
Curiosity killed the cat


Baraqiel, who had been waiting for hours in the Yokai faction, had received a message that soon Shuri would come, he was too nervous, after all, he didn't know what to say

But what he did know was that he had to explain himself, he had to make her understand why he couldn't go and save her (E/N: Yukio doesn't like this)

('She'll understand ... She always does') Baraqiel told himself as he sighed.

Suddenly he could hear steps and the door opened, instantly he could not get any word out of his mouth, a woman enter the room, this woman had long hair loose, had a fringe adorned with a brooch whit a dragon form, her pale skin was being hidden by a nice white kimono with a tight red belt, her violet eyes flashed and made her look more beautiful than she was, even her pretty red lips were hypnotic

Baraqiel could recognize her ... This woman was* his wife Shuri, but the aura that emanated from her was surprisingly something different (E/N: you said it, WAS, you got NTR long ago dude)

It was as if this woman was Shuri, but at the same time not, if she was beautiful before, now she was absolutely a beauty in her fullness

Not knowing what to say, he stood up with trembling steps and tried to walk towards Shuri, of course he just try, because immediately he was stopped by a huge pressure that fell on him cutting his steps

Aogi: "I ask you to move away please" Baraqiel now noticed a man standing behind Shuri and felt confused

Baraqiel: "Shuri?"

Shuri nodded and sat in a nearby chair "It's nice to see you Baraqiel-san"

Baraqiel felt too uncomfortable with the situation

('Did she just talk to me formally?') He didn't understand anything that was happening; still, he sat down and looked at his wife trying to understand the situation

Baraqiel: "Where have you been all this time?" He asked

Shuri: "Uh? Well, I've been staying in a safe place for a while, is that all you wanted to know?" She tilted her head

Baraqiel: "... Where is Akeno? She didn't come with you?" He also wanted to see his daughter, but soon he was disappointed.

Shuri: "Uh ... That girl, she had some things to do and I can't get in touch with her, and even if I told her to come I do not know if she would come"

Baraqiel: "you don't' know if she would come? ..." He felt strange "Shuri ... I want to-"

He was going to continue but it was cut, Shuri raised her hand and shook her head " I'm sorry Baraqiel-san, but could you stop calling me that way ?, it's certainly quite uncomfortable"

Baraqiel: "Eh?" Baraqiel's eyes widened in shock and he did not know what to say "w-wait Shuri, what do you mean?"

Shuri: "Please, the way you are calling me is not appropriate and can bring misunderstandings, if you still want to talk to me change your way of calling me or I will have to withdraw" Shuri's attitude changed instantly

Shuri understood that Baraqiel was her ex-husband, it would be normal not to have problems with him to name her informally, but she felt very upset

It was as if a man who was not your husband tried to kiss you, something that made her feel very uncomfortable

Baraqiel nodded without understanding "Himejima-san ... I-"

Shuri: "Stop!" She stopped him again

Baraqiel gritted his teeth "What?"

Shuri: "... It's Doragon"

Baraqiel: "Doragon? What are you talking about?"

Shuri: "My last name ... It's Doragon now" She tried to say it quietly

But Baraqiel felt that this was bad ...( 'Is her last name Doragon now? ... Now? ")

Baraqiel: "Y-you ... We ...?"

Shuri nodded "I'm sorry Baraqiel-san, but I have to tell you that there is nothing between us, even though it sounds harsh from that moment on, our matrimony ended ... After all, didn't I die that day?"

She said it crudely and it was true ... If Yukio didn't arrive at that time, she would have died easily

Baraqiel: "Wait, but how can you say that? What about Akeno? What did she think about all this?!" Baraqiel quickly got up while feeling really confused

He pointed at her while spitting out those words

Shuri only let out a sigh "Akeno ... Actually I accept you as her father, but ... About our relationship, she was very much in agreement that it would end, I'm sorry but things can´t change"

Baraqiel got livid and leaned back in the chair; he came to retrieve his wife, he came to tell her that he wanted to go back with her and explain everything ... But now, without even letting him talk, he has been notified that his wife is no longer his

Better said now is his ex-wife and the worst thing is ... she got remarried

He felt very dazed and pointed to the man next to Shuri "Is he?"

Clearly he was asking if this guy was Shuri's new husband, but she shook her head

Shuri: "No ..."

Baraqiel gritted his teeth "Who is it? Who is that person?"

He felt his anger boiling and he felt like going crazy

What would he feel if he finds out that his ex-wife and daughter belong to the same man? Surely he would die of rage

Shuri calmly spoke "It's ... Agarus"


Bang! Bang!

Several objects fell to the ground heavily; Griselda who was holding some boxes in her hands could only sigh

Griselda: "Why am I doing this?" She felt confused

In her hands there was a box full of books about fairies, these books were delivered to Gabriel, But Gabriel told Griselda to take them to his current residence, the residence was close to the Yokai faction

Griselda felt bad, it's not that she didn't like Gabriel; it's just that her behavior was not compatible whit her

It was very annoying for her, to the point where she felt that having followed her, even having chosen her was a bad idea

Griselda: "... I'll be about to fall?" She even started to feel like she could fall at any time

Placing the boxes on the floor she crouched down and started picking up the fairy book, suddenly she notice a strange black book with strange words, the book looked like leather and it was dark with golden letters very nice, but it felt a dominant aura coming from it

[Literal Dragons] It was the title of the book with big golden letters

She felt very curious; this book shouldn't have come from the fairy's box

Griselda: "Maybe they put it by mistake ... What if I give it a view?"

Looking everywhere, she didn't feel anybody and opened the first page:

[In history there have been countless dragons, some were created by the same mana, others by the system of magic, Even many of them were created from nothing and their lives were very long, you could say that each lived seven or eight lives continuously, it has never been shown how much one can live or even what is the limit of their power ... But between them, seven superior dragons are known, they are the seven dragons that have made history in the universe and the most dangerous ...]

She read the first words and felt quite interested, but a sudden sound behind her made her get up in a hurry


Griselda: "Hiiik!" She got scared and looked back noticing a woman standing there

Yasaka: "What's wrong with you?" She said while smiling

Griselda hid the book behind her back and cough "Cough ... Oh no, nothing ... What brings you here?"

Yasaka looked carefully at Griselda and then smiled "Didn't you want to chat with me? come ... I want to show you something"

Both women spent a lot of time chatting with each other, their friendship was wide enough so Griselda nodded, but she hides the dark book in her clothes

She was too curious after all...

What she didn't know is that Yasaka notice her and turned around making a mocking smile ('Aaay ~ I wonder if Griselda-san knows that curiosity killed the cat hehe')

She laughed and started walking while Griselda followed her close behind.

(E/N: I want to thank everyone for your patience and support, I'm pretty much-done whit most of my projects, so, is up to Solate to write the next chapters fast enough xD.

Anyway, We are making a new original novel (I'm pretty much just giving ideas tough), it has Game Elements, some Sci-fi, and other stuff, it doesn't have a name yet but we have around 10 chapters, I think it would be released in the next few days, and I hope you can support us a little when the time comes, I´m sure you'll like it….. Keep being awesome, love you all <3)


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