
A formation, a line

"Let's go." Eldrian said to Sabrea, saying to Cephaphyr instead, 'Let's go. Slower. Slower, slower!'

After the third 'slower' their speed was comparable to Sabrea, who was now sprinting at her fastest to keep up. Seeing her struggle to keep up Eldrian wanted to tell Cephaphyr to slow some more, but they had already passed the 70-meter mark and the goblins were reacting, strangely...

Instead of charging crazily like before, they were all gathering up. Seeing this Eldrian got a bad feeling, which only worsened as he saw the goblins actually getting into a formation. 

Fuck, did they get a shaman or something? But why, why would the rabble get a shaman? Eldrian could not understand why a shaman would come out and waste his time with the weakest. Certainly, they did not care about these goblins.