
A Necromancer In Super Gene

What's the point in stealing the MCs opportunities when I can just steal the leftovers? --------------------------------------------- Fast Paced. Irregular Updates. I do not own anything in Super Gene, except for my only OC characters. I do not own the cover, if the owner of the cover want me to take it down then please contact me at 'sleepybot77@gmail.com'

Paralyzed_Bot · Cómic
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16 Chs

Reflex Matters?

Just as the match started, I saw the spots before me being touched before I touched them, not lagging behind, I also gave it my all.

Sometimes Han Sen touched them first, or sometimes I was the one to do that, repeating it for a few minutes, the match ended and a scoreboard hologram appeared in front of my eyes.


"Not so bad for my second try..." I said while looking at the hologram, even I was somewhat shocked by the scores.

"Had fun playing, let's play again sometime later." I said to which Han Sen replied, "Later then, let's meet after passing the examination." And got on his seat.

Coming over where my seat was, I quickly opened my panel and claimed the special Quest reward.

Like before, there was an option to get it by tapping the button 'claim'.

After claiming it nothing happened, let alone major changes, I wasn't even able to notice any minor changes.

From my knowledge, the only thing I know that reflexes are like response speed, it varies on our consciousness and subconscious ness.

Like if a spot appeared in my field of view, I would first confirm it with my eyes, then the signal will go to my brain, and in the end, the brain will instruct my bodies to perform a counter response.

"So, Is it like that I will be able to dodge and respond better now?" I thought and got into the gym.

After exercising a bit, I returned to my seat. My routine was almost like this, Hand of God - Gym - Sleep.

After getting off from the Interstellar ship, I completed some procedures to attend the Blackhawk examination.

It was harder than I imagined, to control my strength, that is. I somehow managed to control some of my strength, but I still was standing out.

After completing some procedures, I enrolled myself smoothly in Blackhawk, because I was recommended, the minimum standards for getting in Blackhawk also became low for me, even though I didn't needed them.

"I shouldn't have asked Qin Xuan to recommend me if I knew that it was gonna happen." I thought and returned to my room that I have booked.

After calling Qin Xuan she casually said, "As per the deal we did before, I have taken care of the procedures for you to join the squad."

"Thank you so much, and no need to explain what this squad do, I heard it from Han Sen." I said and cutted off the call.

"At least my S-class Saint hall license is secured for now." I thought and slept on the bed.

The next day, I woke up and started to take a stroll outside, while walking I thought, "Now that I have some money, should I learn a Geno art like Ghost Haunt? But Sparticle is the best for me, with my reaction speed dodging any attack should be possible."

After giving it some thought, I decided to practice Sparticle, but for that I will have to get a S-class licence.

Just when I was walking in a certain direction, a thought came into my mind which made me teleport to the god's sanctuary.

"Fuck, how can I forget this?" I thought and started to travel into the direction of Dark Swamp.

In midst of this, I almost forgot that I'm in Glory shelter, and unlike Han Sen who can travel for 15 days straight with his JadeSkin, I'm just a normal human without any hyper Geno arts.

The next event will start in 5-6 months from now on, and I can't even stay for half a month in god's sanctuary if I'm in Blackhawk. So traveling for now was my best priority.

After finding a safe spot, I quickly wore my Primitive Black turtle armour and summoned my Purple-Winged Dragon Devil Soul, commanding it to go into a certain direction I thought, "If I take a break in the time gap of three days, I can still nake it in time before the session starts.

My daily routine in these twenty days was almost same, I traveled for three days straight without eating anything, on the fourth day I made a hole in a concrete place and hid myself in it while keeping one of my Devil Souls watch over me, doing nothing but this for a straight of twenty days.

After finding a unpopulated place I returned all my beast and Devil Souls. After that, I quickly teleported back from the steel armour shelter and returned to my small apartment.

In my journey, all I ate was nothing but mutant meat jerky, which was was quite enough for me to provide some nutritions, even though I wasn't hungry I still ate something and slept for the whole day.

The next day I woke up and quickly got off to Blackhawk.

"Once I got in Blackhawk, I doubt if I can even teleport to God's Sanctuary, the rules and regulations of this military school are hard to follow..." I thought and entered the dormitory.

Because I had passed as a normal student, I wasn't really obliged to do anything particular like archery or operating war machines.

"I really came even late then Han Sen." I muttered and opened the door of the room.

There, I saw three muscular young man, they all were arguing over something.

"Here you are, we were almost dead waiting for you?" Said Cao Yize with an annoyed expression.

"I... Some work came so I wasn't able to move. Anyways, it's nice to meet you." I said and offered a handshake, letting his annoyed attitude past.

I don't really wanted to create some bad blood between my roommates, so it was better to let it past, and it's also my fault for not coming early.

"I don't need it. Haoran, tell him the rules." Cao Yize said to a young man and himself started to play hand of God in his comlink.

"Hey brother, don't take his attitude seriously. He's not a bad person, he's always like that." Said the delicate looking young man.

After having a conversation with them and noticing his Cao Yize's attitude, I wasn't really able to tell if he was a good or bad person.

While I can tell that Li Haoran was really a sweet lad, he didn't argued much with any of us and always agreed to go with the flow.

And the last was Ye Mingze, he was a neutral one, he didn't talked much with anyone but his tone says otherwise.

All of us in our room 546 were un-evolved, before going to apply for the God of Hand community, I asked them if they were in Steel armour shelter, but as I expected none of them were from it.

"It's good if they aren't from Steel Armor Shelter. If they were, they would've been surely taken me for a pushover." I thought while looking at the ceiling.

"Even this room's good compared to my previous one." I muttered faintly.

To my surprise, Cao Yize had already assigned himself as the leader of our group, I wasn't against it because I don't wanted to be the leader for myself, it's a hassle.

Although the first three months were hard for someone like me who just started practicing archery without grasping the basics, I really was able to further improve all my skills including close-combat to swordsmanship. Unlike Han Sen, I wasn't a learning machine so I was a bit slow in learning something on the first time.

Three months later, I passed the comprehensive assessment and officially became a Blackhawk student, after learning that Cao Yize had also passed, I was almost surprised because I didn't taken him as a person who takes their works seriously.

"I can just choose some elective courses which are good enough for me, apart from the compulsory ones which I had to attend even if I don't want to." I thought of some courses which I wanted to attend.

"Hand of God is a must, while controlling war frames is also good, archery... I don't know what am I supposed to do. Well, I will just take it easy after all there's still three years left.

Going over where the cafeteria was, I ordered some dishes for myself. Just when I had finished eating my meal, I saw the holographic image of the cafeteria becoming a match of Hand of God.

"Ji Yanran's quite preety, Isn't she?" I thought while looking at the delicate woman.

"Although she isn't my type, even Yang Manli is good looking in terms of looks, but her attitude... Qin Xuan's herself a cutie. But I seriously can't approach any of them unless I'm a Demi-God." I thought and opened my comlink there.

In these past three months, my reflex had improved so much that It's like my response time had delayed so much, I can see the object and my brain will process their image, but my hands moved somewhat late. Even though I'm still faster than a person who has their sacred Geno points max.

My ID's was still the same as before which was A-lost-rookie. Starting a random versus match on the difficulty of an evolver, I got into the match. Looking at my opponent who was named God-7-Void, I made myself comfortable first.

Because I was playing on the difficulty of un-evolved, the only opponent came before me were either noobs or sometimes they weren't even able to point a single spot, but I didn't care less about that, my only aim was to improve my reaction speed as much as I can.

Suddenly, a spot appeared very far away from my hand, my eyes had seen the spot approximately 50 milliseconds later after it appeared, but my hand moved after 0.25 seconds later.

Tapping on the spot, another spot appeared near my palm, after seeing that the my opponent had zero points, I didn't tried to steal his spots but was just tapping those that came before me.

After the match ended, the result was almost unexpected. The outcome was 100:37, which was almost a new record for me, whenever I played in the un-evolved difficulty, people either lost before they even pressed a single point, or sometimes they lost after hitting a few spots.

Taking a screenshot of that page, I was just gonna start the next match but a notification appeared before me.

It was the friend request of God-7-Void. Accepting it, another request suddenly came on my screen, this time it was that of a private room by the very person that was on my friend request.

Accepting it I entered the room to see what he wanted to tell me.

[Have you passed your sacred Geno points?]

[Which shelter are you from?]

[How do you play so goddamn good even after being an un-evolved?]

[Are you an alternate of some famous player in Blackhawk?]

Upon entering the room, a sudden surge of messages came before me. He was almost talking like a certain witch who wanted to know all the information this world... No, universe had to offer.

[I'm just a person who hadn't maxed his mutant Geno points yet, and start another match before I leave, I have work to do.] I replied in a single bracket.

[It's impossible.] God-7-Void replied and started a versus mode between us.

This time, I was focused on stealing his spots along tapping mine.

This time, the result wasn't same as previous, not even close. Beating him with a score of 10:25 was the least I wanted to.

"My body had become more and more agile, but at what cost? I'm having a hard time controlling the movement of my body when I touch the limits."

[Well, later then. I have some things to do.] I said and got off from the room.

[No, wait, alt least tell me which shelter are you from..."] God-7-Void was stopped In his tracks upon seeing his opponent leave.

"To be honest, that person was also something. He was able to gather 21 points in the first match, I wonder who was it..." I thought and got into the library.

Reading was the first thing that I liked, because I had done nothing but reading in my past life, even at my part-time job I was always reading. But the genre had completely changed here, instead of fiction I'm reading martial arts technique.

Upon glancing at a book which seemed like it was somewhat old, I opened its first page. It was written in an ancient language which I wasn't able to understand a bit

"Ancient language is a must I guess. But is there even a course of ancient language? Well, I will just ask Han Sen about it." Closing that ancient book, I checked several others books.

I found nothing but basic martial arts in them, which I had already learnt before.

Upon several checking, I found nothing but a bunch of martial arts books that were basically useless to me now.

Exiting the library, I stumbled upon someone that I didn't recognised, was it a real person or just an NPC from my point of view?


2207 words.

Note - starting from June 12, I'm taking a break because I haven't done my Holiday Homework. And I don't want to get my ass beaten by my teachers... Uploading 15 chapters of 2000 words on 31 June. Till then, good bye.

I don't know if I will upload a new chapter today... Or not.