
The siege begins

Another three days passed, during which Two continued his studies of all the books they had collected. Eldrian instead continued to help with the secret project. Slowly, he had been able to offer his own advice and do basic tasks himself. As Two learned more, so did Eldrian. 

Unfortunately, most of the books were not collections of precise knowledge. But rather more discussions filled with random theories. Only some of which had been proven. Many things were also repeated often, causing the growth of knowledge to be slower than expected. 

"Are we sure about this?" Thesolis asked. They were about to finish it, but there was no going back if it failed at this point. 

Instead of an answer, warhorns sounded throughout the city. 

"We don't have a choice," Eldrian answered, they had been rushing for the past half an hour, ever since he observed the undead moving towards the city.