
a psycho in the omniverse

The main character is a villain protagonist of the rest I'm not going to say anything

Aaron_Aguilera_2568 · Fantasía
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5 Chs


In a dark room in which there was only one light from a polystation console, there was a young man of at least 19 years old with a normal face, neither handsome nor ugly, the young man seemed to be complaining about what he was playing

"Damn this boss doesn't even give me a fucking break".

For the young man, speaking out loud seemed normal, suggesting a bit of mental instability.

After saying that an ogre of at least 3 meters hits his character and throws him against the ceiling of what appears to be a cave as if he were a rag doll, immediately afterwards a screen appears saying you have lost

"Sigh this is like the 10th time it kills me"

The young man named Damien leaves the control of his console and checks his cell phone realizing that he has spent 3 hours in a row playing the game and that he will miss his shift at work

"Shit I'm going to be late for work!"

Damien quickly gets up and opens his closet grabbing a green uniform that matches the green cap that he also grabbed, then he grabbed his keys along with his cell phone and left the room.

what greeted him was a concrete corridor along with the cold and dark light of the night

Damien keeps running until he reaches some stairs when he finishes going down he takes out his cell phone and calls a taxi, he repeatedly checks the time with his cell phone to the point where someone would consider him sick if they saw him, when the taxi arrives he tells the taxi driver where does he have to go, time passes and the taxi driver tries to start a conversation but Damien has never been a talkative person when he arrived the taxi driver told him

"The trip there costs $3.30"

"ok have a fucking miser taxi driver"

Damien throws the dollars in the driver's face then he grabs the coins and sticks them up the driver's nose the driver tells him to throw more and more money at him as he masturbates with the dollars and then shoves it up his ass-

"Young man will you give me the money?"

"What... if you have"

Damien gives him the $3.30 after that he goes to the store where he works before he goes in remember I didn't take his medicine


The door makes a generic sound of doorbells Damien looks at the counter of the small store and says to the worker

"Michael did you see the boss is supposed to be here to give this week's payment"

"If he's in the office go see him, by the way he's upset with you for being absent again" says Michael

Damien walks to his boss's office and when he arrives he finds him dead and torn to pieces while there were flies eating his corpse and-

Damien enters the office his boss, his boss would look like the typical disgusting nobleman with a large and exaggerated belly as well as his short stature, that was very noticeable but more importantly he was alive and with an annoyed face when he sees him too looked like he was getting ready to leave

"Sorry, this won't happen again," Damien pleads.

"If this is the fifth time I've heard that I'm leaving and Michael's shift is over so replace him" Ordered his boss

"By the way have your money" Damien's boss throws him $100

Damien grabs the money as he puts it in his wallet and thinks

'I swear I'd rip out every bone in your body while you scream in pain if it wasn't for the fact that they'd put me in a fucking white room again you fucking pig'


Damian leaves the office and goes to the lobby to change it doesn't take long since he himself brought his clothes for work and it wasn't very difficult to put them on either, when he left and approached the counter he noticed that Michael wasn't there

"Oh..well much better this way I don't have to talk to him about the shift change"

Then Damien walks into the counter and pulls out his cell phone looking for ways to kill the ogre boss from his game.