
A Necromancer In Super Gene

What's the point in stealing the MCs opportunities when I can just steal the leftovers? --------------------------------------------- Fast Paced. Irregular Updates. I do not own anything in Super Gene, except for my only OC characters. I do not own the cover, if the owner of the cover want me to take it down then please contact me at 'sleepybot77@gmail.com'

Paralyzed_Bot · Cómic
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16 Chs

Hunting in a group?

I have started to learn Sparticle a few days ago, although my progress in it isn't like Han Sen who just learns anything in his first try.

It taken me seven days to reach the beginner level of it, in the meantime I had done nothing but practicing it, not even eating the mutant meat I've in stock, that's because my mutant meat tally is full.

Liu Cheng: Not Evolved

Status: None

Life Span: 200 years

Required for evolution: 100 Geno points

Geno points gained: 100 Geno points, 100 primitive Geno points, 100 mutant Geno points, 39 sacred Geno points, 10 super points.

Beast Soul gained: mutant copper-toothed, sacred-blood rock worm(pet), mutant one-horned fox, ...

Type of beast soul of mutant rock worm: pet (transformed and evolved).

"Well, not everyone's luck is like a certain protagonist." Seeing this spectacle made me give a sigh, because this took me even a sacred-blood beast body.

After my mutant Geno points maxed, I almost fed all my remaining mutant meat and the full body of fox king except it's leg to the mutant rock worm.

Summoning the sacred blood rock worm, a beast who have saw in it's jaw appeared before me. Still making a noticable distance from it's jaw. "This is sick for sure." Then I recalled it once again.

I guess I've made the story drift from its original path, just a bit...

When I hunted the fox king, I knew it that it will get into that small hole so I have summoned my mutant Three-foot toad in it's exit so it can't escape, whenever the fox king tried to cut the toad's body, Bloody Slayer gave it a beating. So it wasn't able to escape in the end.

But because of what I did, Son of Heaven's gang wasn't able to find the fox king, but their goal wasn't to kill the fox king but to get the sacred-blood sledgehammer by torturing Gu Ming.

Although the story's in it's tracks, it depends on Han Sen if he's gonna save Gu ot not.

In these days of me being a student, I didn't participated in any of the events like starry cup and a few more, I don't really wanted attention as that would've resulted nothing more than a hassle.

Han Sen won the black and white fist competition alone, which is really mind blowing. Even I'm not able to conceal my muscle strength that much, let alone seeing though my opponent.

If I wanted to be famous, all I have to do is become a Demi-God as a sacred-blood aristocrat. But that's just the front, what I obviously wanted was to evolve as a super blood aristocrat or whatever it's named. Because that's the only way I can challenge the so called 'Gods' in the great Genoverse.

Evolving without maxing my super Geno points is like having a death wish, and I don't even know if I would've even been able to make my Geno armour even if I got donxuan sutra as a sacred blood aristocrat.

"Anyways, it's time to get a flying beast soul!" Filled with excitement, I began my march to the Devil Desert once again.

From my knowledge, Han Sen and Wang Mengmeng are gonna go to Devil Desert today to hunt some mutant creature, and there they'll meet Huangfu Pingqing with one of her guy, what was his name again?

So if I want to get my hands on those flying type beast Souls I have to kill some of them, and the sacred-blood Black-featered beast will not get away from me, I must get it's beast and Devil Soul.

Soon Enough, I begun to travel to the Devil Desert once again, this place still holds a variety of sacred-blood blood creatures so it's not my last time I'm gonna go here.

Summoning my Obsidian Dragon at a safe spot, I quickly ordered it to go deeper into sandy dunes.

"Man... I want a girlfriend!" I said aloud, even Han Sen met his fateful partner in Blackhawk, while here I'm, a single soul traveling here and there.

"You want what?" A voice suddenly came from behind me, turning my gaze, I saw two people. One of them was a woman riding a white bear and other was obviously the damned protagonist.

"Nothing.. what did you hear?" Slightly embarassed, I defended myself quickly.

"Nothing." Said Han Sen in a slight disgust in his voice.

"Yeah yeah, you can't understand my pain just because you got a girlfriend." I thought, envying him from the bottom of my heart.

"Anyway, why are you here?" Han Sen asked me with a neutral expression.

"Isn't it obvious? To hunt obviously." I said rolling my eyes, which made Han Sen surprised.

All people in this shelter only think of me as a young master who's no good without his Beast Souls, it's half true because no one has seen my fighting capabilities. Even when I fought dollar, I was still holding myself back... Or should I say I was holding Obsidian Dragon back?

Going deeper into the valley with them, I saw a group of people fighting with a herd of Black-feathered beasts, one of them was Huangfu Pingqing.

"Let's not go there for now." Han Sen said, alerted.

Even I had noticed some Black-feathered beasts eyeing us from above, they weren't attacking us because they don't know if we're are in the same group as the people they were fighting.

We three stopped in our tracks and saw the slaughter that was taking place in front of us. The weak was preyed upon by those Black-feathered beasts while the strong were preying on those flying monkeys.

"The real slaughter will begin now though." I thought looking at the only girl in the group.

I haven't fought any sacred-blood beast by myself, and even the clean-up is done by my Devil Souls, so it wasn't an exhilarating experience for me.

After the group taken care of the Black-feathered beasts, we three revealed ourselves.

Huangfu Pingqing was surprised to see a spokesperson of SKTS, while Han Sen and Wang Mengmeng were introducing themselves, I just stood there like a dead man.

"So, who's this person might be?" Huangfu Pingqing asked Han Sen while looking at me.

"I'm just an ordinary person." I answered cutting Han Sen in his tracks again, it became almost a habit for me to overlap Han Sen's words.

"An ordinary person? Hm." Huangfu Pingqing looked at me with a wondered expression before she took the smile on her back once again.

After that, Huangfu Pingqing with her so called trustful guy Wang Dongling choosed to follow us instead going to the steel armour shelter.

In our journey, Pingqing tried many probes to know about Han Sen as much as she can, but everytime she did her so called trustful guy Wang Dongling covered for Han Sen.

Seeing their conversation a word suddenly came to mouth and I subconsciously said, "He's a dumbf#$k."

All the other three turned their gaze to me and looked at me like I have some serious problems, after hearing my remark Wang Dongling instantly raged, "who the fu$k are you calling dumb? Bit#h"

"Their tongue always slips in times like these." I thought looking at his angered face.

"I apologise if I said something that hurts your ego. But I swear that my words aren't intended to you." I said in an apologizing tone and manner.

Everyone knew that what I said was obviously intended to Wang Dongling. But no one raised the topic once again because they also very well knew that he's really a dumbf#$k and there will be nothing to gain even if they protect him.

And they don't really have a proof that I insulted him and they obviously don't know my strength so it's probably best to stay undercover here.

Going deeper into the dunes, our temporary formed alliance saw some Black-feathered beasts hovering upon us, but we just didn't stopped there but continued to go deeper.

It was, until Han Sen face became grim. Seeing in the direction of the beasts I instantly said, "I don't have a good feeling about this."

"You are afraid of these beasts? Laughable." Wang Dongling found a chance to nitpick my previous behaviour and remarked his words.

I just rolled my eyes before I ordered my Obsidian Dragon to slow down.

Han Sen also noticed that something was wrong so he also began to move at a very slow speed.

Suddenly the sky darkened in just a matter of seconds, revealing the horde of Black-feathered beasts. There group alone outnumbered the previous horde which contained hundreds of Black-feathered beasts.

Among them many had wings like iron, which indicated they were mutant. Amongst the black-feathered beasts, there was a red one over nine feet long and its wingspan more than 60 feet roaring and snapping.

"We are good as good as dead." I said, acting horrified by the sight before me.