
a psycho in the omniverse

The main character is a villain protagonist of the rest I'm not going to say anything

Aaron_Aguilera_2568 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


Damian POV

It's been 4 hours and not a single customer has passed not that that's bad in fact it's very good so I can finish my shift, close the shop and maybe find a way to kill the boss of the game


'*mental sigh* didn't I have to speak too soon...or think? No matter'

I watch as a girl enters the store, she doesn't have anything interesting or special but I can't not attend to customers She spends a lot of time looking at the makeup section but it doesn't seem like she wants to steal, she's just confused and doesn't seem to know what she wants here an experienced salesperson would enter to earn profits but I don't care enough to do that interesting thing is that it is, something very normal their behavior since 30% of the customers who come here have the same behavior, anyway I don't care if I made a mistake and she wants to steal, since very bad things would happen to her


'don't fuck with me'

I watch more people enter the store two men to be exact they look like your typical midnight raiders oh...wait I think I know where this is going.

In the store there is usually always a gun with 4 bullets under the counter this was done because a few months ago they robbed the store and killed the one who did the shift, specifically for that reason I am not afraid even if he is a psychopath

'Because I have their lives in my hands, I decide if they live or die... ooooh what a feeling but as much as I want to kill them I can't... unless they do something'

I see how the men start to tease the girl

"Hey why not after leaving this store you have fun with us"

says stalker 1# 'Wow pretty straight forward they don't usually say it like that' Damien thinks.

"Please leave me alone" says the girl

'Ah, apparently he found what he was looking for after the harassment, at least I don't have to bother talking to her anymore'

While she pays me for the product, the harassers keep talking to her after that she leaves the store and apparently with a package why do the harassers also leave with her

"Tsk"says stalker 1#

'Apparently stalker 2# isn't that talkative' I think.

And I'm left alone finally....so good

2 hours later

"My shift is over, I'm out of here"

I grab the keys to the store and close the place, while I leave the place I go home I do not call a taxi since I do not see the point it is not so urgent


As I walk I hear a muffled noise from an alley

'Wow wow look who we have here the stalkers and the girl'

They were in the carnal act although apparently not allowed while that happens I stand still looking at the site with a cold expression

'How stupid you must have known that this was going to happen, you should have taken advantage of the time being in the store to call the police anyway, I don't have time for this'

I was never a hero or a person who cared about others, not even with my parents, so I'm going to care about her a person I don't know, I think not, as I was preparing to leave, I heard a scream


'Oh, they noticed me, apparently I won't be able to leave without fighting or doing something' I quickly see the place where I am

'it is a 4 m wide alley which means that it is not a narrow place I will not be able to kill them one by one I have a normal body not very athletic but I am not skinny so I could beat one but the other? two against It doesn't work for me, they would beat me up and the only thing that works as a weapon is a metal rod a meter from me that I think I won't be able to lift because of its weight, I have to change terrain, damn when I get home I'll be tired and bloody'

I run away as fast as I can without letting them say anything else, the two stalkers seem to be in shock, they didn't expect this course of action, idiots, did they think I was going to fight? Seeing that the situation is unfavorable, quickly and out of his confusion one of them chases me and the other also follows

Along the way I found several sites with people but what I am going to do does not need an audience

"Ah ah ah where is that damn"

The two stalkers reached a street that has two sides and they did not see me hide behind them. I grab a bottle of beer that I found on the way, I break it and before they turn their heads I approach one of them

"What aghhhhh!!"

I stick the bottle up his neck, pull it out and stick it in his eye, the other stalker is in shock again, haven't you seen someone try to kill another person? I stab him with the bottle in the abdomen, he gets scared and hits me in the face, as I am very close to him, it seems that he breaks my nose, but I support myself with my leg so as not to fall, so I kick him in the testicles Along with the pain in the abdomen and the blow to the testicles, the man fell to his knees and I took the opportunity to hit him in the face, which made him fall to the ground, then I hit him again and again and again

"uh huh"

Gasping, I stop and see the two corpses, it seems that I will return to that room again, I keep thinking, I go back to the place in the alley, after checking if there is any stalker left alive, I find the girl alive. but in very bad condition unfortunately for her I can't leave her alive I grab her and strangle her the girl in her new desperation writhes on the ground and before I can kill her I feel intense pain in my abdomen I see and the girl apparently stabbed me

'Oh he stuck a knife in me...MY DAMN CLOTHES MOTHERFUCKER'

I strangle her with more force due to anger, these clothes I got at a good price in the market and she ruins them, what a lack of consideration, then she looks again and there is no knife or ripped clothes

'Ah I see *sigh* this damn disease does take me at bad times'

He kept strangling the girl until she stops moving I see her eyes empty and dead a small laugh comes out of my mouth I leave the alley and go home I take off my bloody clothes and take a shower, while I'm in the shower I think on what I'm going to do Tomorrow, I wash the clothes I think and go to the hospital to get my nose fixed Any excuse is fine After all, it's just a broken nose, I start playing with the console until I get sleepy and think about my dreams.

'I will suffer for these sins or I will be blessed for what I did, I honestly don't care'

Leaving those intrusive thoughts I put myself to sleep while I dream of what I did over and over again and while I sleep I have a huge smile