
A new type of curse , happiness

A prince was born in Zindra Kingdom , all the people were happy with their prince's birth , but their happiness didn't last . On the day he was born , his father was leading the army to fight against evil witches . Although they won , the leader of the evil witches cursed the Verlice family before she died . No one knows what is the curse . The king didn't hear what she said as she was mumbling before her death , so he didn't take her seriously until .... He went back home to find that his wife , the Queen , has gone into labour . Excited to meet his first child , he stayed awake all night even though he just came back from war . Eventually the child was born by dawn and all were happy , that was until they saw a mark on his left chest , the place of the heart , that mark was a devil . All were shocked because that was the evil witches sign and from then on they were depressed . The curse didn't appear until he was 3 and then on he started feeling painful , but he locked himself in his room , not wanting anyone to know what's going on . Years passed and still no one knows what is the curse except the prince whose heart has been frozen from suffering alone and still needing to fulfill his duty as the crown prince . After a while of searching for a cure , his parents found out that his curse can only be broken once he falls in love . All the girls in the kingdom thought of it as a chance and tried getting close to the prince through banquets and balls , but all in vain . The prince couldn't fall in love until .... Meanwhile in Campbell mansion , a girl is being abused daily . Her father is Duke Campbell , but he has been treating her in a way that no one can tolerate . All of this is because her mother , the duke's beloved , died while giving birth to her and then her father's concubine took her mother's place as the wife and that was when the abusing started. That concubine hates her because she's the original wife's daughter while her father hates her because he thinks she killed her mother . The poor girl has been suffering everyday without knowing what she did wrong to deserve this . The girl has a halfsister who hates her because of her beauty . The girl never thought of seducing the prince and getting rid of this life until one day the King and Queen announced something that changed her life forever . The story is called " A new type of curse , happiness " because as all cursed bring disaster , this curse brought happiness to the frozen prince . ML: Aaron Verlice FL: Ophelia Campbelle Note : The cover is not mine .

Tula_Amjad_8362 · Fantasía
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9 Chs


When the two were still talking , they didn't know that a couple was very happy with what they were seeing .

" OMG ! Can you see that ? Our son is talking to a girl ! " Whisper yelled Queen Eve as to not attract unnecessary attention .

" Yeah , I can see that . Actually , that's very good for our decision , right ? " King Alexander asked smiling at the sight of the two in front of him while Queen Eve nodded to his question .

Then King Alexander clicked his glass and raised his voice to attract everyone's attention .

" First , I thank you all for coming to my son's 18th birthday banquet . Next , I actually have an announcement to make . " King Alexander then looked at his wife who gave a slight nod and then to his son who was curious about their announcement , " I , King Alexander Verlice , announce that every 2 weeks , a girl will be selected to stay in the palace in hopes of helping the prince . " Announced King Alexander and then was accompanied by startled gasps while Prince Aaron , who was already having a bad feeling , then sighed , feeling tired of his parents and their tricks .

" And Prince Aaron is to choose this girl . " Right then , Queen Eve joined her husband in making their son even more exhausted .


Everyone was waiting for their prince to show himself and choose a girl , but girls were specially excited about entering the palace and having a chance at being the next queen . While Prince Aaron is yet to show himself , he looked to his right to see the woman beside him completely relaxed .

" Why are you so relaxed ? Don't you want the prince to choose you ? " He asked clearing curious as what he saw from women all the years were hopes and excitement of being the next queen , but that still didn't hide his coldness .

" No . " She answered simply .

" Why ? " He still persisted in asking as his curiosity only grew .

" You know , yesterday , I heard the maids talking about the prince and the curse . They said that he was getting colder as time goes by , but I can see why he's being like this . He's lonely . According to what they said , he always locks himself away whenever the curse triggers . He became lonely because of suffering alone all this while even though there were people to comfort him and people for him to trust , he still chose to suffer alone and that's hard . So you can say that I hope he finds his happiness . " Explained Ophelia , still oblivious that she was talking to the prince .

Even though , Prince Aaron's heart was frozen , he couldn't help feeling that his heart melted a little . This woman understood him very well , but he started wondering why . Did she also go through a similar experience ?

" Prince Aaron , please come up , so all can see you . " Queen Eve called out to her son when she saw that he wasn't moving .

Just then , Prince Aaron started walking towards his parents , although he didn't want to .

" Wait ! Where are you going ?... Don't tell me - " Ophelia was so shocked that she started questioning whether it was a dream or reality .

" Yes . " He answered her simply and continued walking there with his cold expression while everyone's attention went to him .

His parents smiled upon seeing him and then Queen Eve encouraged him , " Son , choose a girl . "

All the girls there were so happy and were hoping that he chooses them , but reality is heartbreaking .

' Choose ? There're all annoying . Well , ... Why not choose Ophelia ? She doesn't seem as annoying as all the girls here , so I can at least have two weeks of peace and quiet . ' Decided Prince Aaron and then started walking towards Ophelia , who was still recovering from shock .

" Ophelia , I choose you . " Prince Aaron shocked Ophelia again that she thought her heart stopped beating for a moment , so she could only nod .

Silence . All were shocked again while Queen Eve grinned and whispered , " Seems like we found our daughter-in-law . " King Alexander nodded while smiling .

While on the other hand , her family didn't like where this was going , after all , she was the abandoned daughter of the Campbelle family . So ...

" Your highness , you can't ! " A voice rang out through the silent hall .

Don't misunderstand . Prince Aaron's heart is really frozen and he didn't take a liking to Ophelia . He just thought that she won't be annoying like the other ladies and judging from her attitude and everything about her , she's so innocent . That's all he thought about .

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