
Facing the undead (9) - A vile act

As he was pushing back the chains, Eldrian noticed a bubble approaching him. It felt similar to when Ziraili visited, but he could feel no good will from this visitor. In fact, he felt great danger. Not in the form of bloodlust, the closest example would be the danger one would feel from a stalker. 

'Wait, is that?' Eldrian couldn't believe what he was sensing. He was nearly confident that this was the lich. 'Is she insane? Sending her soul into mine before even disarming me? Well, don't mind if I do...'

Eldrian made no attempts to rebuild the barrier of his mind which the chains had torn down. In fact, he pulled them down even further. Stopping the self repair process and allowing the lich's soul into his own. Her soul was a large ball of gray filled substances with tortured souls and rune-array-chain like images throughout. Like a snow globe representing what one would think of when considering a lich's mind.