
A path to Godhood

A newly dead soul discovers that he has a chance at godhood

ironpriest · Fantasy
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22 Chs

Orena future wife of Odarr

Odarr was thinking again occasionally, he would do this just sit there and think most likely talking to himself or planning. He told me that he wants his two domains to be war and farming. That surprised the hell out of me, but I could see it when we finally were allowed into a world, we could create our race of Oni where the males fought and planted and the women well, I do know one domain I want, the only reason I want it anyways is because of what I did not get in life. I want the motherhood domain I want many kids as many as Odarr is willing to give me.

The big dummy has not even noticed I claimed him yet. I do not expect him to notice for a while yet and he has claimed me as well he has not even realized it yet. Oni does not share alcohol, it's why I questioned him so hard before sharing my drink I knew I could not hack it alone; not truly I knew I needed a partner. Alcohol is only for their young or their partners there was no real marriage for Oni, but I could see marriage working out for us.

He is quite dependable he has already started up a plan to build his farm so he can make Oni alcohol, A nice floating island in the sky. Dumb Odarr does not get that what he is planning can be made into a small domain something we can take with us to the world we get sent to, that way we won't have to conquer the land by ourselves it will give us a major head start in the world we are sent to when we can pay for it.

Odarr did not even know there was a library in the main training ground for soul warriors until I showed him and it's not that he did not know it's that he wasn't informed and when I was away from him I asked some of the other soul warriors if they knew about it and that scared me for one in five soul warriors were told about it the rest were told about different things some I had found out on my own and some I did not know about.

It appears our spiritual guides are only paid a certain amount and so they say what that amount is worth. If we do not have to conquer any land with our small domain that he is planning we will have enough power to make at least 5 villages worth of Oni, a village containing 2 thousand souls if we put them in one spot are race will probably thrive.

I also found it hilarious that he found out his name when he heard mine because god names are a real thing its why the book of names in the celestial bureaucracy can keep themselves safe. So, I have been calling him Od to protect his name and he gave me the nickname Ore and it was through that nickname I ended up finding my second domain smithing. So, the women will make the weapons and care for the children at least until we get more Oni gods, or we give birth to them.

I think I am going to try and convince him that we should only get Oni soul warriors that way all the future Oni gods are of our specific bloodline. That way all Oni Gods are either married or of the blood. He is getting lost in his head again the only way for him to get the power he wants is to go and fight in the war fields or the arena but for some reason, he is staying away from them.

I walk up behind Od and hit him in the head "you know the only way to get the power to start your plans, why are you being so slow"

He sighs slowly keeping his head bowed from the hit "is it so bad that I don't wish to return to the battlefield so fast after I died on one"

That's right he told me how he died and why he was a soldier in the first place and that told me all I needed to know about my future husband, he was born for the battlefield and I think that scares him more than anything else "the battlefield is where you belong Odarr you are at your happiest on the battlefield and I will be here for you when you return"

I saw him sigh and then I saw it for the first time, my partner, seem to be waking up almost as if he had been half asleep as he slowly picked up his Oni war club a massive, spiked thing three-fourths his size. He was trying to make a gun, but I was informed it would not work at all to even get close to a gun you needed to be an industrial god.

I saw it for the first time as an Oni War God and I realized why Oni War God's are always targeted in the books I read. He looks like he could swing a few levels above himself even though he was still a level 0 soul warrior, he was giving off a presence that was closer to a level 3 nearly a level 4 soul warrior. I knew at that moment that I would never let any women try to claim Odarr from me if they wished to warm his bed they would do so when I was there or not at all

As he started moving to the launch pad to the battlefield, I realized something he was not carrying any Oni brew I stopped Odarr by singing at him "Od stop aren't you forgetting something"

He stopped and searched himself and then looked at me in confusion and I sighed at the dummy. He is still not used to carrying Alcohol on himself even though for Oni's it heals them. So, I threw a gourd at him watching as he catches before hitting himself with the palm of his hand mumbling something to himself, and got started moving again while tying it to his waist. He only just started studying the books on Oni

"ahem" I jumped and looked behind me and I saw my father a man who was a priest to my priestess and whose position I inherited "so when are you going to introduce us daughter and when are you coming home, I can tell from his horns he going to be stronger than you, so I have no complaints there"

I scowled and got ready to argue with him again I still cannot believe he found me so many years after his death and just like everything else I got from him he was also now an Oni but only able to reach level 6 a tiny Soul warrior

"When I am ready father when I am ready" he just laughed at me god he so annoying