
Chapter 5 Contractors

Young Takeo stared at this Girl Aris as she came close she looked at him like he was something to be owned she then looked at Takeo's father and said i don't know I'll give you half our price Takeo's father got mad and said What no way that was not our agreement Aris glared at him and said he's damaged so half or no deal Takeo's father looked at the man with the Dragon and walked over to talk it over with him as young Takeo looked at Aris he realised what his father was going to do .

Young Takeo: Taush

Taush: yes

Young Takeo: no matter what happens here please promise me you will protect my sister's

Taush: what....what do you mean

Young Takeo: Taush i have a feeling my father is going to sell me to this Girl Aris she came out of that portal so I don't know where that will lead but I want you to go and protect them until we meet again I promise I'll stay alive no matter what you promise me now

Taush: Takeo please don't make me i don't want to leave you if you leave you will be alone and so will I your my best friend

Young Takeo: Taush this is not the time for that we have to be strong right now for them so please promise me now or I will order you to do so

Taush: (crying so much it all became blurry) I promise to protect your Sister's you better come back home to us and don't die

Young Takeo: Ok now go back before they find you if you have a chance get them out of there to somewhere safe now go

Taush: Ok please be safe

And then everything faded away they were back in the tree Takeo had tears running down his face as he stared at Taush Takeo didn't even know how to feel about this but one thing is for sure he absolutely hated his Father no he can't even call him that he didn't even want to be associated with him if it comes to it Takeo new without a doubt he would have no problem killing this man Taush seemed to understand what Takeo was feeling and just nodded his head as to say he would help him no matter what happens Takeo looked at where M21 was as he turned to look he met M21's gaze he was starring at him

Takeo: ooh your awake??

M21: umm ya have been for a while now

Takeo: ooh ok....

M21: look I don't understand how this contractor stuff works but I just want to make sure you know that whatever your planning on doing here don't think of doing it on your own because you know that we are a team and that's why we need to find a Vocaloid so we can get a hold of Tao because I know he would feel the same way

Takeo: M21

M21: stop looking at me like that we are a team I'm going to follow you no matter what happens

Taush: Takeo you made some great Friends

Takeo: yes I did

Meanwhile Lilly and Sasha were setting in a nearby tree they watched the whole thing it made them unsure of them and started to wonder if this guy Takeo was really from this Dimension everything was getting weirder

Lilly: Sasha I think one of us should go back and let Anna know what we just saw

Sasha: hmm ya your right we are closer to Leo's house now after we eat I'll go back and you will bring them to Leo we should ask them about their friends

Lilly: Fine whatever

Sasha jumped down and yelled come down here we should eat before heading out Lilly jumped down and walked up to Sasha Takeo and M21 jumped down about then Sasha's Tiger walked out into the clearing with something in it's mouth looked like a small animal Sasha went and grabbed it and started cleaning it she then said Lilly make a small Fire Lilly said ok and started gathering wood as soon as Lilly got the fire going Sasha pulled out a pot to cook in as she sat it over the fire she then looked at Takeo and M21 and said tell me about your friends back home I'm interested to hear more about this Frankenstein you were telling us about

Takeo: ooh okay

M21: well Frankenstein is a great guy just don't piss him off he has a bad side nobody wants to see

Takeo: ya that's true he can be very terrifying when he is mad

Lilly: what do you mean by that?

Takeo: well it's his power that's terrifying and his personality i guess

M21: hmm ya his personality is quite scary too

Takeo: it's not just when he's mad he also is terrifying if you make a mess in his house or at the school

Sasha:Wwwhat is a School??

Takeo: well it's a place where kids in our Dimension gather to learn about everything they need to know before they become adults

M21: ya we work there to as security if something gets broken at the school Frankenstein gets very scary

Lilly: you guys make this Frankenstein guy sound like a monster he can't be that bad

Takeo: you have no idea

M21: he's not a monster he's a demon

Lilly: ......

Sasha: ......

Takeo: umm you look scared you really don't have to be as long as you don't make him mad he's quite nice most of the time

Sasha: well food is ready here eat 

Sasha handed out plates with food on it to each of them Sasha then said by the way I have to head back to the village I forgot that i have something to take care of Lilly will bring you the rest of the way it's not far now

Takeo: umm ok are you sure you will be ok by your self ?

Sasha: I'll be fine I'm not the one that has a Dragon after me

Takeo: True ....

M21: still you should be careful

Sasha: I'm flattered you guys seem like your worried about me look we barely know each other and don't forget i was the one who attacked you first and I won't be alone I'll have Blaze with me

M21: Blaze ?? Who's that??

Sasha: my contractor you met him before ( She petted Blaze the white tiger on his head)

M21: hmm .....

Takeo: ooh is that his name

Sasha: yes so no need to worry about me i will be fine

Takeo: Ok

Sasha: I'll be going now Lilly behave and make sure to be on your guard you never know when that Dragon will come back make sure you get them to Leo's house safe alright

Lilly: ya ya

Takeo and M21 looked at each other they didn't like leaving Sasha but what could they do she did have a point she's not weak and she has Blaze so they just went with it after they ate Sasha packed up her stuff and gave a nod as to say farewell and disappeared into the Forrest Takeo and M21 looked at Lilly as to see what she wanted to do now

Lilly: what why are you looking at me like that

M21: your the one leading us ??

Lilly: ooh yeah i guess i am now not that I'm happy about it well follow me I guess

They all started walking Lilly leading the way Takeo and M21 right behind her and Taush setting on Takeo's shoulder  they walked in silence for a while until Takeo broke it

Takeo: miss Lilly

Lilly: yes what do you want?

Takeo: I'm curious do you have a contractor like Sasha?

Lilly: ... Yes

Takeo: ooh is it a Tiger ?

Lilly: Tiger?? We call them Forrest Cats and no mine is a winged hound I call him Rean

M21: Winged hound ??? Is that a flying dog ??

Lilly: grr no it's not Rean is nothing like that

Takeo: ( Taush what is a winged hound?)

Taush: it's a big wolf like creature with wings that can disappear so it has several forms it can take on most creatures here have the ability to change forms

Takeo: (so you have several forms ??)

Taush: yes I'll show you sometime

Takeo: ( ok)

M21: I don't get it if it's a hound isn't that a dog ?

Lilly: grr just shut up you will see soon enough he should be here in a hour or so

Takeo: M21 please stop you don't like being called a Dog so this creature might be the same way

M21: ........

Lilly: .....( Why would someone call this guy a dog)

Takeo: I'm sorry if we upset you Miss Lilly or Rean please remember we are new to this Dimension and don't know much about it

Lilly: It's fine

Takeo: does your Sister Anna have a Winged Hound too ?

Lilly: no she has a Alkine Eagle

Takeo: Alkine Eagle is that like the Eagles in our Dimension?

Lilly: I don't know about your dimension so I have no idea

Taush: most likely not Alkine Eagles are giant birds they have Razer sharp claws and beaks and are very fast flyers they are quite smart as well

Takeo: (ooh ok)

M21: so can anyone who comes here get a contractor if they want to ?

Lilly: No the beast of our world don't make contracts to people from other lands or dimensions so if you were thinking you could get one it won't happen

M21: Not a problem i don't want one sounds to annoying

Lilly: grr .....

M21: how long have you had yours ?

Lilly: everyone in this world gets a contractor on their first Birthday it's just the way of our people

M21: do you get to choose what kind you get ?

Lilly: No it's a ceremony we go through the baby contractors are all gathered then our people who are a year old are brought to this place the children have to touch every single one of the baby contractors when we touch the one that is meant for us our crest will glow and the baby contractor will automatically get the crest it's a blood bond we share

Takeo: Crest ??

Lilly: It's a family mark we are given at birth each crest in a family is the same but each member is a tiny bit different

Takeo: where do you get these marks ?

Lilly: it differs for each person but mine is on my left thigh my sister's is on her right thigh you guys seem very interested in contractors Why is that ?

Takeo: No reason we are just curious about this Dimension it's so different from ours

Lilly: hmm ..... Whatever

Takeo: ( Taush do I have a Crest like she was talking about ? If so why don't I remember ever seeing one on me before? )

Taush: yes you have one it's on your left side of your chest and I'm not sure but maybe because you left this Dimension for so long the crest faded but it's back now I can sense it

Takeo: ( ooh okay he held his hand to his chest for a minute then let is slide back down he will have to check it out later )

M21: how much longer until we get to this Leo's house??

Lilly: not long now

They all just kept walking it was day but the Forrest made it seem dark they all were silent for a while Takeo looked to the side where he heard a sound he noticed something coming straight at them and fast too before he could say anything the beast was there in front of them it was a giant Wolf taller then they were it had shaggy reddish color hair with Dark brown eyes it did look like a Wolf but the feet had long sharp claws and looked more like Cat feet with no hair it's Tail also had no hair and was longer than expected with a arrow point at the tip it walked up to Lilly and rubbed it's head against her arm she patted him and said Rean your here good boy Rean looked at M21 and Takeo with a glare M21 looked at it and said ooh now I get what you mean Rean snarled at him M21 took a step back Takeo said so this must be Rean your nothing what I expected it's nice to meet you. Rean looked at Takeo with a confusing look he also looked at Taush for a bit then turned to Lilly well now that Rean is here shall we continue to Leo's house she turned and started walking again Takeo and M21 followed Rean ran up in front of everyone

Meanwhile back to Tao after Takeo and M21 went missing he told Frankenstein about it and said he would look into it Frankenstein said ok but be careful he didn't want to bother Seira or Regis they were with the kids at the moment Rael and Karis were taking care of some family leader stuff so Tao decided to go check this out himself he went to the Park where Takeo and M21 went missing he noticed the unknown girl setting exactly where she was before he looked around quietly to see if there was any signs of a fight but there wasn't he sighed and new he had to ask her

Tao: umm excuse me Miss

Unknown girl: ..... What??

Tao: umm you don't happen to know what happened to a couple of security Guards that we patrolling this area ?? They disappeared about this time last night

Unknown girl: hmm I did talk to them one was quite rude and they annoyed me

Tao: ooh I'm so sorry if they caused you any problems do you remember if they left ?

Unknown girl: well ya they left I made them leave because i don't like being bothered

Tao: .... Ha ha ha okay um do you know where you sent them ?

Unknown girl: ugh you know your a nice guy but all I want is to read my book in peace and quiet is that to much to ask if you want to know I'll tell you

Tao: umm ok please miss I need to find them

Unknown girl: fine fine I won't just tell you I'll show you exactly where they went

Tao: really ??

About then a light started glowing under Tao's feet before he could react he was falling he was in the sky he looked down and yelled WHAT THE HELL !!!!! He started to see trees he pulled out his powers shooting it out wrapping them around some trees he pulled tight and it stopped him from falling he landed perfectly on the Forrest floor pulling his powers back in he looked around he was in a Forrest is this where that girl sent Takeo and M21 ? Where the hell was he it don't look like anywhere he's ever seen about then Tao heard what sounded like a fight he jumped into the trees and moved a bit closer to see who it was he noticed two young people one was a girl she had long Dark Blue hair with dark blue eyes the other one was a boy he had scruffy light blue hair with Dark blue eyes they looked to be sparing with each other Tao thought it might be better to leave them alone then something caught his eye the two of them were using powers they both seemed to be using electricity kind of like his he was starring at them and then he just smiled and said I think I want to be friends with them and he jumped down a walked over to where they were smiling a big smile saying Hello I'm new here let's be friends