
A Necromancer In Super Gene

What's the point in stealing the MCs opportunities when I can just steal the leftovers? --------------------------------------------- Fast Paced. Irregular Updates. I do not own anything in Super Gene, except for my only OC characters. I do not own the cover, if the owner of the cover want me to take it down then please contact me at 'sleepybot77@gmail.com'

Paralyzed_Bot · Cómic
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16 Chs


"ughh, where the hell am I?" I woke up in a strange place that wasn't my house.

"Did I collapse somewhere and somebody saved me? Or... was I kidnapped? But what benefits would someone get by kidnapping a dirt poor person like me?". I soon begun to think various reasons for me to be here, but none of them seem plausible.

Soon enough, I begun to check my surroundings hoping to find something that proofreads this place existence. This room was as small as an apartment that you can rent at 2500 RMB per month in China. The things that I managed to find out in that room was a passport size photo of a teenager and a book which was titled 'Beginners Guide', that book intrigued me a little but I didn't proceed to check it out because it wasn't my property

"who's this person anyway?" that person sure was something in beauty standards. At least he was better looking than an average guy like me. It hurts me to say the truth. But a lie can only be a substitute of truth and not the truth itself.

He had black hairs that turned dark purplish in the end and a pair of marble like eyes shining with red color with a tint of purple in the center. it wasn't a full body portrait so only his upper body part was shown. he had worn a tank top at that time so his chiseled muscles could be seen. But if he's this handsome then why he the owner of a house like this?

Soon after I was thinking that it's time to depart from here.

"Is anybody here? I said In a high volume hoping for an answer.

"No response huh? Well I better leave before the owner of this house shows up". I wanted to get out so I don't have to pay that teenager any money. It's not like I don't wanted to, it's just that I don't have any money to pay him. And It was also getting late for me to go to my part-time job.

Yes, I did a part-time job to pay for my expenses. And I can only earn enough to feed myself. My parents died when I was 7 so I had to grow up in an orphanage, and I left that orphanage at the age of 14 accordingly. So I'm doing part-time job from then on to pay for my study fees and living expenses.

Just when I was about to leave I saw the reflection of that teenager in a mirror I had found. I casted that mirror aside without checking myself because I don't really have a reason to see my face everyday.

"No Sir, I really wasn't trying to steal anything I swear!". I almost jumped back in shock while trying to defend myself and bowed in front of him. But I saw nothing upon lifting my head up.

"Sir? Are you here?". I repeated myself a few times but a counter response never came.

"What the hell was that? And more importantly, where did that person vanished into?

I even begun to think that this whole thing was a dream. But again, a dream can't be this detailed, right?

I get to the bed and picked up the mirror that I had left and saw that person's reflection on it again. But this time I didn't freak out.

"What the hell? Is this for real?" I saw that person's reflection on it. But strangely it was my own reflection?

"What happened to my body and how it changed this much? Or did I possessed this person's body? But possession... Nevermind that, how do I get out of this body though?

It seemed like my soul had changed bodies with this person.

"What connection does this boy had with me for us to change bodies? I don't even know his names. And why only my body changed, but not the clothes too. If u are giving me a body like this, then why not the clothes too?". I cursed whoever did this.

After some time of checking the things in his room, I found out his graduation degree in the desk.

XY University.

Name - Liu Cheng

Graduated at 2137-XX-XX


So, the only thing I was able to know was that his name was Liu Cheng, he was a 3rd year student who's just graduated last month.

"So basically, I'm 'him' now? And I just freaked out after seeing my own reflection?. Mann, just how bad can I get. And I remember seeing a book in his room, maybe it contains some information about this world? I don't think it's the same world as my previous one. Just my little intution. I can only know that after seeing that book though".

Beginners guide.

[This book contains the information necessary for a transmigrator.]

[You are currently residing on planet 'Roka' and in the city 'Safe Haven', taking place in the world of Super Gene.]

[Your soul has replaced Liu Cheng's soul and you can't change it now even if you want to.]

[I have given you some powers to survive in this universe. Although the power given to you is abnormal, it's upto you if you can use it to it's max potential.]

[To know more about your Power say 'Info' in your head.]

[The protagonist of this universe 'Han Sen' should be entering the first God's Sanctuary in half a month. You have 30 days to prepare yourself before entering the first God's Sanctuary yourself.]

[I will make sure that you won't have any problems in this 1 month gap including money to weapons. After that it all will depends on you.]

[All the relationship Liu Cheng had made with anyone till now will dissolve and no one will remember about his identity.]

[And lastly for who I am. I am what you would call a rob. I had reincarnated you for entertainment purposes. So you better do your work. Till then, good luck surviving, don't disappoint me.]


[30 days later]

It's almost been a month since I came to this world and tomorrow is the day when I will enter the first God's Sanctuary. Even in my previous life Supergene was popular so even I had read it twice. I already know most of the Intel in this world, even the existence of Super Gene that hasn't made public for now. In this past month I was able to make some good progress. Like learning basic martial arts. And also some sword skills. Idk why he lived in that shitty apartment but his bank account has some really good savings. So I really didn't needed to work, I don't know if this is what that rob means by saying I won't have a problem in this 1 month or is it something else. Also, I hope to be assigned to Steel Armour Shelter, but who knows what future had prepared for me. I had buyed myself a good sword and a pair of gloves with a nice grip. I seriously don't know what am I supposed to do now. I can't just lay low because that rob told me not to. And top of that I don't think I have the energy to become like Han Sen, I can just support him in the future to live a luxurious life myself. And my system... It really is a good one for someone like me. Well, I will just take it slow and steady.

Next morning...

"So, today's the day? Hmm, I wonder what kind of adventure awaits me." I said while getting ready to set off of to a public teleport station. In front of the teleporter, I stood nervously holding a sword in my hands. That place was bustling with people, some were entering the passenger train, while some were trying to form a group even there. Some of them were even middle aged men's but most of them were the youngsters like me, sparkling with youth.

"I might as well as get in already" I said while stepping passenger train. After waiting for 10 minutes, I found myself standing in an open area.

All I could see was herds of supernatural humans. Some of them were Armoured while some could be seen showing off their beast soul.

"So it really is random as where I would spwan? Well Han Sen managed to get away from Son of Heaven because of this .I should first get the information about in which shelter I have spawned ". I said while trying to know more information about that place.

"Well thank God I'm in the steel armour shelter. Should I have spawned in some other shelter, things wouldn't have been easier as they are here". I said furiously.

After idling around here and there for a moment, I asked someone for Han Sen.

"Hey brother. Do you know about ass freak? The one who stabbed Qin Xuan in her butt". I said the last part in a low voice.

"Huh? I don't think there's a person who don't know about our famous ass freak, he really did Qin Xuan dirty there". He also said the last part in a low voice.

Seems like everyone in this shelter is afraid of Qin Xuan and her status, well, why won't they? She's literally about to complete here sacred Gene points tally, and her status... Let's not talk about that.

"By the way brother, you seem like you have just came here, as a fellow human, I advise you to don't even go near that crazy madman. Who knows you also might end up as an outcast together with him". He said with a concern in his voice.

"Ahh, thanks you very much brother. I will keep that in mind. By then, If you would excuse me". I said in thankful a tone.

"Damn, so our protagonist is already famous? It seems I'm a bit late though. Well I don't think I can find Sen in this area. On top of that he's an outcast, I should meet him in the next event area. For now, I should focus on increasing my Geno points". I said and started travelling to the nearest hunting area. For beginners, of course...

Around 30 minutes later I found an ordinary green-scaled beast. It seemed like a civet cat, it was even smaller than my head in size. Without hesitation, I sneaked up on its back and swiftly cutted it's body in half.

"Huh? This easily? I guess ordinary creature aren't that powerf-". I said but a strange voice overlapped my voice.

"Ordinary green-scaled beast killed. No beast soul gained. Eat the flesh of the black beetle to gain zero to ten Geno points randomly."

"It really was an ordinary one... Nevermind should I try to use my ability now? Let's see how it works".

"Extract". I said while pointing my hand towards the dead body of that ordinary beast.

Suddenly, a black mist formed around the dead beast's body. Unable to see what happened to it's dead body, I stood there patiently.

"Devil Soul of green-scaled beast added in your deck. Devil soul count increased by 1.

"Info" I thought of this word in my mind. Soon enough, a transparent panel appeared in front of my eyes .It was written in a language that I was able to understand.


Devil Tier 1.

Profession - Friend of the dead.

Skills - Extract(lv.1), Summon(Ex)

Devil souls - ordinary green-scaled (1)

Devil Soul Capacity - (1/14)

Weekly quest - kill a total of 100 green-scaled beast.

Weekly Quest reward - Inventory(lv.1)


Your current abilities are dependent on your Devil Tier. After reaching your Tier 2, your status will change as a whole.

Your Devil Tier will increase by 1 after reaching the second God's Sanctuary and it will Increase as you go on to the next Sanctuaries.

Devil Tier 1 effecs - Any of your Devil Soul will have a minor increase in all of their stats.

Skill Information:

Extract (lv.1) - You have a 20% chance to extract the soul of any living thing which is dead for no longer than 24 hours and still have 50% of their body mass intact. To use this skill, You must at least be in a radius of 15m from the dead body.(Status dependent.)

Summon (ex) - you are able to summon your Devil Soul's in their original form.


"By these standards, I can't really say that I'm going to live a peaceful life. All these abilities sounds too powerful. Anyways, time to use my second skill, summon: ordinary green-scaled beast. I said.

Soon after that. A cat like beast appeared from nowhere in front of me. It wasn't attacking me at all and in the looks anyone could say that the dead beast and this creature was same but their was something different. It was it's eyes, instead of green, they were black coulered.

"Black coloured eyes? Hmm. Anyways what it can do? Can it attack other beasts? I'm sure it should be able to otherwise why is it even here? Nevermind that, how do I return it to my sea soul? Cancel summon?."

After saying the last sentence the summoned beast disappeared from there. After checking no one was there. I picked up that beast's body and stored it in one of my leg pockets. It wasn't much in size so I was able to fit it in there. And I didn't have utensils to cook it there and eat it.

After hunting for almost 6 hours with taking some rest in between, I was able to kill a total of 48 ordinary green-scaled beasts including my first kill. To much of my suprise, I wasn't even able to get one of their beast souls. Killing these beasts wasn't much of a hassle because they really weren't that powerful, you just have to dodge their sharp claws. Which wasn't a problem for me with the training I had gone through for the last month. My body's physique is still better than others.

After gathering all of their dead bodies, I began to collect their Devil Souls one by one. After trying (extract) on every single one of them I was only able get 12 Devil Soul's which was enough to almost fill my Devil Souls capacity, which was now (12/14).

Just when I was resting there for a minute, I saw a copper-toothed beast just next to me. After Attacking me with his full strength, I was almost flying. Landing near a tree, I coughed blood from my mouth.

"Kughh. What the hell is a copper toothed beast doing in this newbie area? Judging by it's strength, it seems like it's a primitive beast or is it even higher that that? Kughh". I said while coughing more blood from my mouth.

"Summon: all" I thought while trying to summon all of my my Devil Souls because I still don't have a beast soul to protect myself.

"You three, defend me from his next attack and the rest of you attack it from all angles". I said while thinking of what to do next.

But it seems my worries was in vain. All of those green-scaled beast was attacking that fatty rhino. There sharp claws was much more powerful than before and they were able to cut it's large body to some extent. Shortly after that, the primitive beast cried in pain attacking every single green-scaled beast it could see. Once those beasts died, they weren't respawning anyomore. But I didn't care about that at all for the moment.

In the end, only a single green-scaled beast remained there fighting the primitive beast. Not long after that, even the Last one disappeared after getting stabbed in the chest by the rhino's horn. After all of those green-scaled beasts disappeared, the rhino also collapsed and I got the strange notification again.

"Primitive-creature copper toothed beast killed. Beast soul of the copper toothed beast gained. Eat it's flesh to gain 1 to 10 primitive Geno points randomly.

"Dayumm, it seems it doesn't matter if I make the last attack or not, I will still get the beast soul even if my devil soul kills it. But to think that I almost got this injured by a primitive class beast... Seems like I have to become stronger quickly. But what happened to my summons? Did they actually die?". I murmured to myself.

I begun to check my Devil's Soul Capacity, but it was still (12/14), I tried to summon them but a strange voice appeared in my head.

"Ordinary green-scaled beasts Devil soul in on cool down after dying once. Time remaining until next use - 15 minutes".

"It seems there is a cooldown time after these things die" I said.

Like my previous times I extracted the copper beast Devil Soul and luckily I got it's Devil soul in the first try. After that I began to stuff the dead bodies of those green-scaled beasts in my leg pockets. In the end, I was only able to stuff 4 of them in my leg pockets, so I had to eat the remaining of them raw, it tasted so bad but I still eated it nonethless. I actually had some spices in my pocket that I had taken with me in case I got to kill a black turtle.

Somehow after eating four of them I was full so I wasn't able to eat anymore, it was truly a shame that I had to leave them there. Nor did I have storage to carry them or neither capacity in my stomach to even eat them. After eating four of those, I got 17 ordinary Geno points.

As for the primitive beast, I carried it on my back to the shelter. It was damn heavy and top of that I was still injured, but who would not pick up their kill?

After reaching the shelter and more specifically, the room that only I was able to enter. I rested there for almost an hour.

After setting up the stove I began to cook the four green-scaled beast bodies that I have bought with myself. I was still full so I thought to take a stroll outside. After roaming around here and there I heard a commotion was taking place in the plaza. I have nothing to do at that time so I got there to see what was happening.

"Heh, if it isn't the famous ass freak." A random person said to the person standing in the middle of the plaza.

To me, that person looked familiar for some reason. He had black hair with a pair of black eyes, he was carrying something golden on his back at that time, upon a closer look, it looked like the remains of a turtle. Before I got to inspect him more he quickly left from there and got in his room.

"Hmm, so today's the day he found the golden beetle? Well it seems like I'm not lagging behind. Currently Han Sen have only 79 ordinary and 7 sacred Geno points. Soon he will be going to the area of Swift Mantis and after that he should be fighting with Xue Longyan and will get his hands on Jade Skin. A Hyper Geno Art!" I thought while scratching my head.

"Should I steal his opportunity? I don't think I'm not the main character and most importantly I don't even know if I'm as talented as him. I will let him fight. Because in the end I'm just a side character." I murmured to myself.

I don't really know what I'm doing for real. just hoping the mc isn't that overpowered. and please suggest me to make it harem or not. and lastly.... sorry for the time skip. i don't really had anything in mind for that.

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