
A Pokémon with Demon Blood [Dropped]

Don’t bother reading this garbage, tried rewriting it but gave up and I just don’t feel like it.

AzureFluteFan2 · Derivados de juegos
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19 Chs

Back on the Road Again

Hey guys, sorry for the late update. I did some research and realized that Vergil was REALLY fast, faster than a Rampardos. So I dumbed that the hell down. Like a lot. Go back and recheck his speed stat if you want. I also changed what Miranda feeds on in the previous chapter. I know his other stats are stupid high, but tbh he's supposed to be stupid broken. Anyways, enjoy.


We continued along until we reached Cerulean City. After which we promptly went around it. We traveled south along route 5 without incident. We trained along the way for 5 days as well, during which I didn't get a single level up. I have a feeling that it's going to be a while before I level up again.

Now we reached Saffron City. Other than a few Persian and Meowth trying to rob us Yakuza style, everything went smoothly. Now there is just to head to Celadon City.

We were traveling along route 8 when we heard something to our right. What we saw was a young man with brown hair wearing Team Rocket uniform.

Immediately, Diana and my muscles tensed. Miranda lacks in this so she just prepares a shadow ball. When the Team Rocket grunt sees this, they take out their pokeball. When they notice me, however, they immediately turn around and dart in the opposite direction.

Vergil - "Oh no you don't!"

I pull at them with my psychic power and Diana snatches their shoulders with her claws. Miranda uses confuse ray on him and knocks them out.

Diana - "It's one of them!"

She yells with burning hatred.

Miranda - "Let's see if they have anything on them."

Vergil - "Why? It's not like he has anything we can use."

Miranda - "Well, Team Rocket often have security cards with them. Their hideouts are locked down right with electric doors."

Vergil - "So? I could just smash through them."

Miranda - "Not as simple as that. Don't you think someone hasn't tried that yet? There's a reason humans have survived so long in a world with creatures as powerful as us."

Vergil - 'she has a point.'

So we began to search their pockets. Every nook and cranny was searched. We finally found it when we searched through his wallet. I took the card and looked towards their pokeballs.

They had nothing to do with this. I took them up and released the Pokémon within. What came out was a rattata and a nincada. One common Pokémon and one rare one.

Vergil - "Tell me, do you wish to stick with this human? Or would you like to go free?"

I gave them a choice of course. I won't force anyone to do anything unless otherwise necessary.

Rattata - "Are you kidding me? Why would I? That kid gave me more than anyone else ever has."

Nincada - "Speaking of which, what happened to him?!"

His Pokémon looked down upon his unconscious body and they took a defensive form in front of him.

Vergil - "Do you not know what Team Rocket does to Pokémon? Or do you perhaps not care?"

Rattata - "Of course we know! That's why we have to stick with him. Once they figure out he's useless, they'll kill him off. He was dealt a bad hand in life, from the stories he tells us, he had no choice but to join. Poor kid never killed or robbed a person in his life."

The rattata states while looking worriedly towards his trainer. After he sees that his trainer is still breathing, he gives a small sigh of relief.

Vergil - "How do you not know he's lying to gain sympathy from you?"

Of course I was skeptical, I was a human once too.

Rattata - "If you were there, you'd understand."

I do a quick search through his memories using my psychic ability and what the rattata says is correct. The kid was born an orphan in an orphanage secretly run by Team Rocket. They would steal the funds given by the government and give false promises of grandeur to the orphans once they're kicked out. Once people reach the legal age of 14 in this world, they are excommunicated from orphanages. A very smart way to gain recruits, but cruel all the same. Especially since once they join, they can't leave. The only way to leave is to get special permission from Giovanni, or die.

Vergil - "Very well, I shall spare the boy. I wish you luck in all that you do."

We turn and start to head towards Celadon City again.

Vergil - "This changes some plans."

Diana - "But, how did you know they were telling the truth? Why did you just let him go?"

Diana asks in disbelief.

Vergil - "I looked through his memories, and what the rattata said was truth. It seems we will have to be careful on who to hurt."

Miranda - "Well, that's just how the world works kiddo. Anyway, I'm starving, I'll be back, kekekekekekeke."

She cackles as she drifts off into the distance. I feel immense pity for whoever she decides to feed on. From what Miranda told me, Mismagius torment people with horrific hallucinations and their gems absorb their fear. Ghost types are normally like that, they either feed on life force, souls, or emotions of some kind. After listening to the harsh melody of Pokémon screams, Miranda returns.

Miranda - "Phew, I sure am full."

She says with her eyes closed, as if at harmony with the world.

Vergil - "Right, we should continue one then."

Diana and I always loose our appetite after we hear Miranda's feeding sessions. Poor things.

To be continued… maybe…