
Coming together to climb a mountain

Eldrian found it funny that it was such a normal thing, such a basic classification. It wasn't a small thing as each Tier up meant the amount of mana increases as does the way in which it is used. Becoming more and more complicated. 

Yet, if one wanted, one could use a Tier 1 skill or spell throughout. One just needed to know how to improve the skill or spell. It was in fact what happened with many spells and skills.

Follow-up skills/spells were available in the next Tier and most people Eldrian realized trained them from the start. He too had done so until now since the spells were indeed new spells. Yet, they needn't be. 

Now he realized that the smarter way was instead of learning the new spell/skill module and mana flow. To rather figure out a path to the same result. 'Though, I most likely won't have time for that even if it will be far better.'