
Progress… and Tragedy

It's been a long 2 years since Diana had joined us. During these 2 years I had trained in my aura and psychic powers. Now I can read minds, talk using telepathy, and basically use the force with a combination of aura and psychic power. I have grown incredibly powerful throughout all of this, and so has Diana. Not to the extent of me, but still, pretty powerful. Hell she even evolved into pidgeotto! I haven't evolved as of yet. Do I even have an evolution? I hope so. This body isn't bad but I would much prefer to have something a bit smaller. Speaking of which, all of my eyes except the one on my chest has opened up. My gamer instincts are telling me that once this final eye is opened, I will finally evolve. Now to check my stats after today's training!


Species - Demon

Height - 15' 3"

Name - Vergil

Level: 39

Health - 295

Attack - 246(369)

Defense - 210

Sp. Atk - 300

Sp. Def - 265

Speed - 40

Ability - Pure Power

Moves - pound, ember, counter, shock wave, spark, shadow ball, shadow claw, confusion, brick break, foresight, thunder wave, agility, bulk up, psybeam, psychic, flamethrower, fire blast, sucker punch, bite, crunch, detect, aura sphere, thunderbolt, mega punch, blaze kick, hypnosis, dark pulse, ancient power, bulldoze, takedown, metal claw, fire punch, thunder punch, ice punch, ice fang, thunder fang, fire fang, poison fang, poison jab, venoshock, ice beam, ice shard, bullet punch, air slash, recover, water gun

Man, I love this system. Because of it, I knew I was capable of learning some priority moves and a speed raising move. Man I am slow as hell though, I hope that changes sometime soon. I've been stuck at level 39 for a hell of a long time now, and I can't seem to get past it, well whatever. I am brought out of my thoughts by Miranda poking my cheek.

Miranda - "C'mon kid, let's get goin' back before your mum blows a gasket."

Vergil - "Yes."

Speaking of which, I had to renovate the cave. I am hella huge now so I wasn't able to fit in the cave anymore. I just used a combination of bulldoze and brick break to make it bigger. It made a lot of noise and had attracted an entire swarm of beedrill. This is where I got into my first ACTUAL fight. It wasn't that hard really, just a super powered flamethrower and they all dropped like flies. Oh the irony behind that statement. Mom and my sister, to say the least, were very shocked to see them all go down so quickly. Speaking of (once again) Diana and I got very close. We were practically actual brother and sister now. Sometimes I pet her, but only in private. She doesn't like to show it to others, but she enjoys my pats very much. It's so cute when she gets embarrassed when Mom catches us. I am once again brought from my internal dialogue by the sound of flapping wings, and Diana lands on my shoulder.

Diana - "I still can't believe you managed to get this big…"

Vergil - "Well, I don't have a ravenous appetite for no reason."

That has only gotten 10 times worse ever since my drastic size change. I had once eaten on an entire flock of spearow once. Those poor guys didn't know what was coming to them. We got back and I turn to see that Miranda has left to go do whatever she's doing. That's kind of weird, since she loves to come home and tease mom. Hmmmm suspicious. I enter our cave that I outfitted. I walk in and call out.

Vergil - "Mother! We are home."

I don't hear a response. I don't even see her waiting for us, with her usual smile when we get home.

Vergil - "Hmmmm. She must be out getting some food for herself. Which reminds me, I should probably go out to get my own."

What? Did you think that after 2 whole years that she would STILL be getting my food for me? Yeah, Pokémon mature a lot faster than humans, thank God. So out I go.

Vergil - "Alright Diana, let's set out. You ready for another hunt today?"

Diana preens herself before looking up at my face.

Diana - "Yup!"

We head out of the cave again and start hunting. As I am in the middle of tracking down the prints of what looks like a stantler, Diana and I look into the distance to see an alarming amount of smoke rising.

Vergil - "Hmmm let's go investigate."

Diana - "I don't know, it seems a little suspicious."

Vergil - "I know, that's why I want to investigate."

I say as I walk towards the smoke at a leisurely pace. I know I shouldn't but my inner Horror Movie White Person won in this mental battle. We get closer and closer and as we do I hear fighting going on. I get close to an opening that looks strangely familiar. I walk into the clearing to see that Pokémon community I was at a long time ago. This time, however, it was burning. There were some dead Pokémon on the ground. That was none of my concern though, what was was my Mom was in trouble. (That's a lot of was) My Mom and Miranda were fighting together against what looked like a Gengar and a Houndoom. Behind these Pokémon were two men wearing the same getup. They were wearing a black cap, black pants. They wore white gloves and had white shoes, each with a stripe on them. But what caught my attention the most was their black shirts with a big red R on them.

Houndoom - "Just fucking give up already!"

Gengar - "I'm not normally the type to agree with hothead here, but you should probably give up. Don't worry, it's for your own good. Hehehehehehehe."

Houndoom - "What the fuck did you just call me?!"

Rocket Admin 1 - "Houndoom! Dark pulse on that Mismagius!"

Rocket Admin 2 - "Gengar! Sludge bomb on that Gardevoir!"

They say at the same time. The 2 Pokémon stop bickering and they launch their respective attacks. Mismagius is too slow to react to Houndoom and is hit by large, black beam of energy, and is launched into the forest. Beatrice, meanwhile, is too tired to block or dodge, and is directly hit with sludge bomb. Unfortunately this seems to poison her, as her face is turning a slight shade of purple. She collapses onto the ground and passes out. Uh oh, this is not good. I watch as the Team Rocket members walk to the downed Gardevoir. At this I put Diana off of my shoulder and start playing Subhuman - Dante's theme in DMC V, in my head.

Rocket Admin 1 - "So, what should we do with it? It looks like it could fetch a pretty penny. We should bring it back alive, see if someone'll buy."

Rocket Admin 2 - "No, it'll die soon. There's no point in trying to keep it alive. Though, it was pretty powerful. Maybe it's parts would be worth a lot."

Rocket Admin 1 - "Alright, let's kill it then. Houndoom, bite!"

I feel my psychic energy toil and churn within me. In an instant I disappear from my spot and grab the Houndoom around it's neck. It was about 5 foot tall. Pretty big for a houndoom, but not nearly as big as me. I slam it into the ground. After that I rip off one of it's horns and slit it's own throat with it. I have no mercy for those who attack ma.

Rocket Admin 1 - "Houndoom nooooooo!!!"

Rocket Admin 2 - "What the fuck is that thing?! Shit!! Get your other Pokémon out. This is gonna be a tough battle!"

As they were about to release their Pokémon I use my telekinesis to grab their pokeballs. I will have NONE of that shit.

Rocket Admin 2 - "Shit! Gengar, confuse ray!"

After that I suddenly see a bunch of nonsense. What the fuck? I am hit by intense nausea and because of this, I dropped the pokeballs. I hear what sounds like rapid footsteps and I randomly start swinging my arms. I feel that I have hit something. When I come to, I see the Team Rocket members are on the ground. As I am about to take their pokeballs again, it is too late. The first guy releases mightyena and a hitmonlee. The second guy releases a fearow and a ninjask. As they are released they take a look at me, then they look back to their masters for orders.

Rocket Admin 1/2 - "Go! 'Operation fuck-em-up!'"

The Pokémon nod their heads and the only Pokémon with a visible, pliable mouth, mightyena, gives me a grin.

Fearow/ninjask/hitmonlee/mightyena - "Right!"

After that ninjask goes to the back and is spamming what looks like agility and minimize. Fearow keeps flinging sand attacks at me. Mightyena keeps using leer. Meanwhile, hitmonlee is using bulk up. This situation does not look good. I use shock wave to get rid of that stupid fearow. It works, but unfortunately, everyone else is out of my range. By the time I'm done mightyena has used leer on me three times. It doesn't do anything to my psyche, but I do feel awfully exposed. Ninjask is now using swords dance. Uh oh, I know where this is going. I finish off fearow with a quick thunderbolt and shoot a flamethrower at ninjask. Unfortunately my aim is way off due to sand attack. I do have enough time to take mightyena out with a aura sphere. Luckily enough, this actually hits. I am too late to stop ninjask as he uses baton pass, and promptly faints. However, as they faint, I see hitmonlee gets a huge power up. It's muscles expand about an inch and in a near instant he's already in front of me, jumps, and sends a mega kick to my torso. I use brick break strengthened with my aura and demonic power. I stop his mega kick but at a hefty cost. I hear a loud crack and now my hand hurts like hell. It seems my hand has been broken. I have no time to register this as hitmonlee sends me flying with yet another kick. I land on the ground and turn my head to my Mom. As I lay down, while in pain, I see her breathing slowly and near death. At this sight I throw Vergil's emotional control training out of the window. I feel immense rage and a deep, burning hatred overtake my senses. As I stand up the eye on my chest finally opens and I am suddenly coated in a bright light. This is it. At last, my evolution. I feel myself grow some feet taller and the bones in my hand begin to mend. I can feel some extra appendages grow out from my back. Some tendrils begin to grow from and surround my entire body. I am now covered head to toe in armor made from the tendrils sealed shut tightly together. My evolution finishes and I let my instinct take the wheel. I use my new appendages as if I had them my entire life. Tentacles with pointed tips fill my view from both sides. Before the hitmonlee is able to react I grab it with my tentacles. I waste no time and crush it's still beating heart with paychic. It instantly goes limp as I consume it's corpse to regain lost energy. I finish the rest of the Pokémon off by impaling them them on my tendrils. I look to the humans responsible for this to see them with a bunch of others simply gaping at me, mouths open. I expend all of my psychic power and lift them all off of the ground. They begin to panic as I begin to crush them all into a dense ball of flesh. Their screams are quickly silenced as they are all killed, being turned into a small ball of blood. I consume it and feel some of my energy replenished. At this, the song ends. I regain my bearings and look towards mom.

Vergil - "Mother!"

I rush towards my mom as I prepare a pecha berry and sitrus berry from my inventory. I place them both up to my mom's mouth and force her to chew and wash it down with some water from a weak water gun. I check her breathing and her pulse. Nothing.

Vergil - "No. No no no no no no NOOO!!!"

I yell and scream at the top of my lungs. I know it won't bring her back, but I just had to let it out. Ever since I got to this new world I have never once shed a tear, as it is a sign of weakness. Now though, I think I'll let it slide.

To be continued…


Before you all start complaining about me killing off grandma, I had to. It is necessary to further the plot. It's an important part of plot, trust me.