I wonder for how long?

Orochimaru and Jiraiya are still the same. Fighting in love every waking moment its just a bit more diverse now with ninjutsu taught by Hiruzen.

Then there was Tsunade, we spent a lot of time trying out different Earth styles and even created pseudo Earth bending which the violent destruction loli seems to love. She's still just as hard headed and stubborn but ... no that it.

I haven't seen my old man in a year now. Apparently he took a task of protecting the Daimyo's son while hes studying something in the land of spring. BTW Tanaka the future daimyo is actually a huge M and he liked annoying Tsunade for cough personal reasons.

Anyways it hasn't bothered me that my old man just up and left for a whole year because now I just get checked up on by Aunt Mika who's very pregnant. When we found out it was a girl she let me name her so I chose Mikoto.

The village hidden in the leaves has been prospering lately and that slowly cemented Hiruzen's reign as a Kage. Things between the villages are never peaceful but they have been quiet lately.

Tsunade walked over and hooked her arm right onto my shoulder and said "You almost had em this time. Look at you fighting a Jonin head to head."

"I still lost Tsuna. My face feels cold though?"

"Probably because you dropped this" Orochimaru hissed as he passed me my blindfold.

My eyes have been doing this weird thing lately. I can't see still, however my once grey eyes slowly started gaining colour 2 years ago. Right now if people look at my eyes they assume I'm a Yuhi with the bright red til they look closer and see no pupil.

I reach out and take my headwear back and take only a second to tie it back on my face although slightly shorter since some cut it. Don't worry I won't charge Sakumo full price for the replacement after all we're friends.

The gang spent a bit more time enjoying the autumn air as we discussed our later plans. When an Anbu dropped in front of me.

"Benimaru Uchiha?"

It was a weird situation when Anbu appeared before you, they don't show up for many reasons and none of them are usually good.

"Yes? I'm Benimaru?"

"Your father.." The Anbu said slowly taking out a black and red scroll and handed it to me "I've known Kagami senpai for years....I'm truly sorry."

With that word he disappeared leaving me a heart full of dread.

".....beni?" Tsunade asked quietly as I realized a few minutes have passed since the Anbu left. I felt the scroll in hand suddenly get heavier. Why would the Anbu be sorry?

"Hey are you okay? That scroll..." Jiraiya started before getting silenced by Orochimaru.

My hands started shaking a bit as I realized it really was a 'bad' scroll as we call them. Red and Yellow means an Urgent mission, Red and green means not urgent but top secret. But red and black.

My heart started beating faster as I clenched the scroll tightly. As long as I never opened it then no matter what it's not true right?

"....hey Tsuna" I barely choke out as she understood my intentions. She took my hand and started leading me home under the sad glances of my friends.

"Will he be okay?" Yumi whispered

"That scroll isn't it?" Muzaka asked just to get Shiba's nod.

It took about 3 minutes to get back to the compound and in the minute it took us to reach my house I received several glances from Uchihas as they all took a deep breath seeing the scroll in my hands.

We get back to my home as I fall on the floor, my eyes wetting behind the bandages.


Tsunade seeing me bit her lip but still took the scroll from me and opened it. I could hear what sounded like a sheet of paper and two other scrolls.

Tsunade took a deep breath and started reading "Benimaru, I'm sorry."

By this point my tears couldn't be held back anymore

"I'm sorry I've been away so long. Ha was I a good father? Everyone's always regarded me as some legendary ninja but my dream was always to just be a legendary father for you. I'm sorry I couldn't take you to see the world so this time I'm leaving my eyes separately sealed for you. My journey is ended, but if it's you I can entrust my light to you. I won't get to see your and Tsunade's wedding but I left everything that could be a dowry in the sealed attic. Benimaru Ashino Uchiha. Thank you for being a wonderful son. I've never been more proud."

I felt the pain increase word for word as the new settled in. My stupid dad who loved being out of the village being busy. My super strong dad who never lost. You still had so much to teach me who gave you permission to run off?

I felt the small arms come around my neck and just held me close as I cried that night. The word had already spread throughout the entire Uchiha clan and for a while all of our thoughts were the same.


Kagami was loved by the whole clan for his strength and the village for his kindness. But it's not your decision to leave old man. I still need your guidance with my body flicker, and fire style and love and life and so much more.

I had no idea when the tears increased, my wraps came off or how long I sat there but when my tears had dried I looked at the girl in front of me who held me the entire night silently.

"Promise me you won't die" I barely whispered to the girl

"Beni your eyes..."

"Tsuna. Promise me."

"Never. I won't die. This super awesome kunoichi will live longer than grandma Mito."

I looked into Tsunades eyes, her amber eyes with flecks of green in them. It was the first time I could see anything in this ninja world. And it was the only thing I wanted to look at.

I don't know when I moved but I felt myself lean forward and stole a kiss from the girl holding onto me. "Then it's a promise."

Those were the last words I spoke before passing out. I had cried for an entire night not to mention the double white tomoe spinning around a newly found white pupil in my eyes.

"Idiot. Get some rest." The blonde said as she kissed his forehead and lay his head on her lap.

That day of Konoha year 37 it was quiet. A moment for a fallen Hero.


"Sarutobi what happened? How could Kagami fall in battle? You know his eyes." A distraught Danzo asked as one of his teammates had died.

All 5 of Tobirama's students gathered in the Hokages office sharing a drink.

"Sigh as far as I know he stopped using his ?Mangekyo 3 years ago. The side effects were too great and he wanted his eyes to have as much light as possible so he could leave them to his son. You know Benimaru is blind so Kagami wanted to leave him a way to see the world."

"Huh so thats how it ends?" Toru Akimichi said as he downed a bottle of Sake.

"His will of fire will continue to burn on. His genin are all well prepared and ready to face the world. Not many people can die on their own terms and still send their eyes and death note back to their child and still kill 13 Rock Jonin."

Kagami Uchiha


