
A path to Godhood

A newly dead soul discovers that he has a chance at godhood

ironpriest · Fantasía
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22 Chs

Odarr returning to war

As I sat in the waiting room of the battlefield where soul warriors would fight until they died. I slowly reached for the gourd and took a deep drink from it and felt my body settle in on itself for the first time since I had discovered my name, I felt complete my muscles were working even better than normal and I was not sure why from what it looked like in the books I guess domains effect were a lot stronger than what they said in the books.

If so, I would have to watch myself because this feeling was quite addictive. I could see why War gods prayed and started wars to feed their addiction. I hope farming gave this same feeling because then I could balance it out.

As I looked around at all the males and females around me that were heading to the battlefield, I wonder how many would end up dying before they were able to get even get one kill and then launched back to the platform. I also wondered how many of them had been on a real battlefield before this. I sighed and scrubbed my face.

I felt a pull on my stomach and then I was standing in a fort as I looked around, I saw a level 7 a truly weak god, he was at the peak of level 7 but that was it I don't think he was ever going to break out of level 7 from what it looks like he met his limit.

"Welcome to the great plains battlefield where the highest rank is 7 and where you get one line before your shucked back to the launch pad with your collection of soul coins" the god speaks

Soul coins are things soul warriors and gods drop when they are killed on the battlefield which lower rank warriors can take and make themselves stronger, they could buy things that they could not make from people that could make these very things they wanted.

Smith gods could make stronger weapons than what we could currently make making a level 5 weapon per se that I was a level 0 could wield or tailors that could make higher grade clothes and so on so forth, I was genuinely curious if they were worth it or not and from what I was seeing from the higher grades it does not really look it the weapons look slightly stronger might be harder to break.

Maybe higher-grade weapons were needed to break higher grade armor, that would make sense but would not be able to test that until I got into a fight with a higher grade.

"to be clear I am not going to give any directions, and this will be as close to a free for as could be possible" the god yawns while informing us

I could not help but chuckle at this as I realized that if you were not able to fight at all then you were cannon fodder meant feed better soul warriors, so that's how soul land works only those that can fight are worth something, and those that can not are worthless in the eyes of the gods.

I wonder why soul warriors are being truly trained cant be just servants most likely there is a place where low-level gods and souls warriors hold a location in our main universe, I have already figured out why they allow gods to head to different primordial worlds it creates more people and allows those strong gods to gain territory and add it to the soul land because from what I can tell the soul land is many times bigger than earth most likely when every god on that planet belongs to the soul land the land of the conquered planet is then added to soul land.

So were sent out as young land conquers but at the same time, they don't want us around most likely because the less land we take in soul land they can give to a child of theirs while the soul land itself improves in some way when the planet is added to it, I wonder how though, because as far as I can tell its not energy but it does not make sense maybe I'm thinking about this wrong a conquered planet gets added to soul land can you immediately defend all that territory, no you cant most likely those near you get to take a bite out of the territory and you defend what you can.

"The battle will be starting soon and when it does the gate will open and you are allowed to leave at any time when that gate opens up" the god sits in a chair and leans back as if he was going to fall asleep

I slowly make my way to the gate and look at my Oni club and sigh as I realize I am going to do this make my back to the battlefield. I cannot help it as my blood slowly starts to boil, I can feel my heart start beating extremely hard.

I am going to do this, and I am going to do it happily, I know I was born for this but for some reason, I am strangely melancholic about this. I am not sure why though I mean it is not like I hate it I love it and I think it is because I was starting to get used to peace.

As I watched the gate open, I rushed out of the gate and took a turn sideways, to get a good place to watch over the battlefield.