
A Part of Me

"Grandma this can't be true," Luis said. "No matter how much you try, you can't change the truth." "This can never be a part of me," he barked and stormed out of the room. Believing that the thing in front of him had a connection with him in some way was impossible for Luis. He could not accept that he's a monster tamer. How does he handle the situation in his Academy?

Darylyf_Chibange · Fantasy
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6 Chs

First Assessment

The room was equipped with all sorts of testing equipment that neither of the kids had come across before. A lady stood at the center of the room with a notepad in her hands. Her back hair was shoulder height and a cheery smile was spread across her face.

"Welcome kids. I'm Viola and I'll be taking you through this test. So to make this easier I want each one of you to go through these doors with you soul creature. The machine will scan both of you and record the data into you ring's system."

As the students went through the doors and back to their positions, Viola was preparing some machines nearby with the help of some men. Afterwards he asked The students to get into two groups, one with those who knew nothing about their soul creature and had never tried connecting with it and the other with those who already have experience. The students got divided into two halves.

"So for the newbies I'll simply give you an automatic ranking, which is one and for these guys, you'll have to go through a series of tests before I give yo a ranking. For those who wont be receiving the tests, you can look around. I'll be back to you in a jiffy."

The students scattered all over the admiring all the machines they could see. Luis found a chair and made himself comfortable without bothering to touch anything.

"So, what do we call you little guy?" He asked the cub wo simply yawned and relaxed on his lap. "Since you've got no name, I have one for you. Max. Do you like it?"

The little thing jumped of his lap then back again, which he assumed was a sign that he liked it. After waiting a little longer the experienced group returned with badges that had their ranks. Almost immediately the badges also appeared on the unexperienced ones.

"Now only two more processes left before you can go and familiarize yourself with the new surroundings. I'll be sending you a guide on how to train you soul creature. Unfortunately not everyone gets the guide since some of the creatures are not in our database therefore you'll have to train without one. For now just, look at your ring's crystal and pray it flashes."

Everyone else's rings flashed except for two. The first was for Luis and the other Rosa.

"For the last process I'll be pairing you guys. Usually I do the pairing but for this year you'll do it alone."

Everyone ran to the person they wanted to be pairs with. They decided according to ranking and also whether you had a guide or not. The fear of being with someone without a guide was that you never knew when they would actually be able to connect with their soul creatures and become useful. That left Rosa and Luis standing alone with the others already registering their names.

"So, that leaves the two of us," Rosa stood in front of Luis with a small smile.

Luis at the moment was thinking of his video games and had no idea what was happening until he was tapped on the shoulder. He was startled to see Rosa in front of her with a face as confused as his, except the reasons were different.

"It's the two of us now," Rosa said, "Everyone else has paired up and only you and I are left."

"I guess we'll get to know more about each other," Luis smiled and walked towards the registration points.

"Yep, and I really hope you reduce the amount of time you daydream. By the way, did you get the guide?"

"Nope. It seems I'll have to be going freestyle."

"Same with me. It seems people are up for a good time beating us."

"What does that mean?" Luis looked at her with eyes wide open.

"It means, now that we've been paired, it won't be easy fighting people with help training their creatures. And yes we're a team, train together and fight on the same side. We'll really need more time for practice."

"Oh great," Luis sighed, "Coming here was already bad luck now what do I call this? Having my butt kicked on a daily bases."


They get to the table to register their pair. Viola gave them a confused look then asked, "Did any one of you guys receive a guide?"

They looked at each other then replied, "No," in unison.

"I'm really sorry about that, it seems you creatures are new to the place. Good luck training them."

"What happens if we fail?" Rosa asked.

"You'll have to rely on you soul weapon classes," she gently smiled and signaled for the next pair, which was the last.

They were driven back to the dorms were they had to sleep in two's Everyone had run off with their partners and only Luis and another guy with a female partner remained. Their room number was thirteen and they met at the room's door.

"Hi. I'm Luke," they other guy let his hand out for a shake, "And we'll be sharing room thirteen."

"Nice to meet you Luke, I'm Luis. I thought only I had a female partner."

"Even I thought so too. I didn't want anyone else as partner besides my cousin. After all we've been training together since we were five."

"Your badge says it all," Luis chuckled.

"Let's see what room thirteen looks like."

They opened the door to the shock of their lives. Spider webs hung from the ceiling of the room with the beds upside down and everything else not in it's place.

"This is definitely not what I expected," Luis said in shock.

"I've learnt to expect the unexpected," Luke entered the room and ordered his soul creature to clean up the mess.

In a few minutes the room looked clean and sparkly, with everything in the perfect position.

"Looks like you guys gave your room a new touch," a voice boomed from the door after they had just settled in and relaxed on their beds.

"Actually, we found it in a bad state therefore we worked on it," Luke said.

"You two have been the most unique ones, everyone else had come complaining about their rooms being in bad shape. Good job and for this you can come to your new room," the man had a badge written Gen. Lee.

"If you don't mind sir, I'd prefer to stay back here, I'm not sure about Luke."

"This place seems comfortable enough. Thank you sir," Luke supported Luis.

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