
A New Otis Milburn: A "What If" Story

A "What If" Story, what if Otis changed, with a little more courage and was more assertive. Let's see how a little courage changes your life for the better. The story begins in season 2 episode 5. The Original story is not mine, and belongs to its respective owners. This is a fanfic, let's have fun. Each Chapter has at least 4,000 words. Except side chapters

AbelWizard · TV
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Chapter 07: Truths and Questions

- Same Day, Trailer Deposit -


"Shit. I forgot my wallet." I change the direction of my walk back to Isaac's Trailer.

It's incredible how little we know each other and I already feel all that confidence in him. He supports me in everything and even though I don't like depending on anyone. I think... I think I can like to depend on him, he takes good care of me.

Our relationship started strangely, he was just an intriguing neighbor who was... who's a annoying one. I can't stop a loving smile from appearing on my face when I think about that particular guy.

What I feel for Isaac... I've never felt that way. I mean, taking Otis out of this equation.

Argh, Otis. I never knew what was going on in that boy's head. Sometimes I suspected he liked me. But he looked more like someone socially inadequate than someone in love. And he even pushed me to Jackson.

I only found out he liked me too when I confessed to him, did he kind of confess? But he didn't give me any concrete answer. I don't blame him, he was with Ola and all.

I really chose the worst time to do that.

So I'm definitely doing the right thing and moving forward. And... he also went ahead with Ruby this time. Of all people, why her?

I know all the boys find her attractive and everything. But I thought he was different.

Maybe I was wrong...

I prevent myself from sinking into the sea of unresolved emotions, better known as my heart, and focus on going home to the person who has made this burden of overcoming my first and strongest passion much, much easier.

I'm holding the trailer door. Ready to make a joke about not being that smart since I forgot my wallet. But what I just heard left me without words.

"Yes. I know. I'm just an abandoned bastard living in a trailer. And I'm competing against a spoiled asshole who has everything. He doesn't understand her, he cannot understand her. Not as I do."

Isaac? Who's he talking about?

"That fucking son of a bitch had everything he ever wanted, but she... I'm going to do everything I can to get a chance with her. I understand it like no one else does. And I'm not gonna let a bitch; spoiled be with somebody as amazing as Maeve. She deserves something better."

He... Is he talking about Otis? Well, it's not about Jackson. Because they never met, and I never talked about him.

So it's definitely Otis.

But I knew he had feelings for me. And I admit I have for him, too. I just didn't think he would get so down on himself and get so mad at Otis. I don't care about his condition, I like him the way he is.

Apparently, I need to talk to him about Otis. Even though we're not talking anymore, for some reason that I do not know. Still, Otis isn't a bad guy.

He just stopped talking to me, it's like we would become strange again.

I've been trying to talk to him and ask what happened but he always seems to be in a hurry to get away from me. But after I found out he was with Ruby, I just connected the dots and understood what happened. He chose her.

Ruby doesn't like me and that's not new to anyone. The motive? I don't know. But she always made sure I felt like a social outcast whenever she could. It's easy to imagine she's asking Otis to stop talking to me. There is no other reason for that.

But leaving Otis aside. I have a conversation I need to have with a jealous, depressed Isaac. I can't get my smile off my face when I think of Isaac, but I have to talk to him about Otis. Otis has his flaws, but he's not a bad guy.

On the one hand, and I also understand his side, he didn't get any positive comments about Otis from me. It's my fault.

Before I can make my presence known and open the trailer door. I hear Isaac's voice again.

"So, brother. What do you think her reaction will be when she learns of the things I've done? Ham? That I deleted the voice message from that Otis that she liked? If she heard what he had said, she would have run to him at the right time. I couldn't let that happen."


"And about her friend, Aimee. Always telling Maeve what to do, talk to Otis about that. Ask Otis that. A bad influence as a friend, if she were a true friend, would have seen and desired someone better for Maeve." (A.N: Now, the shit was thrown into the fan.)




I... I don't believe that...

How can he do that?

I trusted him...

Because all the people I trust do that to me...

He... he's been the reason I'm moving away from Aimee? I really thought she wasn't my friend.

Did he manipulate me all this time? Did he delete the message Otis sent me? What was in the message? What did Otis say to make me act the way Isaac say?

So... that's why Otis doesn't want to talk to me anymore, Otis was waiting for an answer. Maybe something in the message could make us friends again, but he thought I heard and didn't want anything with him. Or maybe...

More than friends...

I don't want to create hope...

One thing at a time, I need to solve this whole situation. First of all, how could I be so stupid? How did I not realize that obsession with me?

Now, in fact, I remember some attitudes and questions a little too personal.

'Who is he? Your boyfriend?'

'Where are you going? What time do you come back?'

'Aimee, she's not your friend, if she were, she would agree with you.'

'Only whoever's been through what we've been through, can understand each other!'

'Otis? The guy that's on the side of the person who's bullying you? He looks like a asshole. He never deserved you, Maeve.'

I can remember some examples, but I always imagined that he was only interested in me, not that he was that kind of person. I thought he was insecure, maybe a little jealous. But not like that.

Taking all my decision-making power? Taking away my choice? How can he do that?

How could he...

"Maeve? Are you going in?" A low voice calls me back and I avoid jumping out of fear.

"Ahh, it's you, Cynthia."


"Isaac!" A voice calls for the younger brother who is a little frightened because of the delicacy of the subject he is talking about with his older brother, and then, the older brothers get up and walk to the door.

To Isaac's relief. It was just about Cynthia, your neighbor. She was looking for some sugar, she always helps them, so there's no problem helping them too.

But after Cynthia leaves Traile, Maeve makes her appearance.

"Hey, Maeve. Did you forget something?" Isaac asks with a smile on his face, in his mind, nothing could be wrong. Maeve's expression was as neutral as possible, which seemed a little strange to Isaac, but he decided to ignore it.

"I? I forgot my wallet here." Maeve answers, but still without changing the expression or moving. That Maeve is causing more and more fear in Isaac, making the cold sweat.

Maeve? I don't normally get scared of your usual bitch, but I admit it's scaring me. ha ha ha." Isaac tries to relieve a little of the spirits in the hope that she at least says what he did wrong.

Finally, Maeve sits as he continues to face him. She finally breaks the silence. Speaking in a neutral, uniform tone.

"Joe, please. We for a moment alone, I need to have a conversation with Isaac."

Joe didn't need to listen a second time, he almost ran out of the Trailer to Isaac's Anger.

'What a great brother I have.' Isaac shakes his head angry with Joe's swift exit when he realizes the situation.

"What happened, Maeve?"

"Isaac, do you have something you want to tell me?" Maeve looks into Isaac's eyes while waiting for an answer from him.

Isaac opened his eyes to knowledge, and he scratched his head with shame.

Maeve seeing this, is surprised to think that he would admit so easily.

" Maeve, I... I know it's been pretty obvious lately. The clear connection between us exists and I admit I like you very much and..." Isaac does not finish his sentence, interrupted by a somewhat impatient Maeve but still keeping his expression impassive.

"Isaac. I know you like me, but that's not what I want to talk about." Maeve explains why he interrupted him, and Isaac is surprised, confused, and a bit disappointed by the lack of a response to his confession, he says.

"So, Maeve. What do you want to talk about, which is more important than my confession?" Isaac smiled a little trying not to show the boredom he felt. 'She's definitely complicated!' Contrary to his smile, Isaac's real thoughts are the complete opposite.

"I heard!" Maeve finally bites the bullet and says.

"Heard...heard what?" Isaac trembles with Maeve's tone. 'That's not good at all!'

"Isaac, I heard about what you did before summer started. I hope it's a mistake, and at least you admit it."

"I didn't do anything, Maeve. If you're speaking the way I spoke to that kind of Otis when he came to talk to you, then that wasn't a mistake." Isaac admits a little of what he did, hoping it's enough.

He already suspected what she was talking about...

"So picking up my phone and deleting his voice message wasn't a mistake, too?" Maeve shows anger for the first time that day.

Damn it! "Argh, Maeve. I don't expect you to understand. But I did that to protect you. He's not the right guy for you."

"Isn't he the right guy for me? Who gave you the right to decide that? Why do all the men in mine try to manipulate me whenever they can?" Maeve cries, with an expression of anger still present on her face.

" Maeve, I wasn't manipulating you. I..."

"You took me away from Aimee. My best friend, Isaac... My only friend." Maeve is standing as if she is about to attack Isaac, but soon she murmures and murmurs the last part.

A scared-eyed Isaac is staring at Maeve, he has no reaction, in fact, there is nothing to talk or do at the moment.

Maeve sits down again, crying a little while thinking about Otis and how she ignored him in the summer.

"When did that happen?"

"The night your mother was arrested. When you came back from that quiz."

"What did the message say?" Maeve asks very lowly, but Isaac can hear.

"I didn't say too much, just that he's proud of you and that he feels so much for what he did." Isaac breathes and goes on. "But I deleted it, Maeve. Because he..."

"Isaac, something that's not too much, would be enough to, in his words, "Make me shoot him"? Maeve looks into Isaac's eyes and observes his expression, she was always good at perceiving people's lies and even though she saw some truth in her words, something was still missing.

" Maeve, it's been months. I only remember that part. I don't remember very well, but if I do not remember, it must have been nothing important." Isaac shrinks his shoulders as if it weren't too much, and that's Maeve's limit.

"Nothing important? It may not be for you, Isaac, but it is for me." Maeve says, no patience for Isaac's manipulations.

"Look, I admit I liked you. You looked different, I believed it." Maeve stands up while he speaks.

"But you disappointed me, now I can't even look at your face anymore, your liar manipulator." Maeve rises and walks towards Isaac's exit to despair.

"MAEVE. Wait, please." Isaac manages to hold Maeve's hand, he goes on, saying. " Maeve, please remember. I was right about your mother. She was an incurable addict. That guy, Otis. He doesn't understand you, someone like him, would never understand someone like us. I just want to protect you, Maeve."

When Maeve stops walking, Isaac feels a great relief.

'If she listens to me, she will realize that what I did was the best for her.'

But what he gets is different from what he imagined.


Isaac falls to the ground with his hand holding his face, his expression in complete shock when he realizes what just happened.

"Keep away from me, you damn obsessed man," Maeve says with her fist closed in the position of who has just knocked someone.

What really happened, to Isaac's anger and sadness, Maeve leaves him. Right there, fallen; abandoned.

"MAEVE. Maev, I'm the only one who can understand you. Give me a second chance, please." Isaac shouts with all his strength, but he has made no progress.



I remained thoughtful all the way to high school. I thought about how I was acting, and about Otis's reactions to all this.

Now I understood why he was acting that way, why he looked hurt when he saw her in the early summer.

I couldn't even imagine they could stay together, I just... Only I can't accept him being with her.

And I couldn't accept that the first time I saw them.

The next day was the party at his house, to which I was not invited. I saw him with Ruby at the festival and I got so angry. As soon as he looked at me, I looked at him with contempt for being with... her.

And as I might not be, she whispered to me with every possible name. He called another woman with a name as despicable as "CockBiter". And even after I helped her with all the photo problems, she continued with it, to keep her "perfect image."

So, after all this, as my friend, how could he still want something with her?

I can't accept that, isn't it now that they're... dating? According to Otis, random. But nothing with Otis is casual. He always finds a way to get into people's hearts, he cares. He's different.

*Sigh* Actually, what can I do? Maybe, if I knew what he said... I need to know what was in that message, word by word.

But, stopping to think, that must be the worst luck in the world. There's never been a moment that's been right with Otis.

When I finally found the courage to declare myself, I saw Otis kissing Ola. Maybe if I had arrived a few moments earlier.

If I had heard that message on the right day... There's a lot of "and if" to think about.

And then the day passed.

I was thinking about Otis for 90% of the day like I was back at the beginning of the semester.

90% because I had to solve the problems with Aimee. I couldn't spend a day without my best friend.

There was a time when everything was about him, my friend, my companion, my partner... I wanted him to be, too, my boyfriend.

But as always, I'm late, nothing's simple with Otis, it's never been.

I finally noticed what was around me, and I realized it was already night. I was so lost in my thoughts that the day was over.

But tomorrow. I'll talk to him tomorrow.

I need to talk to him tomorrow.



Who in good conscience would choose Ruby Matthews instead of Maeve Wiley? Who could be so stupid? The right answer could only be...

Guess what?

Otis Milburn.

Well, that's what I'd think if Maeve hadn't just told me what he found out.

This whole situation is a very complicated mess of shit. It's always been like that between Maeve and Otis.

They liked each other, it was so obvious that it hurt. But however tough Maeve may seem, she is very pessimistic.

She never really fell into the reality that Otis was in love with her. It was only when he was with that girl... I forgot her name, that girl who is now dating that girl from the perverted aliens.

They've always been at different times and places. But now, maybe there's a chance. With Otis declaring himself... Well, we don't know the exact words yet and Maeve is the last person on earth that I want to light up hope in her and then erase and disappoint her again.

"Maybe there's a chance" If... Otis doesn't choose to stay with Ruby.

But back to the content of the message, to be honest. Of course, it is a declaration of love. Isaac is an idiot, a liar, and a manipulator. And according to his words, that Maeve heard in secret. The message contained something that would make her run back to Otis.

And how Isaac wanted to stay with Maeve, and he deleted the message out of fear of losing her. Damn loser. Continuing, it is obvious that it is a statement. One of the good ones.

I mean, it's not so good because it was on the phone, but that's not the case.

Talking about Isaac's shit. I realized that Maeve and I have been a little apart recently, but I never imagined it would be because of him.

When Maeve told me what happened and apologized crying, I couldn't avoid the rage I felt. And even though he was a wheelchair user, my desire was to knock his face with all the strength I could.

But Maeve calms me down a bit by telling me she's already done that. Take that, Isaac.

What about forgiving Maeve? There's nothing to forgive. She'll always be my best friend.


- Next Day, Moordale College - 




Ruby Matthews?

Of course, I'm not nervous. I'm just going to meet my boyfriend's mother, actually, I already know her... But i wasn't Otis' girlfriend yet.

Does Otis talk about me to her? Are they good things? What should she think of me?

My thoughts go further and further as I imagine endless possibilities of what could happen at that dinner.

"Rubes, a penny for your thoughts?" The blue-eyed boy who is lazily lying on my lap asks me.

We were sitting during the class break in a small, almost reserved space. This time, we're hiding, but not for the same reason as before. There's nothing more to be ashamed of, on the contrary, I love to show the whole school that Otis Milburn is my boyfriend.

I turn my gaze from the forest in front of me, and I look into Otis's eyes.

Sometimes,I keep thinking, how can a person have such hypnotic eyes? I always get lost in the blue in your eyes... And I always end up forgetting what I was thinking, and my problems just go away.

But now, he's the reason for my anxiety. So even looking at him now, I can only think of the problem.

"I... I'm thinking about dinner tonight." I'm telling you the truth about what I was thinking, my relationship with Otis wasn't always like that. So sincere and open, but he has that talent to get into people's hearts. And it makes it seem so easy.

"Are you still thinking about it? Hehehe, is Ruby Matthews nervous about meeting her mother-in-law? And speaking of that, you've already met my mother." I see a malicious smile emerging on Otis' face and filling me with the desire to kiss him, unfortunately, I can't let him know all these things that are going on in my mind.

God knows how arrogant he would be... I'm saying that, but I can't help smiling like a fool in love with him.

"Yes, Milburn. Of course, I'm nervous, the last time I saw your mother, I wasn't your girlfriend. And she'll still have her boyfriend and Ola and her girlfriend, that strange alien girl." I'm really bad at remembering people's names, what to say, why I should care?

Well, now that matters.

I want to make a good impression, I won't change my way. Just as Otis and I talked, we have to be ourselves.

But I'm not gonna be a bitch at dinner with his family... Even if they dress bad, chew loudly, or talk nonsense. They're Otis's family and I can't judge.

I'm also afraid of what Otis might think when he sees my family, my house... What's he gonna think? Will he be disappointed? To think I'm pathetic... Or worse, find my father pathetic?

"Ruby, Ruby... Calm down. We don't have to do something you don't want. If you don't feel ready for me to introduce you to my parents and you introduce me to yours, we can see another day. There's no problem." Otis puts his hand on my face, still remaining lying on my lap. Smiling.

And that's the attitude that makes me love that idiot. He's always so understandable, so calm. I don't want to do anything? It's okay. Do I feel uncomfortable with that? He stops.

He listens to me, the only person I felt really listening to was my father. And now Otis.

I look at his face and I see that stupid, stupid smile he always has on his face. This time, when I look into your blue eyes, I feel that my problems become merely inconveniences that we will solve together.

"There is no problem, Milburn. I've come without a car today. You like my boyfriend will take me home after dinner."

Yeah, I'm going to ride a bicycle. This is the second time Otis is taking me on his bike. That reminds me...

"This reminds me of our first date. That day we had to buy the contraceptive. The festival was still mounted and the attractions still working." Otis spoke out loud about what was going on in my head, it's little moments like this that show me that although we're very different, we are similar in some things.

"You remember, Ruby. I tried to take you home, but you didn't let me do that at all. You asked me to leave you on the street and you followed the other side afterward." Otis smiles and holds my hand, so he goes on." I hope you let me take you home this time."

"These are completely different situations, Otis. First, I don't like you yet. Second, you weren't my boyfriend. And thirdly, you looked like a Victorian war ghost." I say in a sarcastic tone and I see Otis smiling. Sometimes I wonder, is Otis a little... Masochist? You know, I was bad with him. And I know I'm very beautiful. But he said he likes my way... Well, it's something to investigate in the future.

I think a little and I remember something that he commented on a little.

"And speaking of that, Otis. I'm going to your house which is our first date. As a boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Ahh, yeah. That's true. So today we're going to have two dates in total, aren't we?"

"Yes, Otis. Of course." I can't help smiling helplessly at my new boyfriend's lack of common sense.

"Ruby, how did you feel the time we went to the festival? All right, it wasn't a date, but I admit it's where I started to realize you're more than you seemed. And, hahaha, I remember wanting to make that one date last as long as I could."

Again, similar thoughts in so many different people.

"I say the same, Otis. It was that day, too, that I began to see you with different eyes, and... I was also rooting for this date to last. I hadn't had that fun in a long time."

My thoughts run away for that day in question and I remember the important things that happened. The photo machine, the plush, the ice cream. Everything was so spontaneous and wonderful.

"I'm happy, Ruby. But now it's time to go to class. We can't miss the Spanish lesson." Otis stands up and stretches out his hand to help me. Always so gentlemanly...

"Why did I go date a nerd? He'd rather attend class than stay here with me." I say that, but I love that scholarly part of him.

"You know I'd miss all the classes if I could stay with you. But I still want to graduate to be able to work and pamper you." Otis says as he grabs my waist. I'm still getting used to that self-confident Otis, but I have to admit that I am loving it.

I put my hands on his neck and caress his throat gently.

"You always know what to say, don't you?" I look into your blue eyes once again and, as always, I get lost in your beauty.

If the eyes are the window of the soul, my OT has the most beautiful soul I've ever seen.

I can't stand anymore and kiss him before he can say anything else.

After a few minutes of kissing, we only stopped when we heard the noise of the interval end signal.

"I think we better go, Ruby." Otis smiles at me while holding my mother gently, I just can't help but notice...

Everything he does leaves my heart fast...

Every time I see him, a smile invades my face...

I can't stop talking about it to my father and mother...

I think maybe my father is right...

I love him.



We were finally at my house, eating my mother's wonderful dinner. Jakob, next to my mother, as Ruby said, looked like a beautiful old-age couple.

Lily and Ola sat next to each other but seemed more distant than ever.

And finally, me and Ruby, who was getting loose a little bit. He finally realized that there was nothing to fear. They'll love her. Except for Lily and maybe Ola, since they saw how Ruby was in high school.

But she's changing, not as vanity as she used to be.

"And your parents, Ruby? What do they work with?" My mom asks, and I feel Ruby roaring just on my side.

Damn it.

I look at Ruby and see her stiffen. I quickly put my hand on her thigh to calm her down a little bit and take it forward.

"Her mother is a nurse, she works in the nearby hospital. Jakob, the tree house, you already know when you're gonna finish?" I'm trying to change the subject and when I see Jakob's face lightening up with the opportunity to talk about something he like, I see I managed to change the subject successfully.

I feel Ruby relaxing and putting her hand on top of mine with strength. I look at her and smile, and I see her smiling back.

We turnng back to eating, listening to Jakob talk about the house on the tree, how it's going to look, and how he's having fun making it.

I also noticed my mother facing me a little bit, and I know I'll have to clarify that matter later. I've recently shared more things with my mother, but this story isn't mine to tell, she's gonna have to settle for it.


Who could it be?

"You can let me take care of it." I say and I get up in time to hear a 'thank you, dear' coming from my mother.

At eight o'clock, who the hell does a visit at that time. I hope it's an emergency.

I see by the magic eye and by seeing who it was. I quickly open the door.

"Good night, can I help you?" I ask the woman in front of me. She looks me in the eyes for a few seconds and makes an expression of fulfillment, before I can ask she says.

"Mr. Otis Milburn, I guess?"

"Yes, it's me. In what can I be helpful?" I ask, still confused about why of your presence.

"I am police officer Rose, and I would like to ask you a few questions concerning the case of Mr. Groff. If it doesn't bother." The cop says, but I see it's not a question.


Good afternoon people.

Your favorite author here. Posting the week's chapter on time. 

I tried hard to make this chapter well edited and well written, but if you see anything that could be changed, let me know.

And, if you can, please leave a review. 

Thanks for your love, Baldur's Gate has been a good game.

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