
A Part of Me

"Grandma this can't be true," Luis said. "No matter how much you try, you can't change the truth." "This can never be a part of me," he barked and stormed out of the room. Believing that the thing in front of him had a connection with him in some way was impossible for Luis. He could not accept that he's a monster tamer. How does he handle the situation in his Academy?

Darylyf_Chibange · Fantasía
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6 Chs

A little gift

"Do you really think I'll accept that thing?" Luis asked staring at the winged lion in front of him.

"You have to. No one else can take care of it and it's been waiting for you since it's birth," Grandma said as she put Luis' breakfast in front of him. "Today you'll be leaving for your training at one of the monster tamer's academy. Make sure you've got all your important items ready."

"I told you I'm not going," he barked banging the table with his fist.

"We're no elongating this topic Lu, you will be going and you anger won't stop you," his grandma calmly said.

He knew this was the end of the conversation and there was no way he was avoiding this therefore he stood up without eating and went up to pack his clothes. The creature came after him but he slammed the door before it could enter.

"What kind of creature is that?" He asked himself throwing some clothes into his bag. After the clothes he threw some video games and a recording his dad left before his death though he hadn't listened to it yet.

"Luis, come down here it's time to go dear."

As he left the room he saw the little winged cub waiting at his doorstep and it followed as soon as he began to jog down the wooden stairs with his bag being pulled behind him. Luis went straight to the bus parked outside his house. Two men stood at the door and as he stepped out they asked him to carry his creature. After a few protests he finally carried it into the bus full of students. Each of them had a creature on their lap as they chatted and some patted their creatures. He took a sit in the middle of the bus. After him there was one more stop where a girl entered the bus and sat next to him since it was the only remaining seat.

"Cute little thing you got there," she pointed at his creature. "I'm Rosa," she stretched her hand.

"I'm Luis and thanks for complementing him," the cub slept on his lap peacefully, "Where's yours?"

"Oh," she looked at her bag and let out a jar, "Here."

As she opened the jar a monkey like creature with wings let it's way out of the jar and hugged her though she seemed a bit uncomfortable.

"Meet, Monk," Rosa said placing it back in the jar and immediately the expression on the creature's face changed.

"Don't you think it would be better you kept him out? He doesn't seem to like it." Luis took Monk from the jar and placed it on Rosa's lap.

"Well, he can be a bit violent."

"Mmm, the little thing seems harmless."

"Don't judge a book by it's cover Luis."

"Do you know anything about these creatures?"

"Well, a bit," she shrugged then continued, "Soul creatures are basically something everyone has. You simply choose to live and connect with it or let it disappear."

The bus halts in front of a large gate and an official enters with some rings that he asks all of them to put on before taking all the money from. Even though they tried to protest they were forced to do as the official had said. The iron gate then opened, unveiling with them a large area of green cut grass. As the field extended, children with their monster's began to get into view. Each one of them with a unique creature performing different skills.

Large buildings began to come into view and a man in the front stood up.

"Hello guys my name is Jack and welcome to Beast Tamer Academy. The little cute things on your laps are beasts from all around the world and only in rarity do you find two of the same kind. You must be able to connect with your beast, the moment that happens, you'll be able to see all his starts the moment you think of him. The distance depends with your bond. You will be able to fight large battles and emerge victorious."

The first building they came across was a huge white hall that was the assessment hall in which everything about them would be checked out after they are given a tour around the place. As they drove further, they began to see the classes and other buildings then lastly the dorms. They were two large buildings of the same six and shape, one for the girls and the other for the boys.

"So basically, this is the end of our tour. I know you can see more buildings ahead, that side is for the second year students and I advice you to keep away from them." Jack announced.

"What happens if you go there?" A student asks from the back of the bus.

"Anything," Jack shrugged of the topic, "So now we'll be heading back to the assessment room for your first checkout. Hope everyone's ready."

He was about to take his seat when another student lifted her hand from the back, "What's the reason for these rings?"

"Ohh, forgive me for not telling you. Basically these rings hold information about you and you soul creature as well as the money they took from you at the gate, You'll find it there soon after the assessment. All you have to do is click the little crystal on the ring. And for privacy reasons, only you can see the screen. Feel free to know each other."

The chattering in the bus immediately increased as the drove to the assessment hall. As the bus parked in front of the white building the talking lessened and people seemed to be tense. No one was sure of what would happen to them.

After seeing the kids training with their creatures upon their arrival, and also listening to the talks, Luis had gotten attracted to the small guy on his lap and he genlty stroke the back of it's neck. The students piled out of the bus and moved towards the building.