A freshman in college isn't getting the experience that he truly wants and wishes to be like his friends and have girls all over him. Ryder King, an 18 year old college freshman who wishes to have females all over him and get that full college experience he wishes to have no matter the "cost".
I sat in Charlotte's office and sighed as I worked on a weeks worth of work that I missed out on. I sat back in my seat then noticed Charlotte stand up to walk to me.
"My beloved, the work is troubling you?" She asked.
"Yeah, I'm uh...I am kinda failing." I said. "I can easily catch up but the curriculum is vastly different from my old college."
Charlotte walked behind me and placed her hands on my shoulders. She rubbed my shoulders and watched me work. "It's finally nice to be back home...With you. We're alone..~ My office...~"
I blushed a bit as I tried to focus, but Charlotte was turning me on with her seductive touch and her seductive voice. "Yeah..."
She watched me get the answer right despite her trying to distract me. "Mmm..~ It seems like that mission helped you to multitask..~ I like that..~"
I shook my leg feeling myself becoming more aroused. I kept finishing my work despite her whispering sweet nothings to me. "Charlotte.."
Charlotte smiled at me and watched me complete my work until it was completely done. "Wow..~ You literally just guessed and got all of them right..~"
"Well I couldn't take my time on this with you deliberately trying to distract me." I sighed and sat back in my seat.
Charlotte chuckled and rubbed my head. She heard my phone ringing and watched me pick up the phone.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Hey, Ry!~ I was calling to see if you're free today." Abby asked.
I looked up at Charlotte then smiled. "Yeah I'm pretty much free today."
Charlotte rose an eyebrow.
"Great! Let's meet up at the coffee shop we first went to!~" Abby said excitedly.
"Alright." I smiled. "See you soon."
Charlotte watched me hang up then crossed her arms. "Come on. What a way to blue ball me."
I chuckled and stood up. "Kissing you when I walked in should've been enough to satisfy you for a while. I'm still not prepared for what the hell you have underneath. I need more practice honestly. I've only had sex three...four times maybe?"
"Yeah, but still! You looked me dead in the eye and told whoever that was that you weren't busy." Charlotte puffed her cheeks and huffed.
I looked at Charlotte then smiled. I pulled her toward me then kissed her lips. Charlotte blushed, kissing back. I broke the kiss then held her waist.
"You'll get your turn...just let me get my experience okay?~" I said, smiling at her.
Charlotte wrapped her arms around my nape then placed her forehead against mine. "I better get my turn..~"
I chuckled softly and let her go. She let me go as well. "I'll catch you later..~"
She nodded and went back to her desk. I went toward the elevator and got in, riding down to the first floor. I left HQ and got in my car then drove off to the coffee shop Abby and I first met at.
I parked my car on the curb with the other cars then got out. I walked along the sidewalk and noticed Abby waiting for me on the same bench she waited for me the first time we went out.
I walked toward her and tapped her shoulder. "Hey Abby~"
Abby looked up at me and smiled. "Hey Ryder!~" She got up and hugged me.
I hugged her back and let her go. "Ready?"
She nodded happily and held my hand. We began walking together and chatted with one another. We caught up with each other until the question came around about why I was gone for a week.
I softly grunted. I held her hand tighter and thought about the events of last week. My near death experiences and all. It was all real. "I can't really talk about it, but you are familiar with the Agents right?"
"Mhm! Wendy, Rhea, Alice, and Eliza!" Abby nodded.
"Are you familiar with other Agents outside of those four?" I asked.
"Not really. You see, us women who work in Paid Relationships belong to a certain branch. I belong to the Texas Branch so I don't know anyone else outside of Texas." Abby answered.
"Are you familiar with...the Top Agent, also known as The Ace?" I asked.
"A little. I briefly remember Miss Charlotte talking to us about them. She said the Top Agent is the strongest in the entire organization. I know of the missions they go on. Rescue Missions, Assassinations, they are literally Special Ops. The Top Agent is said to be a One Woman Army. Her role is just below Miss Charlotte, The Boss." Abby answered.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath then exhaled. "I am the Top Agent. I am The Ace."
Abby stopped walking then looked at me. I looked at her then a gentle breeze revealed the scar on my left eye. Her eyes widened, but instead of disbelief...it was joy and excitement.
"No way...No way! You're the one who saved Jazlynn..?!" Abby asked and held my arms.
I nodded. "I was the one who saved her with the other agents."
"And...you were the one who saved the Louisiana women. Wait, how did you even get that position? I know Miss Charlotte likes you a lot, but isn't it supposed to be impossible to get that position. And doesn't it require you to be a woman?" Abby asked, wanting to know all the details.
I placed my finger on her lip then smiled. "Abby..~ I can't tell you all of our secrets. Just know...I am working to keep you all safe and happy..~"
Abby blushed a lot and nodded. "I understand..~"
I held her hand once again and we continued to stroll down the plaza together, talking to each other about a different subject.
"So your left eye was caused by an accident going to Louisiana. Is all your vision from that eye gone?" Abby asked as she sat on a bench at an outlook.
I stood at the balcony of the outlook and rested my arm against the rails. "It's not all the way gone. I can still kinda see out of it...just not very well."
Abby looked up at me and smiled. She admired my new appearance. She stood up and trotted over to me. She tilted her head and moved my hair from my left eye. I turned my head to look at her. I opened my left eye for her and she noticed that it was void if its shine. My left eye was the color gray. I could still see Abby with my left eye, but it is more blurry than anything.
Abby caressed my cheek then gazed into my eyes. "I can tell you've been through a lot. You seem...more fluent. Your mind seems to always be clear. Your...true self is showing.."
I smiled at her and grabbed her hand. "Ahh...if only you knew..~"
Abby got closer. "Show me your true side then..~ We've been apart for so long...I've yearned for your attention.."
I leaned forward toward her ear and whispered in her ear. Abby closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. Her face was becoming a deep red from arousal.
"How about it..?~" I asked.
"Will you...be gentle..?" Abby asked and looked into my eyes.
"Maybe..~" I chuckled softly then interlocked our fingers together. "Come on, the day is still new~ I want to go to Six Flags with you."
"O-Okay, let's go to Six Flags!" Abby nodded and smiled.
I parked my car at Six Flags then we got out and she hurried to me and held my hand. I smiled at her and we both made our way to the entrance. I looked to my right and my eyes widened with shock.
"J-Jaiden?" I said.
Jaiden looked over at me and his eyes widened as well. His girlfriend looked at him then at me. "Ryder.."
Abby looked at me then looked at Jaiden. "THE JAIDEN COLE?! He's one of the hottest artists out right now! You're friends with him?!"
"It's...eh...uh...complicated." I said and rubbed the back of my head.
'We did hope to meet again in the future...but I didn't think it would be so soon.' I thought to myself.
"Yeah, me neither." Talenta said as she was a tiny demon on my shoulder.
I suddenly yelled, as Talenta scared the hell out of me. Everyone looked at me and I looked at everyone. "S-Sorry! Just a bee that landed on my shoulder!" I laughed then swiped Talenta away.
Talenta grunted and her tiny demon wings spread open then she flew to me and weakly punched my cheek. "Why'd you hit me?"
'Why are you here?! I thought I told you, not in public!' I thought to Talenta.
"I was bored! I can't be like Lustie and masturbate to porn 24/7. I have to do something!" Talenta pouted and puffed her cheeks.
'Go bother someone else!' I thought to Talenta, looking annoyed.
"Uh...Yo, Ryder! You good?" Jaiden asked.
Abby looked at me then at Jaiden. "A-Ahh yeah! It's just he hates bees and this one bee is just terrorizing him!"
"What?! I'm not terrorizing anyone!" Talenta said.
'They can't see or hear you, DOOFUS! You're making me look like a crackhead!' I thought to Talenta. 'Go bother Charlotte!'
"Hmph! I'll stick with you!" Talenta said then landed on my shoulder.
I sighed and looked at Jaiden. "The pest is finally gone. So how about...we turn this into a bit of a double date and a reunion."
Jaiden smiled at me then nodded. "I'm down for that."
The four of us walked together into the wonders of Six Flags. Abby practically dragged me to every ride she wanted to go on and Jaiden and his girlfriend, Dahlia, casually came along with us. Abby was really happy and I was glad she was. Jaiden and I really got to catch up with one another.
After our last ride, we decided to stop and grab a bite to eat. We sat at a courtyard together at a table.
"So how has the Agency been treating you?" Jaiden asked.
"Meh..." I said as I ate a fry. "I don't hate it at all, I love it actually...but it gets tiring and really forces me to be mentally prepared for everything. It definitely isn't an easy job but it's better than the old Best Buy job."
"I can tell. I decided to sign the record deal and now I'm a rising star. I plan on featuring on The Voice, Next Shining Star, and Musical Superstars. I get to meet famous artists like Rashaad Williams also known as Dead King, Phoenix Williams also known as Revival, and two of the greatest artists of all time Jessica Knight and her wife Jenna Knight." Jaiden explained.
"Whoa! You're meeting THE Jessica and Jenna?! The Shining Stars of America?!" Abby asked in awe.
"I don't mean to sound uncultured, but who are they?" I asked.
Abby gasped in disbelief. "Have you been under a rock this whole time?!"
"Gated Community." I said.
"Oh right." Abby blushed and looked down. "W-Well they are some of the greatest artists known in this generation. They have songs out that are still in the Top 10 Billboards!"
"Their most known song is called, Control." Jaiden said then took out his phone and typed in the song on Apple Music then set it on the table and played it.
I listened to the song and nodded my head to it. Jessica and Jenna made RnB and Hiphop music and the music production was immaculate.
"The one rapping is Jessica. Believe it or not, but before she even started rapping, she was a retired metal guitarist and used to work at a fast food restaurant. She had it pretty hard in life, but she turned it around." Jaiden said.
"Have you met them before all this?" I asked.
"Yeah because they are the ones who signed me." Jaiden said with a smile.
"You're so lucky, I've been wanting to see them in person for so long!" Abby said.
"Tickets are selling right now. Jessica, Jenna, Phoenix, and Rashaad will be the judges of The Voice which is next week, me and Rashaad are doing a collab on Next Shining Star a month from now, and I'm actually doing the opening act for Musical Superstars a week after Next Shining Star." Jaiden said.
"Tight schedule huh." I chuckled.
"Yeah unfortunately. It's tiring but hey this is what I love to do and I will do it with efficiency." Jaiden said then wrapped his arm around Dahlia.
I noticed Dahlia focusing her attention on my left eye. I quickly covered it and looked down. "Uhm it's a scar that I got from one of my missions."
Dahlia nodded. "It's pretty cool. Not everyday you meet an Agent just going about everyday life."
I shrugged and wrapped my arm around Abby's waist. "Living a double life is harder than one can expect. I have to blend in. Us Agency have no choice but to assimilate into any form of society."
"I can respect that. I'm pretty well informed about Paid Relationships. The Agents are the Special Forces. Assassins. Hitmen. Literal Super Soldiers. There's no need to restrain yourself. I used to work in Paid Relationships. Jaiden actually bought me out." Dahlia said.
"You did?" I asked Jaiden.
"She wanted out. I know about the women getting kidnapped and trafficked to the Black Market. I bought her at full price and promised to keep her out of their hands." Jaiden said.
I looked at Jaiden then smiled. "Just keep her safe...I don't want to have to kill you one day."
"Come on man. You know me. I wouldn't dare hit a woman especially not the love of my life." Jaiden chuckled.
I smiled and nodded. "How about we continue out double date?"
"Alright!~" Abby giggled.
"Yeah. Let's go!" Jaiden smiled.
After a few more hours of going on rides and walking around together, we finally left Six Flags to go to our cars. Jaiden and I really reconnected with one another and became brothers once again. I still missed Matt. If things were different, he would still be with us.
"This is the feeling I never wanted to feel. The feeling of knowing a good time must come to an end." Jaiden said and looked at me.
I looked at Jaiden and felt my heart aching. I didn't want the day to end so quickly, but deep inside I knew it was time to split up. "Yeah...It hurts to admit it, but at least we had fun.."
Jaiden nodded and held his hand out. "See you when I see you."
I nodded and shook his hand. "Definitely."
During our handshake we agreed to not keep communication just in case until we knew it was safe enough for him to fully come back into my life. Now that he's associated with Paid Relationships...he's soon to become a target for the Black Market. I had to keep my only brother safe from the hands of the Syndicates.
We split up then Abby and I headed to my car. I opened the door for her then closed it and got in from the driver's side.
"He's pretty cool in person..~ It's so cool you're friends with someone who's signed to the biggest record label on Earth right now." Abby smiled at me.
I smiled back at Abby. "Yeah..~ It was nice seeing him again after all this time."
I started my car then Abby touched my hand. I looked at her and noticed her blushing.
"I-If you want, you can...uh...come over by my apartment and like...we can watch a movie or something." Abby said with flustered cheeks and a bashful attitude.
I noticed her slightly closing her legs then I began to notice her lustful aura with my left eye.
"Huh, I didn't expect you to be able to see lustful energy. That reminds me, you are to be Shiro's successor. He probably blessed you with the ability to see emotion aura, one of them being lust aura." Talenta said.
'That would probably explain why I kept seeing this...pinkish purple aura around Charlotte.' I thought to myself.
"Sure, why not..~ I've been wanting to go there for some time now." I said then noticed Abby's lust energy began to grow stronger.
Abby blushed even more and she began to grow more bashful. "L-Let's go then..!" She squeaked.
I smiled at her then put my car in drive then drove off to Abby's apartment.
While I drove, I decided to let Abby play music and she was on Facetime with Penny. I decided to take this time to get answers from Talenta.
'So, I heard you mentioned Lustie. Who is she?'
"Hm?" Talenta said then sat up as she was on the backseat. "Lustie is one of my sisters. She's married to Shiro."
'If she's married to Shiro, who inhabits the Mask of Fornication?'
"Lustie's successor, Sultry. She's a very seductive demon, even more seductive than Lustie could ever be. Sultry is actually the strongest Love Demon of this generation. We aren't even supposed to exist technically as once he defeating a King in Esoria...we were no longer Love Demons, but our Devil Souls lived because we inhabited these masks." Talenta explained.
I stopped at a red light and turned the radio down a bit so Penny could hear Abby a bit better. Abby smiled at my consideration and continued to talk to Penny.
'The Mask Shiro held. Who inhabits that one?'
"It's his own personal masked called The Mask of Love. As you know or if you didn't know Shiro is a god. The God of Love. He rules over things like Love, Lust, Passion, Desire, and Sexuality. It was his Destiny." Talenta said then looked out the window.
'And I am to become the next God of Love?'
"No. You are to become the Hero of Destiny. Shiro protected Earth while he tried to find a way to close a Gate that leads to Esoria. The Gates are being opened again. I don't know when or how, but I believe the Syndicates are trying to get to Esoria and reawaken the Love Crests which will in turn...reawaken us outside of the Masks..." Talenta answered.
'If that happens?'
"Certain doom of Earth. Paid Relationships is the only way you can stop them. This is all I know of their plans so far. I get reports from the other Love Demons frequently. We belong to Charlotte. We can't physically do anything to stop them. That is why we need you. There is no rush though, the attacks seemed to have completely stopped after Barbara's death. They are regrouping and planning their next attack." Talenta said and her eyes shined.
"You should divide your time between your college, your sex life, and your training evenly. If you slack off too much, you won't make it to see the next day. Also, don't let everyone know you're The Ace. You'll never know who's listening in."
We finally made it to Abby's apartment and I parked my car. We got out and I stretched. I closed my door then walked forward. Abby hurried to me then held my hand, leading me to her apartment. She unlocked the door with her key then pulled me inside with her.
She closed the door and leaned her back against the door. "Ryder..~"
I turned around and looked at her then grunted softly. Her lust energy was through the roof. Literally. I knew she wanted me after what I said to her at the outlook, but I didn't realize it would make it this bad.
"I uh..." Abby started and began to avert her eyes each time she looked at me. "I want to...skip the movie and just...try it with you.."
I stared at Abby then a smile stretched on my face. I held my hand out. "Let do it them.."
Abby's heart skipped a few beats and she looked at me, feeling a seductive, yet passionate presence with me. She inched her way toward me then held my hand. She began to lead me to her bedroom.
We entered her bedroom then I led her to the bed. I sat her down gently and placed my hands on both sides of her.
"I-I just want you to know...that I am still...a virgin. Will it hurt..?" She asked.
"I might...but I promise you, it will be enjoyable after you get used to the feeling.." I reassured her then stroked her hair.
Abby gazed into my eyes. I gently laid her down then she got on the bed even more and I crawled on the bed, towering over her. I leaned down to kiss her lips. She kissed back then closed her eyes.
We entered a moment of deep passion as our kisses became more rough and desperate. I slipped my tongue in her mouth and our tongues swirled around one another. I soon broke the kiss and began to roughly kiss her neck. Abby made soft sounds of enjoyment and squirmed a bit as her hormones began to grow out of control.
I pulled away and rose her shirt. She helped me take off her shirt then I tossed it aside. I sat her up and unclasped her bra then tossed it behind me. I took off my shirt and tossed it aside. She looked at me with lust. She anticipated the moment I violate her body.
I kissed her collarbone then brought my kisses to her breasts and licked her erect nipples. I squeezed the other nipple with my other hand. She let out soft moans as I sucked and squeezed on her nipples. After stimulating her even more, I pulled away and unbuttoned her pants then began to slide them off with her panties. I placed the rest of her clothes on the floor and admired her naked body. I admired her cute curves, her slender figure, the girly aroma that pleased my nose.
I unbuckled my belt then unbuttoned my pants. Abby watched me and her breathing deepened at the thought of me getting ready to have my way with her. Once I took my pants and underwear off, I towered over Abby once again. I reached down and spread her legs. She watched my hands then felt me rub her wet vagina.
"Relax okay..?~ I'm not going to hurt you.." I whispered loud enough for her to hear.
She nodded and felt me rub her clit gently. She gripped the covers and closed her eyes. I grabbed a pillow and raised her hips then placed the pillow under her waist. I began to rub the tip of my penis along the slit of her pussy.
She watched me and gulped. She watched as I began to slowly insert my cock inside her. She grunted softly and winced a bit. Inch by inch I slowly kept pushing myself inside her. Once I finally got my full length inside, I heard her groan a bit. She panted and began sweating. Her face was completely red and she seemed drained before we even began.
"Are you okay?" I asked, checking on her.
She panted and had her eyes closed. She opened one eye and looked at me then nodded. She reached over and grabbed a remote then pressed the power button, turning on her star lamp and stars showed up on the ceiling.
"Let me...get comfortable..~" She said then began to adjust herself and I moved with her so she could be even more comfortable. She gave me a subtle nod. "Okay...I-I'm ready.."
I held her waist then gave one thrust and immediately a wave of pleasure took over Abby's body. She let out a moan and grabbed my left arm. I thrusted myself in her slowly and it already drove her crazy. She could barely hold back her moans.
As I kept giving her a few more gentle thrusts, I began to strengthen my thrusts. Her moans began to fill the room.
"Haah!~ F-Faster..!" She moaned and begged.
I began to thrust faster at her request. She began to squeak and pant heavily. She held her hands near her face, barely being able to control her actions. She gazed in my eyes, mesmerized by the moment. My sweet nothings drove her mind crazy to the point of blanking out.
I began to rub her clit quickly as I fucked her. She gripped her left breast and moaned loudly. She tossed her head to the side and panted loudly.
"Ryder!~ Ryder!~ I-I nnngh!!" Abby cried out and her body began to shake a bit.
Abby cried out as she bucked her hips. She raised her hips as she began to squirt and orgasm. She panted heavily and had her eyes closed tightly. She heard my dark lustful chuckle and looked into my eyes.
I moved my hair from my eyes and licked my lips. "I just love hearing your begs..~ They drive me so crazy..~"
Abby felt her heart racing, getting even more excited. She groaned loudly with pleasure as I thrusted my cock deeper inside her roughly.
"Tonight...you're mine to control..~" I whispered in her ear as I fucked her without mercy.
Abby wrapped her arms around my nape, becoming a moaning mess. She began to shed tears of absolute pleasure, her voice beginning to become desperate. "Yes sir!~ I'm your star!~"
I felt her dig her nails into my skin as she began to grow close to another orgasm. "You don't cum until I tell you..~"
Abby felt my dark love and grew obsessed. Her mind completely blanked out as she didn't want this moment to ever end. She began to force herself to hold in her climax at my request. I wrapped my arms around her hips and began to drill my cock inside her.
Abby screamed my name and whined loudly, wanting to cum. "I-I can't hold it!~ I can't! Nnngh! I wanna! I wanna!"
"Hold it..~ Hold it!~" I commanded as I let out lustful, animalistic grunts of pleasure. I felt her inner walls tighten along my cock.
Abby clawed my back, drooling and her eyes rolled backwards. She couldn't hold it back anymore and just erupted. She just kept repeating name as she had an explosive orgasm.
I pinned her down as I began to thrust harder and faster. "I'm getting close..!" I grunted.
"Yes!~ I want it! I want it!" Abby begged and panted with excitement.
I began to lose my rhythm and gave one last thrust and felt her hold on me become tighter as I came inside of her. It wasn't my intention to, but with her hold on me I couldn't pull out. She wanted the full experience...and she got it.
I pulled out of her slowly then collasped beside her. I panted and stared at the ceiling. Abby stared at the ceiling as well, panting.
"Wow..." Abby said in disbelief. "I understand how Penny feels now..~"
I looked at Abby and chuckled softly. "I...didn't expect myself to let loose like that..~ Sorry if I went a little overboard.."
"No...it was perfect. Perfect...I couldn't have asked for a better time.." Abby said and smiled at me.
I pulled her to me and held her in my arms.
"I hope my roommate doesn't...catch us like this." Abby giggled softly.
"Then let's get under the covers.." I said then grabbed a blanket and tossed it over the both of us.
Abby kissed my lips and I kissed back. She broke the kiss and cuddled against me, falling asleep nearly immediately. I noticed Talenta shapeshifting into a crow and landed on the headboard then closed her eyes.
"I'll warn you if anything happens." Talenta said.
'Thank you.'
"Goodnight." Talenta said.
I closed my eyes and fell asleep with Abby for the night.