
Plans for Revenge

As I begin to think on what to do next, I remember something, or rather, someone.

Vergil - "Miranda!"

I begin to bolt off as fast as my huge body will let me into the direction she was blasted to. I spot her with her back up against a tree. A fairly small dent was made into the tree and I see Miranda sitting down, barely holding on to consciousness.

Vergil - "Auntie Mira are you okay?!"

Miranda - "What kind of dumb question is that?! Do I look okay?!"

Vergil - "Here, have a sitrus berry."

I pull out a sitrus berry and hand it to her. She bites into it and restores some of her energy. I turn back to where I left Diana and I don't see her there. I look back to Mom and see Diana mourning in front of her body.

Vergil - "Diana… are you… going to be okay?"

Diana - "…"

She just sits there, staring at her still corpse. I pick her up and begin lightly petting her.

Vergil - "It'll be fine. We're still here, that's what matters now."

Diana - "What matters now?"

I believe I'm getting through to her, but apparently, I'm dead wrong.

Diana - "Are you saying… she didn't matter?"

Vergil - "What?! No! That's not-"

Diana - "Did she not matter to you?!"

Vergil - "You know that's not what I meant."

I say, trying to calm her down.

Diana - "Then what did you mean?!"

She says finally looking into my eyes, tears threatening to come out.

Vergil - "What I meant is although she is dead, we are, luckily, still alive. I did not say that her death didn't matter, I'm saying right here, right now, we are not dead."

Diana - "She's dead now, and you're acting like nothing happened."

Vergil - "Focusing on that will not help the situation, much less bring her back. The most we can do is continue to live on for her sake. If it would make you feel better, we can give her a burial."

She seems to have calmed down now. That was fairly quick, a little too quick. She nods her head in agreement and solemnly watches as I use my new appendages and my psychic power to dig Mom a grave. After I finished, Miranda seemed rested up enough to meet back up with us. When she sees the grave, Miranda becomes solemn as well.

Miranda - "So she's?-"

Vergil - "Yes, she is… no longer with us."

We all stand in silence as we look towards her grave. I give her a silent prayer before we begin to move out.

Vergil - "Let's get out of here, there could very well be more nearby."

Miranda - "Agreed."

Diana hops onto my shoulder, as we walk in silence before I begin to talk to Miranda.

Vergil - "So, what do you plan to do now?"

Miranda - "I don't know, maybe I'll stick around, maybe I'll go do my own thing." *sigh* "I'll… figure it out."

Vergil - "Mmm, I see, and you Diana?"

Diana - "I would prefer to stick with you."

Vergil - "Well thank you sister, for putting your trust in me. Now. We need to plot our revenge. I know it won't bring mother back, nor will it benefit us, but we can't allow this to go unpunished."

I say as I clench my fist.

Diana - "But how? We don't know who they are, much less where they came from."

Miranda - "Actually, I know who they are."

Vergil - "Oh? And who might they be?"

Of course I already knew who they were, but I'm not supposed to know that.

Miranda - "They're called Team Rocket. A group of idiots who are incapable of earning their keep, so they steal from others. Primarily, they illegally sell Pokémon on the black market."

Everyday I'm beginning to question more and more how these guys know this.

Vergil - "I see. Where can we find this 'Team Rocket' you speak of."

Miranda - "Well, last I remember they were based off in Celadon city. Last I saw of them, they were a small group. Nothing big enough to cause something like this."

Vergil - "How long ago did you last see them?"

Miranda - "About 10 years ago."

Vergil - "Where are they in 'Celadon city?'"

Miranda - "Last I saw? In a small warehouse on the border of the city."

Vergil - "Can you lead us to Celadon city?"

Miranda - "Yeah I can but after that, I don't quite know what to do."

Vergil - "Well we can think about it on the way. So! Where do we go from here?"

Miranda - "From here we go North. Then we travel through Mt. Moon to Cerulean city in the East. Next we head Southbound to Saffron city, before heading East, where we'll hit Celadon city."

Vergil - "I see. On the way though, we're going to have to put in some serious training on the way. There's no way we can defeat them as we are now."

Diana - "Yeah! We need to get 'em back for what they've done!"

She says with a new passion.

Miranda - "Sure kid, let's go."

As we walk off into the distance, I look at my stat sheet once more.


Species - Demon

Height - 17' 1"

Name - Vergil

Level: 40

Health - 310

Attack - 250(375)

Defense - 220

Sp. Atk - 305

Sp. Def - 275

Speed - 42

Ability - Pure Power

Moves - pound, ember, counter, shock wave, spark, shadow ball, shadow claw, confusion, brick break, foresight, thunder wave, agility, bulk up, psybeam, psychic, flamethrower, fire blast, sucker punch, bite, crunch, detect, aura sphere, thunderbolt, mega punch, blaze kick, hypnosis, dark pulse, ancient power, bulldoze, takedown, metal claw, fire punch, thunder punch, ice punch, ice fang, thunder fang, fire fang, poison fang, poison jab, venoshock, ice beam, ice shard, bullet punch, air slash, recover, water gun, wrap, poison sting, twin needle, fury attack, vine whip, iron tail, psyche up, taunt, teleport


I have decided to let you guy choose Miranda's fate. If you do not choose, I shall choose for you as I see fit.

Do you want me to:

A.) Allow Miranda to follow the new crew after they reach Celadon city


B.) Force Miranda to leave them once they reach Celadon city

Comment on which one you want and I shall count it as a vote. I will be giving you three days, after this, I shall tally the votes. Good day.